
尋找 Francisque Poulbot

以往甚少會這樣把一篇文章分開寫和刋登, 多數會同時以 Bilingual Post Tag 去處理, 但是今次除了想尋找一幅由 Francisque Poulbot 繪畫的插畫名稱之外, 也實在很想介紹這位插畫師, 又或許法國人會較喜歡稱他為海報/名信片設計師. 由於篇幅稍長, 唯有分別刋登.

事源在巴黎蒙馬特(Montmartre)的博物館内被一系列展品吸引, 尤其這幅令我産生特別興趣, 正因為如此着迷, 連展品名稱及介紹也忘記査看,  不過這也是本人常發生的事...:P

Francisque Poulbot illustration in Montmartre muséum

這是一幅相對較特別的作品, 為什麼? 容讓我先來介紹這位畫家.

生於法國Saint-Denis 的畫家 Francisque Poulbot (1879-1946), 自1900年居於蒙馬特, 對當時舊巴黎被遺忘的街童 / 小童特別憐愛; 加上第一次世界大戰期間民間各種的苦况, 他在畫作中大部份以孩童作為主角, 從他們的角度去看/反諷戰爭所帶來的種種...於1923年, 他更在Rue Lepic 開設了ー間藥房, 藉此提供孩童所需; 正因為他的付出, 蒙馬特人特別竉愛這位畫家. 如果你和我一樣也喜愛 Victor Hugo 的 孤星涙 (Les Misérable), 在你看Poulbot的作品時, 也會因着有特別的感受而喜愛他.

Francisque Poulbot
Source from Wikimedia Common
不過在他反諷戰爭的同時, 也令他在二戰期間被囚. Poulbot 離世後"安睡於他的蒙馬特".

在博物館、圖書館或互聯網上找到不少他的印刷品或手稿展品. 除了彩色作品外, 我尤其喜歡他用單色繪畫的小孩, 也許很有童真純樸感, 也更表達到昔日孩童的缺乏. 而且, 如果仔細看看在畫作内的"對話", 很令人會心微笑.

雖然是法文, 但用手機翻譯, 即使未必完整, 也能會意. 以下是另外一幅我在館内拍下比較出名的作品.

Il aura bouffé du boche
il aura bouffé du boche
以下两幅可在網上找到, 雖然他的"戰地系列"似乎是較多人提及, 其實好些單色手稿或近似速寫的作品, 在繪畫孩童的形態時也很細緻及動人,
source from Wikimedia Common
Pas de blague....
Pas de blague! hein?...me les faut pour ce soir

在插畫下的"對白"再加上Poulbot的簽名, 是大部份作品的格式及名稱由來; 但剛巧我在尋找的那一幅只有他的簽名, 所以便成"謎"! 雖然在不同渠道也輾轉追査了個多月, 至今仍然沒有頭緒; 不過無論如何, 我相信終能找到. 如果適逢你知道, 可以告訴我嗎? 感激不盡 :D

Finding Francisque Poulbot

It's all started from this picture, I've spent almost two months to look for the title of this illustration, a very special one by Francisque Poulbot. Why I think this is special? May be first of all, I can tell you some information about him.                 
image from Wikimedia Common
If you like the story of Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, you will also love this French Illustrator like me. Francisque Poulbot (1879-1946) was born in Saint-Denis in France, he was an affichiste (poster designer). He lived in Montmartre, the protagonist of his drawings was usually kids on the streets which he cared for, especially in the Paris old days of 1900s, they were the groups of forgotten.                                                                                                        He drawn a lot of pictures about them even in some of the patriotic posters and postcards during WWI, which finally lead him to be house arrested. He also opened a dispensary in 1923 on Rue Lepic to help children in Montmartre.

Here is another one I've took in the museum (sorry for the glass reflection), you can discover that usually there will be some "conversation" as I've described written at the bottom of the drawing followed by his signature.
il aura bouffé du boche

Pas de blague! hein?...me les faut pour ce soir
Some others you can find easily on the Wikimedia Common or lots of websites who admire his works. I myself especially love those in monotone, pure as those kids.

The one which I am looking for, besides Poulbot's signature on the flower card, there is no other data and it is so rarely introduced, I don't know why but I find it is a lovely illustration and hopefully one day I will find it's "name" or in case you know it, please drop a message to me, thank you!

P.S. - finally I got the help from my niece who find out the name of this lovely illustration 
"Gamin au bouquet de fleurs, 1918" , thank you Rainy.


