Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts










Christmas is…



自由、平等、博愛~ Liberté , Égalité, Fraternité

Giggle girl fly to cut & release balloons


Liberté ~ 自由。是每個人都擁有的基本權利,如果各自運用得宜,天下太平;要是滲入了自私和霸氣,就在不知不覺間搶奪了他人的一份去成就自己的所謂自由。並非只有掌權的人才有機會妄用自由而誤置人民生死,即使是無權無勢的平民如我,也有可能在高唱“自由之歌”的同時影響到其他人,每當我想到這裏,心中不禁亮起紅燈。但為什麼原本是美善的質素卻可以變得“邪惡”呢?


Giggle girl with giant monster

Égalité ~ 平等。或許這就是自由與平等必須共存的其中之一個原因吧!要是世界上所有資源,包括機會也是較為平均分配的,只要每人再為自己的未來努力一點點,便可以安然居住,活在穩定及充足供應之下。但同樣地,要是有人被慾望和貪念所遮蓋,貧富懸殊隨即出現,因為有的想要更多,比基本需要的再多,即使佔據了其他人可得到的一份也在所不計,因為無止境的慾望得不到滿足~這,又何嘗不包含在我們想擁有的“自由”而言呢?!平等:讓每個人也可以有機會活下去、被尊重、被等同,享有生存的自由!

Giggle girl with cats

Fraternité ~ 博愛。要是能考慮到其他人,甘願放棄擁有更多,甚至保留比應有的更小,我想,沒可能沒有愛的成份在內。人性大多為自己的一生籌算,包括家人,特別是摯親;但除了在這個圈圈之內,會為著不認識甚至是本土以外的人,在各式各樣的事情上付上心神的…大有人在,也許就在你我的身邊。地球上有很多事情令人憤怒、無奈與歎息,唯有愛能化解一切,把不平衡和失去的挽回。在神人之間如是,在人與人之間也如是。自由、平等、博愛並非不可實現的空談,要是我們每一個肯付出一點點或更多,地球還是有希望的。


3+1 "好友?"


還記得大半年前, 無論是自己還是其他教會, 差不多同步地查考聖經內的一卷書"約伯記". 即使我沒有爬 YouTube 的習慣, 但手機內每週也會收到朋友傳發給我, 由不同牧者用約伯記講道的訊息. 甚至連 IG 也有朋友以此為題材分享, 何為困苦? 尤其是發生在約伯身上, 似乎沒法子解釋的苦難, 應該如何解讀及面對?

在短短差不多一年的時間內, 我參加了自己教會, 由牧師特別安排的連續幾個短期查經班, 約伯記是其中一課. 今次, 牧師帶我們探索的主角, 並非約伯, 而是他身邊那些"好朋友"; 在理解神的創造秩序之餘, 更再次提醒著我們在現實生活中, 應該如何陪伴正在面對困局/受苦的人.

陪伴、聆聽、同理心、不代替神説話、從困苦中尋找上主的恩言…一步一步的全是可行又合理不過. 至少, 學習不要用自己的"大道理"去第二次傷害受苦中的人~ 就是在不知不覺中, 用我們有限的智慧去強行解釋現况. 

曾幾何時當我們對着一個剛喪親的人説:"不要多想, 慢慢會忘記悲痛…"
又或者對着一個長期患病的人説:"不要停止治療, 總會有痊癒的一天…"
又或者對一個身處政局動盪的國家, 連下一秒也不知死活的人説:"我為你禱告,願你平安..."
又或者對着一個因車禍而要截肢的人説:"不用喪掉生命, 已經很幸運, 快來感恩…"
還有無數無數你我也聽過甚至經歷過的例子, 難道這一切都是錯嗎? 

事實上很多安慰的説話也確是出於好意, 只是我們不得不承認, 世上有不少苦難, 並非三言兩語便可"打發", 甚至乎仍要待在漫長的黑夜中… 直至該完結的時間來到. 而在這段時間裏, 與其勉強回應, 還是靜靜聆聽來得更好.

盡管有時, 我們以為自己曾經有相同經歷, 於是便對受苦者提供千萬個可以"即時解困"的方法… 説真的, 不盡相同; 反而當我們可以謙卑地明白自己的無助和有限時, 神自有其工作; 此刻,可不靜靜的陪伴、聆聽和等待…也許這才是好朋友應該做的事, 互勉之!


The Tapestry Poem

I would like to share this with you, a wonderful poem selected by Pauline, our team member of "pastor Au + 7 pebbles" for a special study group  in our church.

