Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts


來來去去 / To & From...where

Book cover of La Rue - Petit Paris by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge

我想,今次La Rue 的網誌,應該先用中文寫,因為這本書所涉及的內容,在今天,對身處香港的我們尤其切身。

兩年前去旅行的時候,完全沒有想過香港又再次出現移民潮(上次是1997年);如果你有看第六本書Hear Me, 也許會記得當我回來的時候,心繫巴黎的其中一件事,便是繁華背後,瑟縮在街頭巷尾的一班移民;其實我所眼見的也只是冰山一角,在不遠的市外,流浪著幾十萬的非法移民~這是昔日法國為着補充勞動人口而大開中門的後果。過多的移民突然衝擊着整個社會的結構,包括文化、經濟、生活配套、民生等等;但是,為什麼即使法國處於這個局面,仍有人離開故土而遷到這裏呢?





An Asian lady on the street in Paris

A local lady on the street of Paris

I think it’s better for me to write this blog post for La Rue in bilingual, because what this book addresses is emigration, a direct impact to us in Hong Kong even under the haunting of Covid since 2019. 

There was no clue for me to imagine the emigration wave appear once again in HK (last time was in 1997 & 2014) when I was returned from Paris, I did plan to include this topic in one of my book but simply for the scenario I saw in Paris, i.e.: of those who struggle to survive there…the uncontrollable result for the government of France to bear due to the drawn in of required working power…influx as a result which crashing the vulnerable society.

Actually what I had seen as mentioned in the book of “Hear Me” was only the tip of the iceberg, millions of immigrants are still scattered outside the boundary of Paris without any support behind a “hidden barrier”. But why people keep on leaving their homeland to somewhere which might not be their real “heaven”!

A chance for future of their own & the next generation, freedom, better living standard, to survive, escape from the mess of their own countries? all these could be the reasons to emigrants around the whole world, as well as in Hong Kong today; is it barely resigned or just a basic instinct of survival !

There is for sure more & more of my friends are going to leave in 2022, a huge decision they have to  make,  especially for those who are in their middle age ~ time of their harvesting period but now has to be started all over again somewhere. It’s hard but it has to keep moving forward by all means, I am pretty sure they will make it because they are “Hong Kongers”, the toughest to survive - a genetic code that we all have.





A Promised Land

Finally completed the reading of this 700 pages book last night, you can see how it was being "tortured" by me :P even though it's a hardcover version, the book jacket was fragile. I've using almost 6 months to complete because I could only had time to read before bed, which was about 1 to 2 hours at most, sometimes it was really tired but this book is worth to spend time with. 

As far as I could remember when I saw it in a MTR book store, it attracted me by it's thick spine at once; there was only two copies up there on the very top of the shelving,  I grabbed it right away and decided to bring back home after reading the blurb. 

In this six months, I ran through a "tough journey" leading by the author, an unusual one, the 44thpresident of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama. A journey of how his “bet” make changes for his people; the barriers of partisan & pressure that had to be overcome; burden of duties deep inside, both his country & family…with strong & true beliefs of democracy, justice, hope, that could bring especially to the African Americans; a better future that could be built & the most important ~ love, that should have as a real human being…

It’s an extraordinary experience to know the routine & tremendous supporting team in White House, the wide scope of issues that he had to consider prior to make any decision that might affect the majority as well as the minority. But behind the scene, there were always had some lonely nights/ moments that Obama was struggled to give & take. 

There was a message I kept receiving throughout the book is , whenever he received a letter or a voice from a citizen/kid, a message of a missing pilot, a visit of an injured soldier or the 911 families…all these will once again reminding himself why to step into the government in his first place, reminding him of being a humble president, as well as a better person.

I have to say I did enjoy very much while reading this book, because it is not only a memoir of a president, or a record of what he did during his presidency. Obama didn’t hide the actual feeling of disappointment, anger or depress whenever he felt; compromise that had to be made most of the time for a bill to pass through, but at least, some achievement that benefit to the country could still be made.

What I do believe “Passion to become better” is the key and only when human don’t pretend themselves as God, “Yes we can!”

p.s.- I'm thinking, what a blessing for a country to have a president like Barack Obama. 

