Showing posts with label 平面設計. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 平面設計. Show all posts





零售租約愈縮愈短, 流動辦公室嘅工作模式, 住屋空間愈嚟愈細, 師傅人工愈加愈貴...... 等等,仲有各式各樣嘅原因都令我覺得係時候準備辭官歸故里。


其實早係十年前已經嘗試係Spoonflower設計布欵(因為成日揾唔到一D啱心水嘅布欵俾客人用),但係一方面當時佢哋 啱啱成立冇幾耐,支援好少; 而我哋又忙緊正職,所以只係隨意設計咗十幾欵就擺低, 估唔到呢粒種子到今時今日又可以重生。

十年人事幾翻新, Spoonflower 今時今日已經發展到好大,唔少平面/布藝設計師已經係常客,而我,就係一個初哥!雖然因為從事室內設計會對布料及製作軟件有一定認識, 但係今次當我認真對待嘅時候,就發覺要設計一D市場受落又唔太"行"嘅布藝,係當中大有學問……所以, 呢個就係我要重新投入同學習嘅一個教室。

雖然要投放嘅時間,資源同心機肯定唔少, 但係身為設計行業嘅人,唔多唔少都會有份勇氣去嘗試同發掘新可能性嘅心態;期望有一日可以擁有一個CocoaDesignLife 品牌嘅"可可布館",設計出一D較有個性嘅室內布藝。或許,呢個都係另一個職場上嘅延伸都未定?

短短半年嘅時間,令我對網上銷售有多D了解; 重新再強化自己嘅攝影技巧,平面設計,混合媒體及至Photoshop 嘅運用係必需嘅。所以話世界上永遠冇學得完嘅事物,亦唔可能會悶,只要你肯向前行出一步,奇妙旅程又再度展開!

banner graphic of Cocoa Design Life of Spoonflower shop


Latte 拿鐵

Type of Coffee poster

最近收到朋友轉寄給我的Coffee Chart,一看見便會心微笑,令我想起第一次與“拿鐵”相會在廣州.咖啡對我來說是西方玩意,所以沒有留意它們的中文/台灣名,直至有次在廣州一間Starbucks 尋找 Latte 的踪跡時,才發現它原來叫作拿鐵,真有趣!難得今次這張圖不單有齊各種譯名,更有清晰的製作份量,簡單的平面設計,實用之餘又有親切感,謝謝好朋友!

A friend of mine share a Coffee Chart to me recently, I saw an English version many years ago but not this, in a format with their Chinese name (actually I think there are Taiwanese translation). It reminds me the first time when I was looking for a cup of Latte in Starbucks at Guangzhou, if translate directly it called "carrying iron".......well well, of course it sounds in Chinese is good fit to match with the pronouncaton of "Latte", but nothing related to it's actual meaning. Same goes to Espresso Con Panna, no related meaning to it's 3 Chinese wording of "Health+treasure+blue". 

But no matter how, a simple graphic design which clearly indicates the proportion of different ingredients to make a cup of your favorite's really a good idea and especially touchy in Chinese, thank you, my dear friend:)



同樣,月亮亦忘記了自己應有的責任,只想愉快地伴著小孩。終於有一日,小孩發現了樹葉枯死,天氣變得很怪; 而且不知不覺間月亮的身軀亦已變得很大,大到不能返入小孩的家...最後,月亮返回夜空,小孩在星空下陪伴月亮甜睡!


 幾米﹣a well known Taiwanese illustrator. He wrote quite a lot of story, this is the one that attracts me most : (if translate directly from Chinese) it can be "the moon can't  remember...".
It's starts with a lonely small kid, who meet "baby moon" by chance, he hide it at home, play and live together...happy ever after?

Time fly, the boy forget the moon shall hang around up in the sky, he don't know there is a huge changes in the world outside without the moon. The moon also forget how to fly up into the sky, or what it's responsibility is; it only wants to be with him, any minute, any where.

Until one day, kid finally notice the fact is, the world can't survive without the moon, and at the same time, the moon has already grown up soooooo........big, that can't enter his home again. Finally, the moon fly back to the sky and the kid? have a sweet dream under the star.

Simple story from kid's angle of view, unique illustration style is the best that I highly recommend. Bring this story book with you and read it under the  same starry night together with the moon above, you will love it.


Start from zero 由零開始

Character created by Pixer
每逢臨近農曆新年, 總是無所事事, 突然心血來潮上網看"米報", 驚覺最近巿場竟然再聘請一些消失良久的職位, 單看設計行業巳有不少久未露面的空缺; 其中一個便是Visualizer.

