Showing posts with label 忘了忘不了. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 忘了忘不了. Show all posts





也許不用我多説,很多香港人也會對於這間曾在日治時期被用來作為刑場、對面則是亂葬岡(現今是佐治五世紀念公園)的麻瘋/精神病院十分熟悉;它的名聲來自式各樣的鬼故事,有的繪形繪聲,也有由傳説愈傳愈變"真"的種種 "鬼屋經歷"。 以往,自己每次路經此地的時候,多數是天陰陰、乍暖還寒,所以也只會在外圍走走;今天卻在清風送爽之下,和朋友一起入內探索(現今是一間開放的社區大樓)。

由於朋友是位護士小姐,我們的話題自然地一邊想像、一邊嘗試勾畫出昔日病房內的情景,每個空間(現只遺留下走廊及立面外牆)和病人與醫護的生活日常。初時我們在推拷迴廊上可會有鐵欄?每個百頁窗會否相等於一間病房的闊度?房間有多深?又或者其實是一個很大的室內,放置了幾十張病床,病人被布帶挷在床上,醫護穿梭於病床之間,彷如那些戰爭片的軍用醫院一般? 又或者是⋯


這樣,即是説病人其實不會見到外街? 他們是過著一個怎樣的生活呢?是如何的一個世界?這些曾經瘋傳的鬼故事,除了可以嚇人和增加此處的神秘色彩之外,可有提醒我們在很久以前,這裏確實有一大群活生生的香港人生活過?或許當年他們是在不得已的情況之下被安放至此,但今天,可有人也在不知不覺之間,被我們放在心裏面另一間"瘋人院"而漸漸地,他/她也被遺忘!

P.S. 後記~由於心有不甘,仍然很想知道此處的原貌平面圖,偶爾被我找到這個Blog入面其中一張相片,下層迴廊原本是有鐵欄的。


自由、平等、博愛~ Liberté , Égalité, Fraternité

Giggle girl fly to cut & release balloons


Liberté ~ 自由。是每個人都擁有的基本權利,如果各自運用得宜,天下太平;要是滲入了自私和霸氣,就在不知不覺間搶奪了他人的一份去成就自己的所謂自由。並非只有掌權的人才有機會妄用自由而誤置人民生死,即使是無權無勢的平民如我,也有可能在高唱“自由之歌”的同時影響到其他人,每當我想到這裏,心中不禁亮起紅燈。但為什麼原本是美善的質素卻可以變得“邪惡”呢?


Giggle girl with giant monster

Égalité ~ 平等。或許這就是自由與平等必須共存的其中之一個原因吧!要是世界上所有資源,包括機會也是較為平均分配的,只要每人再為自己的未來努力一點點,便可以安然居住,活在穩定及充足供應之下。但同樣地,要是有人被慾望和貪念所遮蓋,貧富懸殊隨即出現,因為有的想要更多,比基本需要的再多,即使佔據了其他人可得到的一份也在所不計,因為無止境的慾望得不到滿足~這,又何嘗不包含在我們想擁有的“自由”而言呢?!平等:讓每個人也可以有機會活下去、被尊重、被等同,享有生存的自由!

Giggle girl with cats

Fraternité ~ 博愛。要是能考慮到其他人,甘願放棄擁有更多,甚至保留比應有的更小,我想,沒可能沒有愛的成份在內。人性大多為自己的一生籌算,包括家人,特別是摯親;但除了在這個圈圈之內,會為著不認識甚至是本土以外的人,在各式各樣的事情上付上心神的…大有人在,也許就在你我的身邊。地球上有很多事情令人憤怒、無奈與歎息,唯有愛能化解一切,把不平衡和失去的挽回。在神人之間如是,在人與人之間也如是。自由、平等、博愛並非不可實現的空談,要是我們每一個肯付出一點點或更多,地球還是有希望的。


來來去去 / To & From...where

Book cover of La Rue - Petit Paris by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge

我想,今次La Rue 的網誌,應該先用中文寫,因為這本書所涉及的內容,在今天,對身處香港的我們尤其切身。

兩年前去旅行的時候,完全沒有想過香港又再次出現移民潮(上次是1997年);如果你有看第六本書Hear Me, 也許會記得當我回來的時候,心繫巴黎的其中一件事,便是繁華背後,瑟縮在街頭巷尾的一班移民;其實我所眼見的也只是冰山一角,在不遠的市外,流浪著幾十萬的非法移民~這是昔日法國為着補充勞動人口而大開中門的後果。過多的移民突然衝擊着整個社會的結構,包括文化、經濟、生活配套、民生等等;但是,為什麼即使法國處於這個局面,仍有人離開故土而遷到這裏呢?





