過多幾天便要踏入2012年了, 不少人巳經安排好各式各樣的倒數活動, 又或是再次狂歡, 甚至一年一度的懺悔及自省時段.....最後一擊的發橫財之旅也是不少人的除夕夜節目. 令我想起在澳門拍下的一幅照片, 說起來, 這些五光十色的霓虹招牌不知從何時開始, 漸漸在香港的街道上一個一個地消失.
雖然我不鼓勵賭博, 但無可否認這些發財招牌實在頗有本土文化特色, 尤其當成行成巿之時, 互相"輝映", 復古味很濃又帶着繁華鬧市的縮影, 十分有趣. 特別是光管的顏色總令人覺得仍有一絲希望似的, 也許這也是不經意的色彩運用所帶來的一種假象罷!
今年除夕夜, 又有多少人會被"吸引"呢?
預祝大家新年快樂, 做個開心快活人 :)
3 more days to countdown, we will be in the year of 2012. New Year's Eve is quite an important night for most of us, I believe you've already arranged your party to celebrate with friends or family; may be attending the countdown event at Times Square , lots & lots of wine and cocktails again as an extension of Christmas; may be an once a year end confession...how about a billionare dream trip to Macau or Las Vegas?
This reminds me of a photo taken sometimes before in Macau, the colourful neon sign of those "Fat Choi" pawnbroker that lines up all along the street, which create a picture that full of local culture, attractive colour combination of oldies and the air of a metropolitan city; their warm tone brought you a virtual feeling that seems chances exist everywhere.
I am definitely not encourage any of you to buy your dream by gambling, but these pawnbroker signage do really reflects the success of colour combination, no matter whether they did it in purpose or not. I wonder how many people will once be mis-leaded again by these bulbs in this New Year's Eve?
Wish you all to have a wonderful New Year with
Joy & Smiley faces :)
便利小鍋? "Convenience Pan?"

香港人真的很幸福, 要吃日韓料理很容易, 往街上店舖找便是了. 即使要自已在小部屋煮也不是難事. 甜蛋卷是不少港人愛吃的日本食品之一, 制作也很簡單, 不過要用一款長方式的專用煎鍋,煎出來才像樣, 問題來了...又一隻鍋? 這是我們最苦惱的事, 牛排有牛排專用煎鑊, 中菜又有中式小炒鑊, 湯煲,燉品盅, 炸鍋... 總之一大堆.
如果用上圖的"便利鍋"便可以省點儲物空間, 更可以隨時隨地煮我愛吃的蛋卷了. 單看圖片, 有趣又可愛, 是best buy 嗎?...等等! 問題來了: 一人份制作應該可以應付, 但大前提是要煮輕食, 不用太多油或調味, 少汁液, "細碼"受熱情度相約及不需要翻動的食材.最後還要加一個專用清潔刷, 否則要"善後"也不輕鬆.....
好了! 結論是, 要吃甜蛋卷, 還是出街找最方便 :P
It's always been so easy for Hong Kong people to enjoy Japanese or Korean cuisine in most of the shops here, even though to make a dish at home is not difficult because we can find imported ingredients easily from our supermarket. Japanese style sweet egg roll is one of the most popular and favorite dishes that we love, the making process is easy if you have that rectangular frying pan which is tailor made for it both in shape and size. Oops...another pan for it? That is the problem! Steaks pan, Chinese wok , Deep frying pan, large and small saucepans...another one for egg? Oh no!
How about the one above, seems nice and cute, quite convenience, too; then we can have our fry sweet egg roll at any the time, all problem solved? best buy?...Wait!
Single dining portion shall be fine, but it has to be simple cooking, meaning, small cut size, not much oil, seasoning or sauce dishes; all ingredients can be cooked in similar degree of heat source, no need to turn over too often, and the most important is to have a special fit size cleaning brush to "serve" this pan after each used...otherwise, you can think of the nightmare.
O.K. my conclusion is : to enjoy a sweet egg roll? go straight to your nearby shop, and forget this post :P
Hey! It's Christmas!
Christmas =
End of the Year?
A moment to thanks?
Someone to remember?
Something to regret?
Wishes to make?
God's blessing to share?
It may means so difference between you and me, the one live in U.K. vs in Hawaii; those with official holidays in U.S. & H.K. vs in China & Japan.
But wherever there is light in the dark, we can share a moment of peaceful & tranquil; if you are not going to full booked your schedule in this Christmas, may I send this treasure moment to you as a Christmas gift...& may God's peace be with you,
Merry Christmas :)
End of the Year?
A moment to thanks?
Someone to remember?
Something to regret?
Wishes to make?
God's blessing to share?
It may means so difference between you and me, the one live in U.K. vs in Hawaii; those with official holidays in U.S. & H.K. vs in China & Japan.
But wherever there is light in the dark, we can share a moment of peaceful & tranquil; if you are not going to full booked your schedule in this Christmas, may I send this treasure moment to you as a Christmas gift...& may God's peace be with you,
Merry Christmas :)
Display problem for Firefox & Chrome
Hey, our dear readers,
You may find there is display problem when visit us thru' Firefox or Chrome, we are trying to fix it, sorry,
some Google bugs as usual :(
You may find there is display problem when visit us thru' Firefox or Chrome, we are trying to fix it, sorry,
some Google bugs as usual :(
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year :)
簡簡單單 It's so simple
記得好幾年前在中國武漢的必勝客內, 見到桌上這個用亞加力造的餐牌, 心想: 就這麽簡簡單單, 實用方便又美觀便巳經很好了! 為何在香港那些又過膠又用鐵圈又插這插那的...那麽複雜呢? 不但難清潔, 又有尺寸限制, 翻起來鐵圈又不順暢,
又是"simple is the best"及"form follow function"的理論.
