
what a year !

neon sign in Kowloon City

year after year...day by day...
Kowloon City...
never change !




Gift card of Page One book shop
葉壹堂 - 這是我所認識的Page One. 
很喜歡它的中文名, 帶點古早味.

差不多所有設計人都是這裏的常客, 而自從它進駐香港之後, 書店文化及室内設計上也有很大的改變. 

年初時, 競成美術用品+書店(Keng Seng)結業; 我帶着沉重的心情逗留了幾小時, 帶回最後的幾本書回家. 想不到今個月, 剛從葉壹堂帶回來的兩本書 
The Fox and Star  及 The Paris Winter 仍未看畢, 卻原來是"告別之作".

又一城分店的設計書架, 是我的靈感泉源及工作伙伴. 而它的Fiction 書架 , 更是我的"避難所"; 毎當心情差或有大堆不能解決的問題時, 只要在此處逗留一會, 煩惱盡消.

兩年前, 好友送了一張書卷給我, 開始了看傳記及古典系列. 一直放在書店内心儀的Classic 書, 本打算在"餘生"遂本買下, 好好"享用", 只可惜等不到了!

或許你會説, 這間結業往另一間買便可以, 何需"哭喪"似的?  説真的, 我確實有"好友離世"的那種心情. 書店是心靈及精神上的另一個家, 這是網上書店或電子書不能替代的. 而毎一間書店所帶給我們的感覺及書種, 眼界, 思維空間, 回憶,也是獨特的. 

PageOne / Dymocks / Swindon / Keng Seng / Prologue /  商務印 / 中華/ 大衆/ 誠品/三聯.......其中的體驗, 各不相同.  一間好的書店,你會流漣忘返; 否則,只會被一些沒有生命的書籍重重圍繞及壓逼下,不得不奪門而出.

無論如何, 別了! 葉壹堂! 感謝您為我的生命添上無限精彩, 正如您的格言:

every book begins with PAGEONE !!! 


It's respectable

Color chart of blue daisy

A soft touch of dignity and memorable.

Tone:  Cold
Fashion: Autumn, calm and elegant
Packaging:  gift wrap, card, stationery
Retail: floral boutique, gift shop, daily living
Residential: living room


The Fox and The Star - by Coralie Bickford Smith

Book cover of The fox and the star
How pretty this book cover is !!! - the first impression when I found it in a book shop yesterday. It was wrapped up by a plastic bag, so I really don't know what's inside?! But the fabric cover, the drawing, the title...all attracted me so much that I really want it, so I grabbed it without second thought.

I will say it just like starting an adventure whenever you bought a new book, imagine how it will lead you to another mysterious virtual world.

Orange red stitch book binding
Aroma and touch of paper immediately bring me to the starry night of a forest. The orange red stitches inside is the color of this little fox, unfortunately I can't unveil all the amazing drawings of this book due to the copy right issue, trust me, they are so beautiful.

You can only find 3 colors here except the neutral white, black and grey, but it's more than enough to present the whole world of Mr. Fox.

Inner page of beautiful illustration
The story is a simple one, but with open ending for you to explore much more than you can imagine.

If you see this by chance, bring it back to your bed side, it's worth and you will absolutely love it !


Happy Halloween

digital graphic of Happy Halloween





零售租約愈縮愈短, 流動辦公室嘅工作模式, 住屋空間愈嚟愈細, 師傅人工愈加愈貴...... 等等,仲有各式各樣嘅原因都令我覺得係時候準備辭官歸故里。


其實早係十年前已經嘗試係Spoonflower設計布欵(因為成日揾唔到一D啱心水嘅布欵俾客人用),但係一方面當時佢哋 啱啱成立冇幾耐,支援好少; 而我哋又忙緊正職,所以只係隨意設計咗十幾欵就擺低, 估唔到呢粒種子到今時今日又可以重生。

十年人事幾翻新, Spoonflower 今時今日已經發展到好大,唔少平面/布藝設計師已經係常客,而我,就係一個初哥!雖然因為從事室內設計會對布料及製作軟件有一定認識, 但係今次當我認真對待嘅時候,就發覺要設計一D市場受落又唔太"行"嘅布藝,係當中大有學問……所以, 呢個就係我要重新投入同學習嘅一個教室。

雖然要投放嘅時間,資源同心機肯定唔少, 但係身為設計行業嘅人,唔多唔少都會有份勇氣去嘗試同發掘新可能性嘅心態;期望有一日可以擁有一個CocoaDesignLife 品牌嘅"可可布館",設計出一D較有個性嘅室內布藝。或許,呢個都係另一個職場上嘅延伸都未定?

短短半年嘅時間,令我對網上銷售有多D了解; 重新再強化自己嘅攝影技巧,平面設計,混合媒體及至Photoshop 嘅運用係必需嘅。所以話世界上永遠冇學得完嘅事物,亦唔可能會悶,只要你肯向前行出一步,奇妙旅程又再度展開!

banner graphic of Cocoa Design Life of Spoonflower shop



Fabric sample colorwayWhat do you think an interior designer got most? Money? Client? Software? Paper? ........ Material Samples !!!

Even thought we are now using images and photos to present sample board to our clients, but actual material still plays an important role because we need to feel the real texture + to see the true color.

So...what it comes to the end, we stock tons and tons of fabric, plastic laminate, tile and mosaic, metal, timber, glass, etc. 

Well, of course it can be simply throw to the rubbish bin afterward, but if you love Interior Design, you love them especially the high quality fabric in full colorway.
                                             A new cover to my manual ! 

Fabric jacket for a manuel(Yes, user manual is also one of my "stock item" because I love to read with the real paper touch) 

"A double face" pocket that can protect my almost dead manual, two pieces of fabric are just enough to sew one, simple and unique. 

Add a bit of detail inside 
to secure the booklet.

DIY manual fabric jacket

Voila! Reuse project done :) 
How about you? 
Got some ideas to reuse yours?