Follow me

Follow me watercolour centre page in ebook Entrée Sortie
click to enlarge
Last post for Entrée Sortie is definitely the watercolor inside. Most of the museums I've been visited are located on the Right Bank, and they seems to be within distances from my hotel, but in fact, if you prefer to walk instead of taking metro, like me; you need a pair of super comfort shoes + full breakfast, I'll suggest. 

The most difficult decision is whether to have lunch even though, you need one indeed. But I always skip & replaced by fast food or apple because, the café will "drain" my time in the museum, and you will never never want to leave those relaxing café in Paris.

To fully utilize my Six(consecutive)days museum pass, a detailed plan is a must, but still, you'll have to alter your plan due to unexpected scenario; such as renovation or maintenance will temporary close a particular gallery, or a special exhibition may restrict your pass entry in ordinary situation...,etc.

Visiting museum is joyful and indulgence especially in solo, because you don't have any time limit or neediness to concern third parties' issue :P - but of course, the core is you enjoy being alone.

Let me tell you a secret, my original plan is to buy two Six day Pass, but fortunately I've decided not to over estimate of my power and I really need some time to digest/absorb the content.

To conclude my museum journey, I draw this map to share with you, when you follow my steps, I hope you can also share my happiness as well. See you :D




Musée National Picasso Paris

Day 7: Cold & rainy morning /17531 steps
Musée National Picasso Paris

Let's skip day 6 in the mean time,I will get back to you when Book Three is ready, but, this time, will have to wait for a while.

So, lets visit this museum which I shall say it is raw and subtle - Musée National Picasso Paris.

Situated in a historic monument since 1968 - Hôtel Salé, built between 1656 & 1660. Almost 365 years before? Wow! 

I am totally disconnected from reality and try to walk into Picasso's mind. Before this trip, I saw a T.V. series in Hong Kong about his whole life; so, more or less it helps to understand/feel a bit more when perceiving his works. 

Those two paintings in Entrée Sortie may not be the most famous one, but I personally like them a lot. They are so simple, a view from window, may be; what we often do in our daily life, but in Picasso's eyes, they became extraordinary. 

It is raining outside right now, a bit grey...but when I view from here, I see color

Besides Picasso's work, I love to view from the windows of this monument, it's frame & a bit distorted glazing, creating an illusory effect, and that's why I can be detached.

Timber structure ceiling of the Musée National Picasso Paris
Exposed timber structure in the ceiling

But when these timber structure appear somewhere in the building, sometimes they form part of his art piece; the contradiction of antiquity & cubism forms an interesting combination yet harmonize. 

It's stop raining outside when I've finished to enjoy the last art piece; it's time to return to reality, although I wish there is no Sortie.


Petit Palais

Day 5: Cloudy afternoon / 17758 steps
Grand Palais in Paris
Grand Palais
Petit Palais in Paris
Petit Palais
Arriving here at around 1300, the sky is still a bit dull, hopefully it will turn brighter afterward.

There is a square connected two museums that I am planning to visit. One grand one petit, they are just located right opposite to each others, so convenience.

I have to shoot very very quickly here, you guess why?  
"I am attacking by marshmallow!"
Hey, I am serious. 

Originally I thought it is raining, when those feather like marshmallow sit on my camera, they are sticky, so I taste it...omg! so sweet!

Can you see those white kiosk there in the center of the square? Yeah! there they are made and fly in the air every where. Catch them if you can or want a seat? there is another corner for you...a small food plaza.
Visiters gather around food stalls
I am already filled up by the marshmallow, so I jump into the Grand Palais first, but unfortunately, can't access by my pass or I can buy a ticket. Usually in this situation, I will turn to another one and leave it for my next trip. 

Voila! Petit Palais is free entry. It's beautiful inside with wide range of collections, but this area is quite extraordinary.

Verandah in Petit Palais as modern art gallery

When I am walking under this gigantic corridor, what I am thinking is "who put the carpet onto the ceiling?":P
This is also an exhibition gallery, see those modern art piece displayed on the floor? Well, 

super beautiful mosaic flooring + uninterrupted marble walls + carpet like hand painted fresco ceiling + lifeless modern art...what do you think? Is it weird but interesting? A totally different style of what I've been visited before, a bit of sadness is floating in the air... 

Leaving Petit Palais at around 1445, then I return to Jardin des Tuileries, this time, God give me a present...Sunny sky! What a wonderful experience there, I'll share with you in my books later. 

Up to now, do you remember how many museums I have been visited? Any more to come?