Showing posts with label Coffeebreak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffeebreak. Show all posts


Medium Friend Links of April

Hi, Hi,

Did you try to read my Medium article from the Friend Link in the previous post? Is it working? I hope so.

How about a few more for April.


👉Tiny Flower Of The Wild

👉Hello, Anybody Here?


👉Jack Under The Moon ~ Nothing scary but romantic

👉Beautiful Calligraphy ~ Of the Islamic World

These are selected free Friend Links for readers of the Cocoa Design Life Blog you can view them freely in Medium directed vs the links; if you like it, simply clap or leave a comment as you wish, or subscribe via email, Happy April reading :D



Medium & Blogger, why not both?

i'm grateful to write under this beautiful sky
Hi hi, 

It's been a while that I'm writing nothing here, but actually I am writing in some where else - a platform I've discovered recently call  Medium (not new); which is a bit different from blogging, because first of all, you need to open a free account by start reading articles including you can view a maximum of 3 nos. of member-only articles per month; then you can write of course, but why is it so? 

The member-only articles can generate a small amount of income to the writer in several different ways, although it may not support a full time writer, at least we can buy a cup of coffee to continue writing, that's great, right? and the most important is , the overall reading / writing atmosphere over there is different, more sincere, I would say.

You will find longer and deep dive posts, readers just willing to read more even if you don't put any images along with. I've been using half months time to go through articles and was being inspired a lot. I think it's really the culture of different platforms that could affect the overall reading or writing experience.

Being an author/writer needs to go through a deep learning curve, you may not agree because it seems there are so easy for us to publish anywhere online, but it's so true and I keep this in mind seriously. Unless you are well trained in advance, most of us are keep learning to improve ourselves while keep on writing and reading simultaneously, years after years. (except for the talented and the celebrities). 

I have to tell you, as a reader, I do feel tired to find quite a huge amount of so call "coach" blogs which teach you "how to get 1000 followers" " how to get paid within a months blogging...",etc, etc. And on the other hand, as an indie author, what I really want to learn from our online mentor, is not the "TEN things I have to do", or "TWELVES tips to help you become a successful writer"..., etc, etc. Finally, I did find some good pieces over there, which helps me to write in another perspective; again, it take times but it's worth, I'm sure.

So, you may ask, am I saying that Blogger is not as good an Medium, and I am going to leave? No, no, no! As I've mentioned they are different, I always feel relax to write here, even when I am not promoting my book...Oh! my book, that is for another story to tell, may be later :P  

Cocoa Design Life has always been a leisure & relaxing corner that we can bird talk , just like what antleeli & ricketeer's originally designed, that's why I would love to fly over here, stay for a while and keep talking to you if you don't mind; I wish you do feel the same, too! No stress, no target to reach, no expert webinar to attend but just a quiet bird talk.

See u :D


Christmas is…



Geisha - 超市中的藝伎



Geisha - 超市中的藝伎
有機"藝伎種"咖啡豆, 淺至中度烘培, 日曬乾燥

還記得幾年前參加一個咖啡活動時認識了Geisha 這個品種,當年的我完全不懂欣賞,也喝不出任何特色所在. 而且當年這個品種剛流入香港,由於產量少, 是有特色的衣索比亞 (Ethiopia)原生種, 售價相對較高,並要在特定的咖啡供應商才能買到。我從來認為生活享受,應該是任何人可以輕鬆享用的,所以也就把這件事放下了。


由於Geisha 屬於單品咖啡,所以打算用手冲方式,即使未磨,豆香已撲鼻:淡淡花香是特色之一,混雜著蜜糖般的甜、果實的香,在研磨之後仍然散發著,甚至有少少酒香。



用了98度,17.6g 冲泡,約兩分鐘內完成。
冲泡後的Geisha 仍能保留淡雅的茉莉花香,士多啤梨的果實
及蜜糖般的甜味。柔滑而且平𧗾,輕輕的回甘…不知是否屬於帶果漿日曬?(因為包裝只説明是日曬)這樣才能製造出這般自然的甜味,真的頗特別,跟耶卡雪夫(Ethiopia Yirgacheffe) 那種橘子花香不同,有另外一番風味。


