

原定今天在上課前預備繪畫, 但突然心血來潮, 在舊檔案中找到這幅相片, 抱歉已經忘記是從那裏得來, 只知道很喜歡.

在我的生活中, 毎當完成某階段學習或工作, 總會為我帶來幾位可以長久交往的好朋友, 大多數是三位, 把我計算在内便形成一個四人小組, 讓我算算......也不知不覺有六個群組了.

在這數十個寒暑的成長路程中, 總難免遇到各種決擇, 又或許大大小小的衝擊; 毎當我在茫然中徘徊思索之際...(時常發生:P), 他們總是讓我可以求救的對象.

由於大家生活背景, 際遇及人生歷煉各有不同, 他們的意見, 便包涵着不同的角度; 或贊同, 或反對; 或鼓勵, 或冷水ー盤 :D 只要是建基於真誠當中, 這ー切的回應就變得甘甜和珍貴了!

要成長, 必需不斷學習面對真實的自我, 聆聽, 反思, 改進(或持守)...這是你我經驗中的不二法門, 知易行難, 尤其第一部份. 過程中總會跌跌蘯蘯, 患得患失; 甚至要重新評估, 再次肯定甚或否定部份老我, 但這一切是値得的, 因為没有人可以在温室内成長...! 重要的是總有摯友在旁, 同行, 安慰和勸勉......不知不覺, 又一年了.

讓我在歳終再次感謝大家的不離不棄, 我的四人行ssssss.!


Our new move

New Cocoa Design Life LogoHi, you may have already received the warm greeting from  our new author Ms. Oiseau Distrait; a new friend of mine while traveling to Paris in October earlier this year.

If you are not new to this blog, you should remember we were borned 10 years ago, started by using the name of "Coffeebreak" - a very leisure blog,  photo & drawing being arranged in a "polaroid" format, talking about miscellaneous issues, "light" as feather :D

Then we've moved on to a more design oriented blog as "Cocoa Design Life", the one with a stool logo on an orange ground, still remember? More contents were added related to different era of design; as well as those experimental online Cocoa shops of fabric & grocery store, different departments such as library and pin board,...etc.

The coming year of 2020, we would like to spend more time on writing/drawing picture book. Originally we did consider to create another new blog but we do think a blog should has the ability to grow up with the author as well as their readers, like the transformation from Coffeebreak to Cocoa Design Life; so finally we've decided to make this move by introduce Oiseau Distrait to share of what she has discovered while "flying around" on earth, recording by write/draw or take a snap shot before she forget. 

We've fine tuned the color scheme and logo into a softer and calm tone, you are always welcome to grab a cup of coffee or cocoa, of course; while enjoying your moment here.
Hopefully you will love this changes and grow with us for another 10.....20....years.


Oiseau Distrait
Salut, every body, my name is Oiseau Distrait, you can also call me "Forgetful Bird" or "忘記鳥" in Chinese.

I love photography, painting and writing in my own "birdy" style. Ms.Antleeli invited me to join this blog early in October of this year,hmm...after my "deep" thought, I forget how long, finally, and is my pleasure too, to accept this invitation, so I am here!

I am not sure, but may be it's because of me, the logo and the color scheme have been changed; well, I will say not so design oriented but a bit softer, what do you think,love it or not?

It may take a little more time for me to familiar with the environment, hopefully I can start my contribution to this blog soon, Au Revoir :>