
3D Ready?

3D in rendering process
從針筆到電腦, 由AutoCad到Sketchup, 不知不覺又走進3D Rendering的世界,真的無可避免嗎?如果可以,我還是想逃避...但當你一踏入這個虛擬空間,又會被那種無限制的可塑性深深吸引着.

以往我們所熟識的3D軟件總離不開3dsmax, Autocad 3D, V-ray, Maya, Z Brush, Maxwell...等,有些以程式員作為開發對象,所以介面設計得異常複雜及沉悶;又或以集合所有對手軟件功能於一身為目的,結果落得粗製濫造收場,單單打開軟件已花了不少時間,更惶論真正運算時要用強勁的硬件組合去抵銷.另外有些其實是比較適用於動畫製作上的,硬要用於室內或產品設計,就變得大才小用,難以發輝軟件的強大效能了.

Sketchup的出現,令3D發展成由一般設計師及建築師亦可自行由概念演繹至立體空間,不用假手於人,設計流程變得更暢順,效果也更易掌握.3D Rendering 軟件亦百花齊放:Blender, Shaderlight, Twinlight, Lightwave, C4D, Kerkythea, Artlantis, Rhino.......等等,等等!問題是,現今的硬件及軟件雖然頗成熟,但在香港,人材仍然缺乏.何解?進深研習,不停測試,對光線及美感的掌握,對各種物料受光及反光特質的研究等...又是回到“時間”及“基礎訓練”這兩個問題上.


Starting from technical pen on paper, move on to computer Autocad in 2D; a bit further from 2D to Sketchup 3D, and now? ready for 3D rendering? As a designer instead of a 3D modeller, truly speaking I would not prefer to step into this field...this is what my original thinking was because it's a "technique" and very time consuming. But once you've step in, you will be addicted to it's power of "nothing is impossible".

3dsmax, Autocad 3D, V-ray, Maya, Z Brush, Maxwell...,etc. are some of the common use 3D softwares that we are familiar with; some were developed on a technician base and resulting in a non-human user interface, or some were aimed to gather all functions from their competitors to form a "super all-in-one" rendering software, guess what? you will have problem to open the software if your machine is not powerful enough, not even think about of their millions hidden tools. And some are actually built for animation, well, you can use it to render your interior, but it's a bit under-use instead of using a matching software due to the different tools design in purpose.

The birth of Sketchup leads designer /architect into a totally new design thinking pattern, we can work from our concept to 3D world easily, more accurate of space study, more foreseeable and controllable result = more complicated design to be created and save much time to liaise with a third party who can't 100% know what your final picture is. As a result, more and more companies are willing to develop some new 3D rendering software or even plug in. Blender, Shaderlight, Twinlight, Lightwave, C4D, Kerkythea, Artlantis, Rhino.......etc, etc. Today, there are numerous well developed software and supportive hardware that we can make use of, but the major issue is...we are lacking of "Mr. Right"!

If you make a search on Internet, you will find a great difference of quality levels in those 3D models created by what we've seen in Hong Kong and from other foreign countries. What actually happen is we can't /don't spend "time" to study deep into this field; art sense, lighting behavior, material behavior, camera adjustment......these are not important via a quick template like outcome, both in time and money affortable, as we think?!

Although it's a bit sad, I still hope that there will be a 3D modeller, or an architect, a designer somewhere in Hong Kong who aware of this situation and is willing to dedicate more to increase our 3D production standard by their great experience and enthusiasm.