Coffee break today


Coffee Break Blog screen shot

Hong Kong is still hoisted in typhoon Signal 8 right now, a whole day long which is not a good time to stay outdoor, so I spend my time to polish my blog. 
I always want to install back the widget links of those blogs I loved to follow before, so I try to find them one by one through my previous Coffee Break blog links, a total 17 of them but only two are still valid. 
Most of them did start blogging early before in 2009 (also my first year of blogging), and most of them were using Blogger template in those years, they are simple and beautiful, like the one I had chosen. So, it was pretty easy to start writing blog in a good mood, I treasure those memorable days.
I am not sure whether I did tell you before, in the very beginning, Blogger didn't offer a custom domain like of what we are having, meaning, the only choice was something like; I was a newbie and misspell "blogspot" to another word (better not say :P), so when I tried to introduce my blog in an e-platform, it was directed to a shopping site, resulting in not only embarrassment but  a really bad feeling to the group. The problem was, I couldn't find out where went wrong until Mr. Wasaweb (a top contributor of the official Google+ help community) pointed out my silly mistake, which was then solved.
I shall never forget that night when I was stuck into the mess, and luckily got the help of someone I hadn't met before but save my blog, this is one of the reason that I keep writing today.
It's been awhile I was disconnected to wasaweb's blog due to his transformation of the blog structure; but I am so happy that the re-connection is resume today, so I've decided reinstall my link list in this blog, even though I have to restart all over again, it's still worth to rebuild because one of my habit while writing for a new post, a "coffee break" beforehand, to read my favorite blogs. 
Feel free to click for a look,  you may like them, too. 
Happy Blogging :D








看了很多頁,仍被哀愁籠罩着,還好到了其中一頁,文字是這樣寫的: 還好,守護天使一直眷顧著我。 下面一幅對頁是女孩坐在白天鵝背上,靜靜地在萍果綠色的湖水上蘯漾。水彩+粉彩般的効果如在霧中~全書最特別,也是我最喜歡的一幅圖畫。

另一幅深深吸引著我的,也是一個對頁,窗外黃昏彩霞映照入深沉的圖書閣,右邊窗台坐著女主角,文字是這樣寫的: 誰願意為我在黃昏的窗邊唸一首詩。坐在左邊窗台,是一直陪着她遊走的小狗。





The Tapestry Poem

I would like to share this with you, a wonderful poem selected by Pauline, our team member of "pastor Au + 7 pebbles" for a special study group  in our church.

"The Tapestry Poem"was originally written by Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950)
Then being shared by writer Corrie Ten Boom(1892-1983) in the title of "The Weaver".
This poem is so meaningful, being loved & broadly shared many many times; 
and I'm pleased to share it again in my blog, wish you like it, tooMy life is but a weaving

My life is but a weaving       我的生命
Between my God and me      是主與我編織的掛毯
I cannot choose the colors    我不能選擇顔色
He wealth steadily              主在編織引領
oft''times He weaveth the sorrow
Oft' times He weaveth the sorrow;    主常常編織悲傷;
And I in foolish pride                    我愚昧驕傲
Forget He sees the upper                 忘了主看到正面
And I the underside                      而我只看到底面
not til the loom is silent
Not til the loom is silent         直到織機無聲
And the shuttles cease to fly   機梭停止穿梭
Will God unroll the canvas    主會打開掛毯
And reveal the reason why     展現讓我明白看見
the dark threads are as needful
The dark threads are as needful      按照主的設計
 In the  weaver's skilful hand         深黑色的線
 As the threads of gold and silver    在熟練織工的手中
 In the pattern He has planned       和金銀線同讓需要
he knows, he loves, he cares
He knows, He loves, He cares;    主知道, 主愛, 主在乎;
Nothing this truth can dim.      這個真理從沒變.
He gives the very best to those   誰願順服祂主權
Who leave the choice to Him     主為誰留美好賞賜

P.S. - thanks Pauline for the beautiful translation so we can share with more others :D



Along the Seine

Pont Neuf along the Seine in Paris
Pont Neuf - The Seine - Paris Oct 2019

Imagine, you can walk along The Seine, every morning, in the afternoon or at night, what do you think? To me? dream...dream...dream...I wish I could!

Once you've been there, trust me, you'll never forget the aroma of the breeze, humidity of the air, warmth of the sun, tranquility of the surrounding, so relax...

But on the same sunny day, while you are enjoying the fascinated twilight moment, a sudden shower arrive without alarm, together with crazy wind in the dark, sometimes cold and sharp. 

Watching people screaming with laughter to look for a shelter like myself, it's funny and still, lovely! Yes, this is a wonderful experience to live nearby, I did experience "Four seasons" in the same day, unforgettable and truly amazing.

My hotel was located on the Right Bank, if you love a more quiet place, you can choose those on the Left Bank, or even The Island in the middle; no matter where you are, simply Enjoy !


Petit Paris - Pont Neuf

First ebook Pont Neuf of Petit Series book cover
click to enlarge

Hi hi, 

It's been a while after our last chat, right? Cos' I am quite busy these days, to do what? To draw and write this, and finally released on Google Book this :D

Although it is only a short picture book that I've started with for this series, I did work onto it seriously, hopefully you can feel it, too!

Our publisher name is PROTOWORK,
you can find me from here also Oiseau Distrait

As a Welcome gift, a discount is offer right now until mid of March, Enjoy!