An Asian lady on the street in Paris

A local lady on the street of Paris

I think it’s better for me to write this blog post for La Rue in bilingual, because what this book addresses is emigration, a direct impact to us in Hong Kong even under the haunting of Covid since 2019. 

There was no clue for me to imagine the emigration wave appear once again in HK (last time was in 1997 & 2014) when I was returned from Paris, I did plan to include this topic in one of my book but simply for the scenario I saw in Paris, i.e.: of those who struggle to survive there…the uncontrollable result for the government of France to bear due to the drawn in of required working power…influx as a result which crashing the vulnerable society.

Actually what I had seen as mentioned in the book of “Hear Me” was only the tip of the iceberg, millions of immigrants are still scattered outside the boundary of Paris without any support behind a “hidden barrier”. But why people keep on leaving their homeland to somewhere which might not be their real “heaven”!

A chance for future of their own & the next generation, freedom, better living standard, to survive, escape from the mess of their own countries? all these could be the reasons to emigrants around the whole world, as well as in Hong Kong today; is it barely resigned or just a basic instinct of survival !

There is for sure more & more of my friends are going to leave in 2022, a huge decision they have to  make,  especially for those who are in their middle age ~ time of their harvesting period but now has to be started all over again somewhere. It’s hard but it has to keep moving forward by all means, I am pretty sure they will make it because they are “Hong Kongers”, the toughest to survive - a genetic code that we all have.





Coffee break today


Coffee Break Blog screen shot

Hong Kong is still hoisted in typhoon Signal 8 right now, a whole day long which is not a good time to stay outdoor, so I spend my time to polish my blog. 
I always want to install back the widget links of those blogs I loved to follow before, so I try to find them one by one through my previous Coffee Break blog links, a total 17 of them but only two are still valid. 
Most of them did start blogging early before in 2009 (also my first year of blogging), and most of them were using Blogger template in those years, they are simple and beautiful, like the one I had chosen. So, it was pretty easy to start writing blog in a good mood, I treasure those memorable days.
I am not sure whether I did tell you before, in the very beginning, Blogger didn't offer a custom domain like of what we are having, meaning, the only choice was something like; I was a newbie and misspell "blogspot" to another word (better not say :P), so when I tried to introduce my blog in an e-platform, it was directed to a shopping site, resulting in not only embarrassment but  a really bad feeling to the group. The problem was, I couldn't find out where went wrong until Mr. Wasaweb (a top contributor of the official Google+ help community) pointed out my silly mistake, which was then solved.
I shall never forget that night when I was stuck into the mess, and luckily got the help of someone I hadn't met before but save my blog, this is one of the reason that I keep writing today.
It's been awhile I was disconnected to wasaweb's blog due to his transformation of the blog structure; but I am so happy that the re-connection is resume today, so I've decided reinstall my link list in this blog, even though I have to restart all over again, it's still worth to rebuild because one of my habit while writing for a new post, a "coffee break" beforehand, to read my favorite blogs. 
Feel free to click for a look,  you may like them, too. 
Happy Blogging :D



A chinese poem with illustration & autumn leaf photo by Oiseau Distrait
十月秋色 ~ 小巴黎  P.6-7  (click to enlarge)


最近,因着朋友的特別需要,把 Oiseau Distrait 的 Petit Paris 系列中,即將在十月出版的 Palette October  翻譯成中文,似散文多一點點的內容,還只能勉強把原文交代;我想,日後還是要花多些時間學習學習罷!


節錄自 小巴黎 ~ 十月秋色(非賣品中文初稿) 忘記鳥作品





From: Palette October ~Petit Paris Series by Oiseau Distrait
I am off, falling off...
If it's time to let go
I still want to hold
a second or so...
But I'm lost
without force...
to hold any more
Let me fall
at least together
with them all
for a season
that's all
Don't upset
it's not the end
we will fly when the wind comes by
scatter across the ocean
shining in motion
let everybody knows...this generation


Jan 2021 Hong Kong

Colorful fruit stall along Sheung Wai
Today is 14 Aug 2021, 
 七夕 Qixi Festival in Hong Kong, but I am not going to write the story of it, instead, something about my yearly appointment on 1 January to Pok Fu Lam on the Hong Kong side.

Right after, I would walk towards Central to take the MTR way home. Before that, I must walked through the narrow streets "up & down" in Sheung Wan; which was enjoyable if you had "strength" and love the old stuff, like this. 

Well, we can still see this kind of stalls in some other old districts like Sham Shui Po, but always a bit different here, may be due to the sloped narrow streets and the "fainted" color of shops nearby. You would get the feeling of returning to the 70's - 80's liked travelling in time machine. 