嘩! 這是廣告設計達人必經的入行途徑之一, 此人不單要有良好的領悟能力, 更要畫得一手好畫, 把上司腦中一大堆概念用手繪(hand sketch)轉化為圖像.,不少美術或創作總 監前身也是visualiser. 但隨着電腦的出現, 有 hand sketch 能力的人漸漸被忽視, 對! 是忽視不是淘汰, 因為再好的電腦動畫背後仍得有繪畫基礎的美術師協助. 如果你們有看前陣子在香港的 Pixar 展覽便得知. 我們也曾在此介紹過 彼思動畫25年. 廣告創作也一樣, 要把訊息傳遞給用家, 必需要把意念轉化為圖像才行.

最後, 就讓我借用怪獸公司這兩位主角的手繪肖像向這群默默耕耘的專業visualizer致敬!

Christmas, New Year's Eve than follow by the Chinese New Year, what a holiday mood and quiet market these days; so I crawl over Jobs DB & accidentally discover a big change in the design market recently. It's not easy to find a design post from the newspaper ad. but usually through head hunter agency, especially for some specify post such as Visualizer - which has been vanished for years.

But in fact, quite a lot of the art director or creative director in the advertising field did worked as an visualizer from the very beginning. These guys have a good sense of visual communication, they can retrieve conceptual ideas from the art director, express them immediately through hand sketch for further delivery to the end users, therefore a good sketch/ illustration technique is crucial. 

When computer technique seems conquer the design field, we think there is no more visualizer in the world, but they are still the most important support even in Pixar now a day; together with artist, they assist most of the animation character to be created successfully. 

At the end, let us salute to all these visualizer who dedicate their professionalism in so many decade by these two famous Monster company characters.


夢幻收藏家 Collector of Imagination

Color wall made by color pencils
香港是一個人囗密集的地方, 很多人也住在一個小蝸居, 空間的限制卻一點也沒有影響人們收藏至愛的嗜好! 毛公仔丶動畫角色手辨、香水仔丶漫畫書、CD丶模型車、飛機仔...等等, 各式其式; 可有想過收藏顏色筆?

有玩收藏遊戲的朋友可能也會定時定候到Felissimo逛逛, 這裏有按月從日本寄出的可供收藏物品, 由柸碟剪貼圖案, 衣物飾物以至雨傘裝飾繩簾等, 一般要三個月至一年才可集齊所有款色, 而想擁有這500支有名有姓的木顏色便要花上20個月, 每月收到25色...嘩!可真要有相當的耐性啊!

有趣的是每支顏色也配上一個美麗而引人幻想的名字, 如:"雨後的八仙花", "南極的黎明女神", "南非的紅鶴", "鯉魚飛躍的天空"...你能想像它們是什麽顏色嗎?

也許在家中擁有這幅"顏色掛畫"並不比一幅名畫或水晶吊燈來得豪華, 但擁有500個由顏色引發的幻想可不簡單, 你可曾有過到南極看黎明的夢想嗎? 夢想, ...我有,也許不止500個, 你呢?

Japanese definition of color shade
What is so special of collecting color pencils? How about a total of 500 pieces? Or every month you've only got 25 nos. meaning you need to wait for 20 months? And how about they've got their own beautiful names.

"carp in the sky" "hydrangea after the rain" "aurora in the South Pole" " flamingo of the South Africa"... can you imagine what their actual color is?

All can be connected from Felissimo, you may think this "color wall" is nice but nothing compare with the famous art piece or chandelier in your house; but I will say the 500 imaginations that bring from them is nothing that can compare with. Don't you ever thought of one day you are relaxing next to a crowd of Flamingo in Africa? just enjoy the wild freedom under the unspeakable amazing scene from the nature...

Dream, I have too many, may be already over 500, how about you?


曾幾何時 Somewhere someday...

The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten

從牆上撕下貼到發黃的一幅影印...很喜歡這一幅"直切面圖", 是什麽地方?想不到罷?卻又有點熟悉?....The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten, 九龍城寨是也!

有趣的是這幅圖畫是由日本人畫的, 很細緻, 值着繪畫出室內環境, 反映當時居住在這裏的居民生活上的點點滴滴. 雖然我不是住在那裏, 卻也令我對它的消失有點懐念; 令我憶起香港六、七十年代市民辛勤工作為一家大少奮鬥的景象, 為着的就是一小片瓦頂...辛勞卻很温暖. 今日, 九龍城寨巳清拆, 人們生活改善, 豪宅會所隨處可見, 心靈上是否亦可隨之而安頓下來呢?!

This is one of my favourite drawing, which has already fade out when I took it down from the wall surface. A very lovely "vertical section" of an interior, where is it? not familiar? ...The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten : a place in Hong Kong, famous in it's crowed living environment. It's complicated building arrangement incorporated varies kind of neighbourhood, all were low expenses local service like "one man band" salon, Chinese herb + Chinese doctor clinic, food store, local coffee & cake shop,...etc.

