
迷失於澳門凱悅 Lost in Hyatt Regency Resort

Veranda cafe of Hyatt Regency Resort
不知離開了多少個年頭, 每次重回舊地, 都會待在這裏好一陣子, 今次也不例外, 只是若有所失!

澳門急速的發展令這間位於氹仔, 一向以擁有太白渡假村為特色的凱悅酒店也靜靜地起了變化. 名稱巳變成麗景灣酒店, 入面太白渡假村面積縮少了, 我想, 有四分一罷, 周邊被高樓及其他以招呼賭客為首的酒店包圍着, 要看藍天白雲只得往某個特定方向望過去.

酒店內部翻新了, 大堂變得昏暗、中國化, 自助早餐不再有"陽光", 食物變成不中不西; 錫紙包裝的沐浴露不再散發着"渡假式"的清幽, 如果離開泳池旁邊這段長廊, 踏出了太白的範圍...真的, 我所熟識的渡假酒店巳在退變, 漸漸地消失.

從大堂的酒店發展模型可見, 為着成就新加入的賭埸設施, 眼前的一切將會再進一步改變, 這段富有萄葡牙及少少Art Deco 設計風格的建築還能保留多久呢?位於泳池邊, 已停止運作的水中酒吧仍能佔據所緊餘的空間嗎? 最愛的芥茉黄, 湖水綠, 松綠, 紅鶴粉紅...簡樸天然的素材...仍能看見嗎? 要留住這 一切, 似乎不可能, 只願, 仍有"惜花者".

Pool side bar
5 years. 10 years....I can't remember when was my previous visit, but every time, it's for sure I will stay as long as I can in this lovely veranda, relaxing and enjoy the wind breeze...but this time, I am "lost".

Regency Macau was originally named as Hyatt Regency located in Taipa island of Macau, it was a resort built in Portuguese style with a touch of Art Deco, you can see all the familiar color combinations of Flamingo red, Turquoise, pine green, mustard yellow + white, of course...with those natural interior materials. But, the truth is, how long can these elements been reserved? 

The rapid growth of "casino culture" in Macau is intruding into this hotel. It has been renovated not long before and it's not difficult to be identified the changes of it's dark interior in lobby, the greenery at pool side area was reduced in almost 1/4, what you've got around are high rise and casino oriented hotels; if you want to enjoy a bit of blue sky, please, fix your view angle and ignore the surrounding.

The "fast food style" buffet cuisine, the replacement of bath kits in sachet,  paper lantern instead of sun light as your breakfast companion, etc...all reminds you the resort is no longer exist. The transformation is still in progress, there will be a new casino facility in this "Taipa resort", you can imagine what's up?!  Hopefully, some one will remember this  forgettable pool bar which deserved and worth to be here.