還記得在三月的ー個下午, 上完課回程途經美孚港鐵站内的書局, 毎次總會入内尋寳, 當天也不例外. 在書架最高處, 厚厚的書脊吸引着我, 原來是美國總統奥巴馬的 "A Promised Land". 我對政治算不得上有興趣, 但對自傳, 尤其是有視野和胸襟的人卻是例外. 幸好剛剛夠高 :D 於是一手取下先看封面及封底~ 相片拍得很美, 尤其是書背的ー張, 完全捕捉到作者的神緖和情懷,很喜歡. 再翻開書内看簡介, 看罷, 決定買下, 開始了這漫長而又期待的閲讀旅程.

我説是旅程, 真的, 在整整六個月的時日, 我總會在僅餘的睡前一至两小時, 翻開這本長達七百多頁的書本, 讓奥巴馬帶我遊走於他的政治旅途, 既艱辛卻又滿有意義和感恩. 事實上, 有時工作後實在疲倦, 但仍很想看一章, 或至少ー個段落, 因為很値得;在很多個晚上,藉着文章的內容,讓我覺得本來看似很絕望的世界,又再次浮現絲絲美善的盼望,得到不少安慰。


書中提及在不少個無奈的晚上,奧巴馬獨自靜下來的時刻,他還是會因著收過一封市民的感謝信,聽過一個工人的故事,看見過一個非藉小孩的微笑;又或是在探訪傷兵/911 遇難者家屬,為着執行任務失而復得的機師⋯等等,等等而再次回想自己要進入政府工作的初心,為此,明天又會重新出發。







A chinese poem with illustration & autumn leaf photo by Oiseau Distrait
十月秋色 ~ 小巴黎  P.6-7  (click to enlarge)


最近,因着朋友的特別需要,把 Oiseau Distrait 的 Petit Paris 系列中,即將在十月出版的 Palette October  翻譯成中文,似散文多一點點的內容,還只能勉強把原文交代;我想,日後還是要花多些時間學習學習罷!


節錄自 小巴黎 ~ 十月秋色(非賣品中文初稿) 忘記鳥作品





From: Palette October ~Petit Paris Series by Oiseau Distrait
I am off, falling off...
If it's time to let go
I still want to hold
a second or so...
But I'm lost
without force...
to hold any more
Let me fall
at least together
with them all
for a season
that's all
Don't upset
it's not the end
we will fly when the wind comes by
scatter across the ocean
shining in motion
let everybody knows...this generation


The Tapestry Poem

I would like to share this with you, a wonderful poem selected by Pauline, our team member of "pastor Au + 7 pebbles" for a special study group  in our church.

"The Tapestry Poem"was originally written by Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950)
Then being shared by writer Corrie Ten Boom(1892-1983) in the title of "The Weaver".
This poem is so meaningful, being loved & broadly shared many many times; 
and I'm pleased to share it again in my blog, wish you like it, tooMy life is but a weaving

My life is but a weaving       我的生命
Between my God and me      是主與我編織的掛毯
I cannot choose the colors    我不能選擇顔色
He wealth steadily              主在編織引領
oft''times He weaveth the sorrow
Oft' times He weaveth the sorrow;    主常常編織悲傷;
And I in foolish pride                    我愚昧驕傲
Forget He sees the upper                 忘了主看到正面
And I the underside                      而我只看到底面
not til the loom is silent
Not til the loom is silent         直到織機無聲
And the shuttles cease to fly   機梭停止穿梭
Will God unroll the canvas    主會打開掛毯
And reveal the reason why     展現讓我明白看見
the dark threads are as needful
The dark threads are as needful      按照主的設計
 In the  weaver's skilful hand         深黑色的線
 As the threads of gold and silver    在熟練織工的手中
 In the pattern He has planned       和金銀線同讓需要
he knows, he loves, he cares
He knows, He loves, He cares;    主知道, 主愛, 主在乎;
Nothing this truth can dim.      這個真理從沒變.
He gives the very best to those   誰願順服祂主權
Who leave the choice to Him     主為誰留美好賞賜

P.S. - thanks Pauline for the beautiful translation so we can share with more others :D



智者、旅人 The Wise man said...