"The Tapestry Poem"was originally written by Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950)
Then being shared by writer Corrie Ten Boom(1892-1983) in the title of "The Weaver".
This poem is so meaningful, being loved & broadly shared many many times; 
and I'm pleased to share it again in my blog, wish you like it, tooMy life is but a weaving

My life is but a weaving       我的生命
Between my God and me      是主與我編織的掛毯
I cannot choose the colors    我不能選擇顔色
He wealth steadily              主在編織引領
oft''times He weaveth the sorrow
Oft' times He weaveth the sorrow;    主常常編織悲傷;
And I in foolish pride                    我愚昧驕傲
Forget He sees the upper                 忘了主看到正面
And I the underside                      而我只看到底面
not til the loom is silent
Not til the loom is silent         直到織機無聲
And the shuttles cease to fly   機梭停止穿梭
Will God unroll the canvas    主會打開掛毯
And reveal the reason why     展現讓我明白看見
the dark threads are as needful
The dark threads are as needful      按照主的設計
 In the  weaver's skilful hand         深黑色的線
 As the threads of gold and silver    在熟練織工的手中
 In the pattern He has planned       和金銀線同讓需要
he knows, he loves, he cares
He knows, He loves, He cares;    主知道, 主愛, 主在乎;
Nothing this truth can dim.      這個真理從沒變.
He gives the very best to those   誰願順服祂主權
Who leave the choice to Him     主為誰留美好賞賜

P.S. - thanks Pauline for the beautiful translation so we can share with more others :D



智者、旅人 The Wise man said...

The Wiseman said

A tourist who was visiting a small village approached the house of a well-known wise man, and he was surprised to see that he lived in a small, humble room filled with books. The only pieces of furniture were a bed, a table, and a chair.

 “Where is the rest of your furniture?” the tourist asked.
 “And where is yours?” the wise man answered back. 
“Mine?” responded the tourist, surprised. “I’m only here for a short time.”
“Me too,” said the wise man.


從信仰的角度,智慧源於我們信靠的神~敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明!(箴言九章10節)人的智慧實在沒法與創造我們的神相比,這是合理不過的; 能夠認識並信靠神,自然能尋到智慧的根源,這也是我們的福氣。那麼,在還沒有認識神之前,是否也可以活得智慧一些而不是愚妄地渡日呢? 





Four Seasons

Autumn ...
forest become silence
color begins to faint
air is dry
life is grey
open your eyes
something above
stretch your arms
a Gift to Receive

here & there in forest
everything in motion
wind that blows to deliver
signs of love encounter
open the gift for you
the always special you
any message to tell?
any breakthrough to act!

aroma of the forest
life of the triumph
ready for the blossom
can't stop the movement
fly to Explore
chase the light
you'll never know
if you don't go

it seems the end
forest back to death...again
it's a cycle of no control
we should only follow
 the seasons of nature
a Creator who rule
Embrace your life in Him
& you'll be free






There are numerous messages delivered from graffiti, poster or sticker found on the street here, in Paris. I am sure there will be some trace of the “yellow vest” - mouvement des gilets jaunes; a chaos agitated by the increase of fuel tax. My new friend Li, who studied & working here for over 18 years, she told me that actually the amount increased was minimal, but demonstration/ protest/ strike whatever we call are frequently happen in France, i.e.: they get used to & nothing to be afraid of.

Liberté (Freedom), Égalité (Equality), Fraternité (fraternity / brotherhood), ou la mort (or death*) - is the “national motto” of France. There may be still argument of whether the Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen on 26 August 1789 should include all of them in exact wordings, especially the last one;  but no matter how, it’s originated in the French Revolution. The Tricolor flag of France are embodying all the principle of the Revolution- Liberté (Blue), Égalité (white) and Fraternité (Red).

The memorial statue of Komitas in Paris

 Walking along, there is Mémorial de la Shoah - a memorial retraces the history of French Jews after the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, a sad history of 76,000 Jews deported from France. I didn’t visit even I’ve passing by twice, I am afraid there will be too “much” for my first trip, but it will be in my itinerary in the next visit.

So, who is Komitas? A statue that I’ve seen in Jardin d’Erevan. I don’t know who he was? But the form of statue clearly tells me it is not a display of an art piece, something serious,... to remember.


“ en Hommage a


Comositeur, musicologue

et aus

1500000 victimes

du génocide arménien de 1915

perpetre dans L‘empire ottoman“


Lettering on the stone base

If we are thinking of the War Crime, Holocaust- Jewish was the first comes into our mind; but there is another one, Genocide- Armenian. 

Komitas was the survivor in this genocide, he was an Armenian priest, composer, a super talented musicologist, founder of the Armenian national school of music. If he didn’t collected & transcribed over 3000 pieces of Armenian folk music during his work in life time, the cultural heritage of Armenia will be vanished together with the genocide, no one will even remember the existing of this history. 

To Komitas, although he could survive after released from concentrate camp, the shadow of death together with his fear of losing his lifetime work in Armenian music that finally drove him nuts, he was transferred to stay in Paris where his friend was there... but weakness & insane were the only melody left in his last years, who died in 1935.