But the most attractive thing is, this drawing was published by a Japanese, the content is fine and very detail, it reflects what I've missed so much, the daily living of people over there, especially in the 60's-70's, people worked so hard for only a small piece of land for their family to live, to survive...nothing more but "warmth". Today, there is no more Kowloon Walled City, what left behind is a park and continue developing of  club house and "grand" residential, the living standard of people are improving without doubt, and how about our soul? is there a place to settle yet?!

The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten full picture in photocopy

Full image of the drawing.



A Series of Unfortunate Events - by Lemony Snicket's
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A Series of Unfortunate Events - by Lemony Snicket's
The best of end credit design of both art and music.

一直都想為這套戲寫一篇介紹, 由占基利演出的"連環不幸事件".有趣的是, 片中最好看及最具觀賞價值的一部份來自尾片, 即出roller, end credit 的一段. 加上配樂, 把整個故事濃縮成另一齣動畫,再次用另類手法在觀眾眼前呈現.

短短五分鐘內, 讓我們再次投入整個不幸事件中.那種陰沉,黑暗,無助的氣氛, 配上緊張的背景音樂,跟隨着三姊弟一步一步地逃離占基利的魔掌. 

留意剪影造形, 十分精緻,喜歡美術及設計的朋友, 絕對不能錯過.


年畫Chinese Folk Art


年畫-是中國的民間藝術之一, 用農曆新年作為主題的尤其多.但也有不少是取材自民間生活的. 這套共有四款, 名為四合院---春、夏、秋、冬的作品(Artist, Bai Yanping), 不用介紹也知道其內容是環繞北京傳統建築:四合院內平民在四季的生活及景緻.

還記得當年在北京公幹, 小休期間便在某商場內發現這一小套印刷品, 我要强調是印刷品,因為如果是原稿畫作,其色彩必定會更加豐富和較有層次感.年畫的趣味在於沒有透視,即沒有消失點, 所以一眼可以看清前後景所繪畫的內容,這也是我認為最獨特之處.


Chinese Folk Art has one special kind of painting style - 年畫 , celebration of Lunar New Year is the most popular scene that artist will express in their painting, that's why in a straight forward translation, you may call it "Painting of the Year". But besides this, everything related to daily living of Chinese are also their favorite topics, like the one above are a Four seasons drawing in count yard house, i.e,  si-he yuan- a very traditional and historical apartment in Beijing, by artist - Bai Yanping.

This set of commercial print out was found during my business trip, once in Beijing a few years ago. If these are the original paintings instead of print out, you will see a more subtle but rich color effect; but what I like most is the non-existing of perspective = no vanishing point, a very unique criteria of this kind of painting, so you can see clearing what are happening inside each corner of the small garden.

Now, be my guest to take a Four Season trip, enjoy !



相信很多人也會對這個"貓樣"有點印象罷?可能在日本見過,又或者某某雜誌, 某某卡通片......你知道它是什麽公司的商標嗎?Bingo!宅急便=速遞公司.

第一次看到是在日本街頭的小型貨車身上,一眼便愛上它;除了因為我愛猫, 這個簡單鮮明的商標,絕對反影到公司形象.


最近從報章上看到 Starbucks 也打算把商標簡單化(或許巳經進行中),取消Logo周邊的英文字, 只餘下中間女海妖的圖案,這個改變引來各界不少談論.其實,商標對公司的代表性並非一朝一夕可以建立起來.能夠用簡單獨特的平面構圖代替文字固然是最理想,但成功的例子如滙豐銀行, 蘋果電腦,三菱,Nike 或前文所介紹的宅急便公司...實在不多.


所以奉勸每位想開公司建立自已小品牌的朋友,切勿輕看卡片或公司門頭上的一個小標記, 這可會是比你想像中能代表及涵概的更多.



M.C. Escher - Ascending and descending

M.C. Escher - Ascending and descending

從書架找到一本十分喜愛的畫冊 M.C. Escher - The Graphic Work, 在1991年買下的, 當時因為對日本平面設計的所謂"形蝕形"很迷戀, 所以當看到這本畫冊時也就更加愛不釋手了. 但你可能會問: 此人既非日本設計師, 此圖又非"形蝕形",是放錯資料嗎? 非也!

如果從M.C. Escher 的畫冊中, 早期作品實在有不少形蝕形的木刻畫, 但他的後期作品, 如以上的一幅, 運用到平面及立體的錯覺而組成的圖畫, 才是最吸引我的地方.

" 一個一個修道士每日不停地重覆行上一條沒有盡頭的樓梯, 雖然可以因為疲倦而選擇往下走到平台休息, 但其實跟本沒有上和下的分別,約幹時候他們會發現這是一個不遵從規則的錯誤選擇 " - 作者對其畫作的解釋, 你的想法又會是什麽呢?