I am still working on to distribute in other platform such as Apple Book, and will be announced once it is ready.

If you would like to see the "story" of producing the watercolor painting inside, there will be another post in Cocoa Design Life Instagram a bit later, be our guest and hope to see you there :)

To write short, I better tell you "behind the scene" of this book in next post, good day!

P.S.- read book in landscape view to display double pages 


Cocoa Studio Update

I have to write this post for three reasons:  

First of all, I must say thank you  to a blogger Ms. Emma, without her tutorial in 
I am still wasting time to find out a workable solution of building a photo gallery here.

Well, you may say why not using the "converting apps" from the market? After spending two whole days to test those apps and discovered, either they are not working smoothly inside Blogger, or with additional tons of codes that we really don't need, but the only reason to insert them is for their promotion banner. 

In fact, Emma share the simplest code and effective way to complete this job, the result is nice and sustainable without third parties control. Thanks again!

Secondly is the discontinue of Your Shot of National Geographic, a platform that we used to share our photos and learn from others. It's sad because it was a really good platform gathering professional & amateur photographers. So many good quality and amazing photos there to enjoy, comment from the supporting team are valuable; we were always longing for the "Photo of the Month". Although you can still find them in Instagram, most of us miss the Good old days.

Finally, as an amateur, to share what we captured in our own blog is the perfect place that we always wanted, but time...time...time...and now, this moment in Hong Kong, we are "trapped" at home, what a perfect time :P and so we did it.

If you do have a minute, why not visit our updated Cocoa Studio page, hope you'll like it.


Kenya Honduras Uganda

Kenya Honduras Uganda coffee bean in cute wood barrel

Kenya Masai
100% Arabica coffee bean
French Roast 
Acidity #3
Body #3
Strength #3
Aroma : moss, slight fruity sweet

Honduras Cristobal
100% Arabica grinded coffee 
Italian Roast
Acidity #1
Bitter #1
Body #1
Strength #1
Aroma : mud, dry

Uganda Erussi
100% Arabica coffee bean
French Roast
Acidity #1
Body #1
Strength #1
Aroma : caramel sweet, slight moss

Well, well, well...I am so lucky to have a chance of tasting all three of them. Basically they are quite mild but balance overall; according to my note of rare data provided, you can see how "junior" I am :P 

But, no matter how, as I've always said : Enjoy ! You don't need to be an expert.

Enjoy your cup of coffee, enjoy you relaxing moment, or simply the beauty of these bucket's design... 

P.S.: Thank you to my sweet sister-in-law Catherine 😘


Happy Friday - 7 in a week

Happy Friday - 7 in a week

Happy Friday,
happy friday,
haPPy fRIDAY......

fly fly away :D 



Thursday - 7 in a week

Thursday - 7 in a week



 I am COMING!!!



Wednesday - 7 in a week

Wednesday - 7 in a week

it will be wonderful
if ..
only if...

I can escape 
for 15 minutes...

hey! anybody there?!



Tuesday - 7 in a week

Tuesday - 7 in a week

come on

add oil,
add oil !!! 



Monday - 7 in a week

Monday - 7 in a week

5 more minutes,please;
just another 
5 minutes...

what a long day... 

download card 


Sunday - 7 in a week

Sunday - 7 in a week

Tell me why???

so cosy in bed...
comfy 😴



Saturday_7 in a week

Saturday - 7 in a week


Wait Pal!


I am Free !!! 😂 



Yojiya : aroma of Spring

Yojiya perfume

It's raining in Hong Kong, wet and cold = our early Spring!

The best moment to be surrounded by freshly grass or road side trees (H.K. convenience :P) ... that's what I've always love after rain, the "salad feel" aroma rejuvenate my body and soul.

There is another "aroma of Spring" which can also help to enhance this season, a little sweet flower perfume from Japan; nothing new, because lots of girls know and can purchase it online these day; or simply like myself,  grab one from Kyoto or Tokyo by the help of my frequent flying friends. 

Originally, I thought it is the note of cherry blossom,  not only because of the lovely petal tag, but the sweet pink color as well; but after searching online, it's a kind of not named petal with the combination of fruity scent. No matter what, just wear a little, you can jump into the poetic world of Spring through out all day long, so relax. 
Try one and start to embrace this season.

* The one in front is the famous oil plotting paper of the same brand, a souvenir from my brother.
   The mini version of perfume on top is from my friend, Jessie; love both and thanks all :D


Alone is not lonely

scene of a light up room in a building
There's a difference between lonely and being alone ... quote from LUCKY

You may still feeling lonely 
even if you are in a party, 
with friends, or 
being occupied by tons of task.....
it's time for you to be alone.

Everyone needs time to be alone, 
but it doesn't mean you are lonely. 
You can find your best moment, 
your place 
where nothing can interrupt 
your thought, 
how nice it will be!