I have to admit that I am quite lost & depress while preparing this post, when I’ve watched the film online “Music to Madness (The Story of Komitas)” , in order to find who he was? The unfold of history was intolerable, up to this moment, I can’t find an “excuse” for “human” to expel/ destroy a nation and I am not intend to find one.


-  Survivors of the Armenians “re-birth” and wide spread around the world.
- Armenia was the First Nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion, it’s roots go backs to 1st century AD. (Wiki data)



教會為着解構聖經中的書卷 ~ 雅歌,特別舉辦了這次三日兩夜的靜修營,也我一早計劃好離職後給自己一個靜思的日子。

半小時的快速船,離開市區往長洲山上的思維靜院,和朋友一起步行上山,原本十多分鐘的行程,因為入錯分义路,在雨中花了差不多三十分鐘才到步.…忘記了告訴她,能夠一次順利到達陌生目的地,在我的前半生,出現的機率微乎其微, 不過現今有GPS, 我還是肯定在入夜前必定到達 :P



一望無際的海面,除了七八隻老鷹翺翔之外,也看到弟兄姊妹各自靜思於小角落;夜間,亦能望到山下長洲居民的燈火,船隻歸航的指示燈… 此刻,很舒服。








第一個晚上,在房間用風扇代替冷氣,除下口罩,打開窗,享受雨後樹木的清香;思考着神與人/ 人與人之間關係的點點滴滴。第二個晚上,索性把風扇也關掉,讓風聲、雨聲、蟲鳥夜鳴陪伴入睡…. 此刻,很平靜。


這裡,有一個小角落,掛着一個手作風鈴,在疾風中發出噹噹巨響; 但行近細聽,柔弱溫婉的餘韻隨着中間水渠口蓋緩緩擦向鐵通發出,似乎有未完的說話…望着晴空的白雲,聽着聽着…此刻,忘我。


重回現實的晚上,關掉一切媒體裝置,雖然窗外傳來的是車響人聲,眼前的小山丘旁邊萬家燈火,心中卻傳來柔柔鈴聲,此刻 ... 重回我的小角落!


Sing Hallelujah to the Lord


Magnificent huge organ in Sacré Cœur in Paris

I am in the Sacré-Cœur, walking around, admiring the grande architecture, huge organ above...then an “angel” voice awoke to listen

Hallelujah hallelujah
   Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah....

(Sorry for the noise in the background, feel the volume of the interior...isn’t it amazing?)

Open my eyes in a panic mode, I am already trapped or better say I was buried by a crowded of tourist from my “motherland” simply because they squeeze for a glance to the priest who will start the mass quite soon. A few ladies notice my shock, although I’m sure I can see from their eyes, they are a bit of embarrass & feel sorry to interrupt but, my best viewing angle is absolutely un-replaceable, so I am totally “under-covered” within the next two minutes.

I am not sure whether I should force to escape but at the same time I do feel embarrassment, too, because Hong Kong had already returned to China, therefore.... you know what I mean :P , but miracle happens, I close my eyes, besides of

Hallelujah  hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah....

Nothing more but peace & joy, that’s all.
A moment that I’ll never forget, a gift from God! Hallelujah!

Back to the angel voice, I just can’t stop to hear more & more, one voice after the others...I was “trapped”! There is mass ready to be carried out, so I sit down on the bench nearby, bow down my head, close my eyes, listen to the lovely voice, so tranquil &”Dark”!!! I am short of my breath...


My King James

King James bible with timber cover

Why King James Version and what is it? 
If you have one, by comparing with the following words, you will know what versions it belongs to.

For example:-  Genesis Chapter 1:1  
heauen (original Hebrews typeface) - 1611 version
heaven - 1769 version as well as in Modern English version

You can easily find the details in WiKi and also ; worth to check it out. Basically it can be known as:-

The King James Version (KJV), or
The King James Bible (KJB), or
(AV) The Authorized Version.

It is one of the most accurate English translation of the Christian Bible to be read in the Church of England under the authorized of King James, translated by 54 translators worked for 7 years. 

What I am having should be a 1769 standard version because 1611 version was using the archaic English language in the Elizabethan & Jacobean era; whereas the 1769 version is more “readable” and still reserve it’s poetic feeling with a flow of rhythm, so when you read out loud, they sounds beautifully.

Letter inside King James 1769 standard version bible


Some other words like: remoone (1611), remove (1769  and modern version) in Corinthians 13:2 
It’s quite easy to identify and of course you will also find a letter "To the most high and might prince James" at the front page of the bible, too.

Back of Timber cover King James bible with etching of Jerusalem wording

My King James Bible was a wonderful gift from my husband during his “flying” to Israel yearssss....before. The timber cover (walnut or sycamore may be?) is sooooo....special & human.
I choose to use the “ancient” verses in KJV for the highlight im my Point Zéro which are exactly what I wish my reader could read them loud to enjoy the "classic breeze", that’s why here they are, I hope you’ll love it! Enjoy!

P.S.: stain inside page are due to deterioration only.