I loved the kind of  "slow" motion, the aroma of livelihood, the tranquil moment while most of the people were still sleeping after the crazy night on the New Year's Eve... as well as the antique color that could always be captured.

I took this photo simply by my "ancient" iphone SE, as my usual practice, the lighting & color to be reflected as real at that moment as possible, that's the moment of us!

Actually there was the hawker inside, but I tried not to interrupt & therefore took this angle, which was fine provided my "models" were feeling comfortable :p


Before I left this district, one of my favorite spot, here...a very traditional Chinese sausage maker, I wished they would never replaced the incandescent light bulbs, never... the yellow tone that eventually vanishing !

Usually a lot more sausages will be hanging all along on those horizontal railings, by the end of January close to our Chinese New Year, imagine how spectacular it will be; the most happiest festival for Hong Konger, a few more months to go. 

I can't estimate what will going to happen in the coming months before my next visit in 2022, both the pandemic of Covid-19 or the political changes in Hong Kong, but I have confidence as always, hope in human nature...wish we & you all the best!



今天無意中得知有一些朋友已經在短時間內離開了香港,一家移居他方。雖然這也不是什麼奇事,但和大家道別一句也沒有,甚至連WhatsApp 通知也欠奉,感覺還是酸溜溜的;是因為未必會再見?又或是離去怱怱呢?!







教會為着解構聖經中的書卷 ~ 雅歌,特別舉辦了這次三日兩夜的靜修營,也我一早計劃好離職後給自己一個靜思的日子。

半小時的快速船,離開市區往長洲山上的思維靜院,和朋友一起步行上山,原本十多分鐘的行程,因為入錯分义路,在雨中花了差不多三十分鐘才到步.…忘記了告訴她,能夠一次順利到達陌生目的地,在我的前半生,出現的機率微乎其微, 不過現今有GPS, 我還是肯定在入夜前必定到達 :P



一望無際的海面,除了七八隻老鷹翺翔之外,也看到弟兄姊妹各自靜思於小角落;夜間,亦能望到山下長洲居民的燈火,船隻歸航的指示燈… 此刻,很舒服。








第一個晚上,在房間用風扇代替冷氣,除下口罩,打開窗,享受雨後樹木的清香;思考着神與人/ 人與人之間關係的點點滴滴。第二個晚上,索性把風扇也關掉,讓風聲、雨聲、蟲鳥夜鳴陪伴入睡…. 此刻,很平靜。


這裡,有一個小角落,掛着一個手作風鈴,在疾風中發出噹噹巨響; 但行近細聽,柔弱溫婉的餘韻隨着中間水渠口蓋緩緩擦向鐵通發出,似乎有未完的說話…望着晴空的白雲,聽着聽着…此刻,忘我。


重回現實的晚上,關掉一切媒體裝置,雖然窗外傳來的是車響人聲,眼前的小山丘旁邊萬家燈火,心中卻傳來柔柔鈴聲,此刻 ... 重回我的小角落!



旅貓日記封面, 有川浩著


看旅貓日記,要預備一盒紙巾…主人翁因為一個原因,帶着小貓展開幾次探訪之旅,昔日的朋友,單戀對象…目的是為她尋找新居,看看她喜不喜歡新主人及環境。一次又一次的旅程,也換起主人翁的記憶與思念; 即使貓咪仍未有最終決定,無奈分別的時間已到.… 當你明白原由之際,貓咪選擇了她自己的想法…




Transparent Integrity

Glass milk bottle reflects beautiful pattern under the sunlight


Whenever a sunny day, there is always a wonderful moment in the afternoon for light to play with shadow, they attracts me, so I stop working to join them for a while, usually not a while but long enough for me to think of something that we've missed like...transparent integrity!

I forget where have I learned these wordings from, a book may be; but they were written on a post-it which pinned on my notice board since 2016. The shadow play in this afternoon reminds me of it, the transparency that has to be as crystal clear as this, I think, as a person, a human being...

I wish I won't lost mine!


Start from Point Zero

Notre Dame in Paris inside hoarding

I still remember the moment when I was watching the news in Hong Kong, one day just a month before my departure...

Notre Dame was on fire!

Originally I though it was some archived report, but NO, the nightmare is right NOW on 4 Sept., 2019. Followed by the faces of the citizens appeared on Tv, I feel their sadness, too... no one would or willing to accept the reality because Notre Dame, like many other heritages in France, she is unique & non-replaceable!

Notre Dame is a Gothic style cathedral built in the year of 1163, located in île de la cité of Paris. Bell tower above 400 steps, magnificent rose window, gorgeous ornate flying buttresses or the “mysterious” gargoyles; one of the largest 7800 pipes organ in the world, royal treasure collections...all are worth to visit; plus...

