每次經過深水埗, 總會被這個招牌吸引, 我們常說: 這間店舖老闆一定是很用心經營, 至少他很認真設計自己店舖的門面; 與我們現在在街上常見的大幅大幅banner 招牌, 即噴繪布板= "走佬檔招牌"有很大分別.
清楚易睇色彩分明的凸字店名, 一看便知賣什麽的天線樣辨, 大方對稱構圖, 再加精緻彩色燈泡串作裝飾; 即使算不上一流設計, 我個人認為絕對是有本土特色及誠意之作. 如果大家有時間, 不妨入內參觀, 售賣的電視配件並不過時. 如果遇上未開店, 不要緊, 趟閘上也有傑作, 姑且待你們自行發掘.
A really interesting shop found in Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong, I use to stay for while whenever I pass by, not shopping inside but the shopfront first.
You can simply told by it's local DIY design that TV antenna and related parts are selling here. The 4 texts above meaning "High definition electrical appliances", 麗光 : the large red 3D fonts is it's name, whereas those tiny colorful light bulbs....yes, not LED, but very traditional light bulbs are the eye of attractive. We have to give an applause to the owner, everything here reflects his dedication to his shop, sincere and creative; what a big contrast to those laser print banner type signage all around shops in Hong Kong recently, we call them " Come & Go signage".
If you have a chance to be there, have a visit inside,too; it's not old fashion, the product sole are quite update & practical. Or even if it's not the right opening time, there is still some interest for you to be discovered on their sliding gate, keep searching and hope you will enjoy.