The Wiseman said

A tourist who was visiting a small village approached the house of a well-known wise man, and he was surprised to see that he lived in a small, humble room filled with books. The only pieces of furniture were a bed, a table, and a chair.

 “Where is the rest of your furniture?” the tourist asked.
 “And where is yours?” the wise man answered back. 
“Mine?” responded the tourist, surprised. “I’m only here for a short time.”
“Me too,” said the wise man.


從信仰的角度,智慧源於我們信靠的神~敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明!(箴言九章10節)人的智慧實在沒法與創造我們的神相比,這是合理不過的; 能夠認識並信靠神,自然能尋到智慧的根源,這也是我們的福氣。那麼,在還沒有認識神之前,是否也可以活得智慧一些而不是愚妄地渡日呢? 





Following blog 網誌追踪

Dear all,

We must apologize for the "always Mal-function" subscription link to this blog. Thank you to my friend Brian, who evoke this problem to me yesterday, cos' we didn't update some widget function for a long long time.

To simplify the process, submit your email to "follow by email" on the right side bar, follow the verification steps to activate your Feedsburner delivery, voila!

If there is still any problem exist, feel free to send email to us at

See you!


Hi, 大家好,

容讓我們先向大家道歉, 這也實在是我們的疏忽; 事縁作天收到朋友電郵向我査問如何可追踪Cocoadesignlife Blog?才發覺原先(多年前)設定的Feedsburner Subscribe Link 早已失效, 於是趕緊修復, 經過測試之後現今運作正常.

倘若你有興趣追踪我們的網誌, 請在右邊 "follow by email" 輸入你想接收文章的電郵地址, 接着完成一些簡單的核實身份程序; 並啓動由Feedsburner提供的連結作實, 這樣便能定時接收査閲我們的最新網文.

如果仍發現任何問題, 歡迎電郵 和我們聯絡.再次謝謝好朋友Brian :D



尋找 Francisque Poulbot

以往甚少會這樣把一篇文章分開寫和刋登, 多數會同時以 Bilingual Post Tag 去處理, 但是今次除了想尋找一幅由 Francisque Poulbot 繪畫的插畫名稱之外, 也實在很想介紹這位插畫師, 又或許法國人會較喜歡稱他為海報/名信片設計師. 由於篇幅稍長, 唯有分別刋登.

事源在巴黎蒙馬特(Montmartre)的博物館内被一系列展品吸引, 尤其這幅令我産生特別興趣, 正因為如此着迷, 連展品名稱及介紹也忘記査看,  不過這也是本人常發生的事...:P

Francisque Poulbot illustration in Montmartre muséum

這是一幅相對較特別的作品, 為什麼? 容讓我先來介紹這位畫家.

生於法國Saint-Denis 的畫家 Francisque Poulbot (1879-1946), 自1900年居於蒙馬特, 對當時舊巴黎被遺忘的街童 / 小童特別憐愛; 加上第一次世界大戰期間民間各種的苦况, 他在畫作中大部份以孩童作為主角, 從他們的角度去看/反諷戰爭所帶來的種種...於1923年, 他更在Rue Lepic 開設了ー間藥房, 藉此提供孩童所需; 正因為他的付出, 蒙馬特人特別竉愛這位畫家. 如果你和我一樣也喜愛 Victor Hugo 的 孤星涙 (Les Misérable), 在你看Poulbot的作品時, 也會因着有特別的感受而喜愛他.

Francisque Poulbot
Source from Wikimedia Common
不過在他反諷戰爭的同時, 也令他在二戰期間被囚. Poulbot 離世後"安睡於他的蒙馬特".

在博物館、圖書館或互聯網上找到不少他的印刷品或手稿展品. 除了彩色作品外, 我尤其喜歡他用單色繪畫的小孩, 也許很有童真純樸感, 也更表達到昔日孩童的缺乏. 而且, 如果仔細看看在畫作内的"對話", 很令人會心微笑.

雖然是法文, 但用手機翻譯, 即使未必完整, 也能會意. 以下是另外一幅我在館内拍下比較出名的作品.