Point Zéro des Routes de France: the bronze star, the “kilometre zero plaque” which indicated the calculation starting point of road distance in France. Besides “Raft of the Medusa” in the Louvre, this is my second goal in this trip, but now, it’s vanishing, I do feel disappointed & trying to figure out what to do? cancel the trip? change my itinery? 

Experts expect a four to five years recovery is required, at least; so, I am thinking how about to go, say “hello”to her, bring her some“comfort” may be, or at least a blessing from Hong Kong... sounds great?

I am sure I’ll finally have my chance to complete my goal some years later, although the originality may not be the same, we can view from another angle, as my beliefs always; no matter what, it’s our choice to locate the Point Zero after all!

New release book - Point Zéro by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge
Cést parti ! 
follow me in Point Zéro - book Five of Petit Paris.





Jardins Secret - our secret garden

New release of Jardins Secret book cover by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge
It's over a years time since I've been returned from Paris, time flies. I hope I can still remember every moment that moved my heart in those days and record them in details before I forget :P

As scheduled, last book of the year (4th book of Petit Paris) Jardins Secret is ready to be released on 25 December 2020 -  the best time of all.

Talking about beautiful garden, Paris may not be "Number One" in the world, but it must be one of a kind . Whether for those belongs to the memories of the Parisians in the good old days ,  Jardin du Luxembourg;  the royal garden,  Jardin des Tuileries; or those artistic related private ones of Rodin and Monet ...they are absolutely beautiful and romantic, I have to say!

When I started to select photos for this book, "family & friends" are two words that came into my mind; it may therefore will disappoint some readers (hopefully not), because not much related to the "must see spots" have written but it's so true that family & friends are what I've seen while walking along in the garden, so...I write down to share with you. 

Unless we live in our own in an isolated island, otherwise we' ll bond to our family & friends; the relationship is strong and deep but fragile as well. We may build by our greatest effort but destroy unintentionally...

I am forgetful but not in these two issues, although it may be a disaster some how that trap myself, and unless I go back to cultivate my petite garden again,  it may gone forever... So, sometimes it do need a bit of courage to face the fact... & Act!

Year 2020 will end after a few more weeks, it's a harsh year to all of us in the whole world, if this little book can evoke some one who you love or care, call him/her...

How are you my dear? 

Wish you well and Merry Christmas !







Ad hod sketch, a corner in Hong Kong













冇錯,過去年多,全球變化真係好大,特別係香港;由社會運動,疫情到全球國家宣示主權等等,全部都衝擊住每一個人。要我哋係咁疲倦嘅環境之下提起精神,有時真係講就易;冇經濟壓力同下一代嘅人都有擔心,何況係有下一代同手停口停嘅小市民呢?所以我見到嘅情景,一D都唔出奇,只係無奈。諗番起舊時嗰種人多車多,條街爆滿出貨入貨;舖頭員工同時又要照顧有無限問題嘅街客同埋,差唔多日日都見住嘅師傅.…嗰種熱鬧得嚟又有D混亂嘅good old days!






或許"貪念"真是人類的天性, 地土、資源、財富、名聲、權力、慾望...沒完沒了.
心想控制了便等於擁有, 以為這一切便會永遠屬於自己, 可以坐着為皇, 世世代代千秋萬世, 真的嗎?

世界上從來沒有一件物件、一個人類、一個思想是屬於我或你. 容讓我以宗教角度而言, 萬物都是神所造, 除祂以外, 沒有人能掌管、能強行佔據. 神尚且讓人類有自由選擇跟隨祂與否的決定, 那麼, 我們憑什麼要同等的他/她向我們"依附"呢? 稍微壓制自我的驕傲, 容讓別人有個喘息空間, 真是那麼"丟臉"嗎? 我們...都是活在同一天空下的受造物, 為什麼不能逆轉"權力令人腐敗"這個咒詛呢?
是我們不能? 還是不願!

你認為對我的 "好", 可以"溫柔"地讓我明白嗎?
如果我的 "愚笨"未能理解並接受你的 "好意", 你能耐心一點, 也嘗試學會明瞭我的憂慮嗎?

是什麼逼使人瘋狂? 不再理性, 不再有同理心, 不再憐惜身邊的人, 不再明白自己在世上只是寄居的, 沒有佔有權...我想, 是"貪念", 也源於驕傲.

倘若世界已經變得無處可容身, 有一個地方仍然屬於你我, 就在我們的心中...一個只有神及自己可以觸及的地方.

倘若你已經很 "疲累", 就在那裡稍作休息罷!
請不要, 也不能絕望.


