
可可設計榜 - Euphoria by Calvin Klein

Euphoria by Calvin Klein poster 

香水 - 很多人都認為是奢侈品, 你說得對;而每每就是因為這個原因,設計師總會花心思在其包裝上, 令消費者不單為了它獨特的香味而選購, 更為着其美艷的外表而甘願多付銀兩. Euphoria 便是其中一個好例子了.

葡萄酒色的香水配上原塊度身剪裁的不銹鋼"外衣",造工細緻精美, 十分華麗. 50ml 的瓶身放在女仕手心上, 大細剛好可以單手操作, 很方便. 雖然這是女性香水, 樽蓋卻保留着一點硬朗, 貫徹Calvin Klein 的形象, 領產品整體設計不會太過嬌媚.

造型,色彩, 物料運用, 全部影響着人們對製成品的觀感, 直接帶動及刺激消費意慾;我想...Euphoria 已經造到了.


What left behind?

Abandon building in Shek Kip Mei
If you see my drawing on this photo, you may think I am going to talk about architecture, lost of culture & memories...yes! this is the original preference. But when I finally decided to post this photo, I am in a situation of whether to continue blogging or not?

This morning, the last week in October 2010, I am struggling whether this should be the last post and therefore I can complete my whole one year of blogging life perfectly...and then, after this post, what left behind?
I keep on asking myself, "coffeebreak by protoworkannie" will be vanished, lost in this internet world which only takes a few seconds via a years' time, but in reality, this is nothing compare with others. How about to myself, what left behind? 

A memory of sharing? A moment of joy?  A time to take a break? A chance to make friends? A channel to learn from others? A page to draw? ......A valuable experience in my life !

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all followers & readers, reading this post in purpose or just by chance. Especially thanks to:

Wasaweb - he brings this blog alive, I can always enjoy good photos from his posts.
Patrice - her always support and brings sunshine to me, especially when I am depress.
Margg. - a little bird who whistle every morning so I can fly in my dream.

I have to take my break now, if one day...may be one morning, I start to write again, I wish you are still here. May God bless you all :)


Paradise Visa

Balcony seating in Phuket hotel
I have this photo "sitting" in my file for a long long time, I always think it has already been posted, but whenever I checked my record, it was not.

May be I am having too many posts for telling people to take a break, eventually this scenery was etched onto my mind.

It's always enjoyable for us to prepare our vacation, especially after a hard working period. Starting from choosing a destiny, looking for companion, applying the annual leave, planning the itinerary......finally start packing... ; all make us so exciting but sometimes exhausting, too. 

I was busy in last month and still have to be ready on call in October for my site work, so I can't get a vacation any how, but I did travel to "paradise" with my "boundless visa". 

I went to a cafe at late dinner time, finished the tasteless dishes as expected; but when I was having my cup of coffee, looking window outside by my tire eyes and non-reacting body, I felt I was in paradise - a piece of glass separating the world outside, I left my work, my phone call...just behind this glass, right outside..."I am relaxing here, a corner in the last 15 minutes before it closed."

Some days later, I was walking on a street with my "dead shell", it was a place for local people who could only afford their basic living there, rarely enjoy a vacation - what we normally interpreted to be out of town. But I felt peaceful, just so relaxing to walk around, people living in reality, no crazing shopping, no high tea, no net-book, no i-phone...all back to basic - at that moment, I felt I was in paradise again.

See, I travel twice ! Simple and un-predictable. I am now having my "boundless visa" in my pocket at anytime, I hope you will get one too, it's free...enjoy :)



Japan version pucca
又有"新種發見"?每次行入便利店, 很容易便被pucca 魚仔餅吸引, 因為它的包裝盒永遠是那麼色彩繽紛, 加上印刷精美, 從遠處已經能把我的視線聚焦到它身上 - 這已是包裝設計成功的第一步.

只是十圓八塊的零食, 包裝盒也用了兩個專色. 配合簡潔的圖案照片, 把新口味清楚地介紹. 再仔細留意其不同大小字體安排,不但沒有混亂, 反而增添趣味; 可見這是一個專業水準之作.

很多朋友也懂得紅綠, 黃紫, 藍橙,等對色效果.在這個包裝盒上, 對色的變化亦處理得很舒服. 所以一個好的包裝設計絕對影響產品銷售......至少以用家角度來說, 欣賞完外在美之後, 內在美已是其次.


My minute

Just finished my "Google reading" that accumulated for over a months time, so enjoyable. Although some good news and some bad news, everybody are basically fine and keep up with their living. That is the strange but lovely feeling that we have while reading blogs, to care some one who may not know you and existing in different corners of the world, so amazing.

Sometimes when I read posts that talk about the season change in their country, or having heavy rainy days throughout the week...,etc. I can almost feel the same here...may be it's because of the nature, all in common no matter what culture you are, what language you've speak; we are living under the same space.

Last month I was too busy and couldn't spare a minute to write or read blogs, but truly speaking, I had some spare time, but no spare mind. To sit down and write something is not difficult, but to write my heart...I need peaceful and quiet environment, like what I am having right now.

It will be the first birthday of this blog in the coming November, my original decision is to finish my last post in November, I am not sure, still thinking of it, may be it's cruel of just giving my blog one year's life, and may be it's too cruel either, to stop communicate - seems it's not a perfect choice...I have to figure out, promise!

Coffee diary 04

Coffee & cookies breakfast
Year 2007,Beijing, a second visit to this city, after my business matter, I decided to stay for a few days to look around.

Almost 7:00a.m. in the morning, I don't want to spend a huge sum for the buffet breakfast, what I need is just a nice cup of coffee and some bread or toast to wake me up.So this is all I've got...yes, it's true, the only thing they have in the lobby's cafe.

Well, to me, better than nothing at least I see my "pal- Mr.coffee". To serve with cookie as breakfast is a little bit weird, I think; but I do need some energy before I can get start to find other food to eat, which may take me for another hour to discover.

It's difficult to finish this meal except the glass of water, but I try my best and stay peaceful until I pay - RMB 110. This story tells us, don't be lazy and always prepare, otherwise you will "pay" one day. (no matter how - still a memorable experience :)


Hello Autumn

Hi! I am back, almost a month away from here, miss so much. The fact is simply busy for living, that's the reality. But nice to be back in Autumn-my favourite season.

We've just pass our Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong, as we are adult now, it's seems this kind of festival is not so amazing, especially we need to work whatever festival we are in.
But on that night, 22 Sept, 2010, when I was on my way home, a couple on the street shout - hey, there is the moon...

I looked up, it was in the sky covered by a sheer of cloud, a bit pale in her face, but I just kept on looking at her three times...she was still so pretty, so familiar to me. There was no more celebration, no family gathering caused I was working late, but I still had her as my companion, never need to make appointment, just look up and she will be there- Good night my dear !