Il aura bouffé du boche
il aura bouffé du boche
以下两幅可在網上找到, 雖然他的"戰地系列"似乎是較多人提及, 其實好些單色手稿或近似速寫的作品, 在繪畫孩童的形態時也很細緻及動人,
source from Wikimedia Common
Pas de blague....
Pas de blague! hein? les faut pour ce soir

在插畫下的"對白"再加上Poulbot的簽名, 是大部份作品的格式及名稱由來; 但剛巧我在尋找的那一幅只有他的簽名, 所以便成"謎"! 雖然在不同渠道也輾轉追査了個多月, 至今仍然沒有頭緒; 不過無論如何, 我相信終能找到. 如果適逢你知道, 可以告訴我嗎? 感激不盡 :D


Rainbow Covenant 彩虹之約

click picture to view in detail
Whenever the rainbow appear after rain, time freeze... 

how beautiful she is...the beauty of amazing !! (people on earth)

Hallelujah !
The bow covenant between God and all living creature... God's forgiveness (Christian on earth)

'...And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all fresh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. ' (Genesis 9 : 15)

darkness will be over one day, 
even it's long and intolerable...and 
there will be hope again !! 

(We! in Hong Kong 2019)

神說: "我與你們並你們這裏的各樣活物所立的永約是有記號的. 我把虹放在雲彩中, 這樣就可作我與地立約的記號了.我使雲彩蓋地的時候, 必有虹現在雲彩中, 我便紀念我與你們和各樣有血肉的活物所立的約, 水就再不泛濫毀壞一切有血有肉的物了...."  (創世記九章12-15節)

還記得早前在繪畫"神的創造"之後, 打算上一點顏色之際, 彩虹之約便即時呈現腦海之中.也許只源自顏色單純自然之美; 又或許是, 這個因人類敗壞之後, 在神的傷痛下被摧毀, 再重建, 被寬恕, 再被愛的應許; 使我懷抱着希望把色彩一點一點地擺上.

是神與人的復和, 也是人與人之間的復和; 此時, 被毀的才能有復原的希望.



7 in Creation - Seventh Day

7 in creation - Seventh Day

1. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,
and all the host of them.
2. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3. And God blessed the seventh day,
and sanctified it: 
because that in it he had rested from all his work 
which God created and made.

 1. 天地萬物都造齊了. 
2. 到第七日,  神造物的工已經完畢,
就在第七日歇了祂一切的工, 安息了.
3. 神賜福給第七日, 定為聖日, 
因為在這日, 神歇了 祂一切創造的工, 就安息了.

創世記二章: 1-3節


7 in Creation - Sixth Day

7 in Creation - Sixth Day

24. And God said,
Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, 
and beast of the earth after his kind:
and it was so.
25. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind,
and cattle after their kind,
and every thing that creepeth upon the earth
after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
26. And God said,
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27. So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.
28. And God blessed them, 
and God said unto them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29. And God said, Behold, 
I have given you every herb bearing seed,
which is upon the face of all the earth, 
and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;
to you it shall be for meat.
30. And to every beast of the earth, 
and to every fowl of the air,
and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth,
wherein there is life, 
I have given every green herb for meat: 
and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made,
and, behold, it was very good.
And the evening and the morning
were the sixth day.  

24. 神說: "地要生出活物來, 各從其類;
牲畜、 昆蟲、 野獸, 各從其類."
25. 於是,  神造出野獸, 各從其類;
牲畜, 各從其類; 地上一切昆蟲, 各從其類.
26. 神說: "我們要照着我們的形像, 按着我們的樣式造人,
使他們管理海裏的魚、 空中的鳥,
地上的牲畜和全地, 並地上所爬的一切昆蟲."
27.  神就照着自己的形象造人,
28. 神就賜福給他們, 又對他們說:
"要生養眾多, 遍滿地面, 治理這地;
也要 管理海裏的魚、 空中的鳥, 和地上各樣行動的活物."
29. 神說: "看哪! 我將遍地上一切結種子的菜蔬,
和一切樹上所結有核的果子, 全賜給你們作食物.
30. 至於地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥,
31. 神看着一切所造的都甚好.
有晚上, 有早晨,

創世記一章: 24-31節