老生常談, 但是一到要我們去開始一個設計項目時, 又回到"不嚇死人勢不休"的狀况. 最近在本土室內設計行內的 "暗柜密室, 鏡後密室, 柜中柜, 升降組合" 等便是這個例子.如果是一間小屋, 基於空間有限, 這樣處理還是可以理解, 但所見是千多呎住宅, 也就實在不明所以了.也許這就是"設計"罷!
Design is.....special material, trendy color, hit style + some exclusively tailor made decor...done - ready to sell?! is this want you believe?
I was in a Pizza Hut some years ago, in Wuhan of China; there was an acrylic made flip card holder which drawn my attention, that's it! Simple, nice looking and functional. How come what we've got in Hong Kong are so complicated? Yeah, it's true - some are laminated card on double metal ring + metal stand or slot in acrylic stand + laminated card in larger size slot into another acrylic stand....super messy and dirt accumulate onto different material used. Every time after I flip over to order, extra time for me to re-attach them one by one back into their position.
This is exactly what the proven of "simple is the best" and the "form follow function" principle!! What an old tale? But how come we never make it when we work with our design project? Why do we stick onto a "WOW" response from our client by selling those little "tricks".
An example recently occur in our field, the design of "a hidden room behind mirror wall of a room" " a hidden space behind a cabinet panel" " a hidden equipment inside a cabinet " " a hidden bar behind your closet" "a hidden staircase behind your headboard toward another hidden room......it's not difficult to understand if the flat is in limited space but why for a spacious house over 1000 sq, is that the only reason of creating "WOW" response of what a surprise and unexpected design that we are going to sell? I doubt !

It's over 30 degrees outside, in Phuket; we are in an ice-cream house inside, here, freezing...to the moment when we were kid.
I loved this glass at once when the waitress put it onto our table, I said I must bring it home after my dessert, but when I tend to ask the waitress whether I could buy it? I pause...just took a photo and left without regret.
There are too many occasions in our life time that we want to be a kid again, not grow up, no need to face the reality but keep staying in our happiest moment forever, being loved and protected. Yes, those days are the best, trouble free and safe......but not real either!
To extend our childhood by force? or to keep a pure heart, be brave to live on earth, enjoy what you are going to experience, joy or sad...also...without regret.
一毫子的價值 -Ten Cents
一毫子郵票機,對今日的我們來說實在沒有什麽親切感,但卻又是我們的一件恩物, 至少是正在塞滿你柜桶內一大堆亳子的歸宿. 但話說回來, 不知從那日開始, 毫子變得沒有價值, 尤其是一毫子?是物價高漲令它扁值呢? 又或是人類忙這忙那變得沒時間去招呼這一大堆"散銀"呢?
小時常會從這種售賣機買郵票, 因為覺得它很美, 十分典雅. 逐個毫子放進去等待郵票緩緩彈出, 一點也不覺時間消逝, 總覺得它和紅郵筒給我有異曲同工的感覺 : 令人期待. 也許你會說, 太誇張了罷, 買幾毫子郵票何來這麽多"感受"呀!
我想, 感受是隨着事物的變遷而產生的, 現在要找到這欵郵票機巳經不容易, 也許有一天當一毫子也從我們生活中消失時, 你才會明白它留給我們的不止是"一毫子"的價值.
A ten cents coin stamps vending machine...what a good old days product, not much meaning to us now, especially nobody is willing to accept ten cents coin when we suddenly woke up one day in the morning. But infact, this machine is the destiny of all your coins stuck inside your drawer right now. Is the reason of economy growth to lower the cash value or we are too busy for this & that, so we can't afford to deal with all this "tiny little things"?
I used to buy stamps from this elegant vending machine when I was young, love to wait aside, insert the coins one by one until a tiny stamps roll out - a desire of waiting to be happened, just like the feeling of insert the letter into a red post box. Well, well...how come so emotional for just buying a few stamps, you may say!
May be it's due to the change of things around us, truly speaking, it's not easy to find such kind of vending machine in Hong Kong now; one day, may be not too long, ten cents coin will also vanish in our life, at that moment, you will understand what its really worth of......for sure, not only it's ten cents value, but more!
小時常會從這種售賣機買郵票, 因為覺得它很美, 十分典雅. 逐個毫子放進去等待郵票緩緩彈出, 一點也不覺時間消逝, 總覺得它和紅郵筒給我有異曲同工的感覺 : 令人期待. 也許你會說, 太誇張了罷, 買幾毫子郵票何來這麽多"感受"呀!
我想, 感受是隨着事物的變遷而產生的, 現在要找到這欵郵票機巳經不容易, 也許有一天當一毫子也從我們生活中消失時, 你才會明白它留給我們的不止是"一毫子"的價值.
A ten cents coin stamps vending machine...what a good old days product, not much meaning to us now, especially nobody is willing to accept ten cents coin when we suddenly woke up one day in the morning. But infact, this machine is the destiny of all your coins stuck inside your drawer right now. Is the reason of economy growth to lower the cash value or we are too busy for this & that, so we can't afford to deal with all this "tiny little things"?
I used to buy stamps from this elegant vending machine when I was young, love to wait aside, insert the coins one by one until a tiny stamps roll out - a desire of waiting to be happened, just like the feeling of insert the letter into a red post box. Well, well...how come so emotional for just buying a few stamps, you may say!
May be it's due to the change of things around us, truly speaking, it's not easy to find such kind of vending machine in Hong Kong now; one day, may be not too long, ten cents coin will also vanish in our life, at that moment, you will understand what its really worth of......for sure, not only it's ten cents value, but more!
Coffeebreak for 2 - Gaggia Classic & Eureka
這段日子總是被咖啡的香氣濃罩着, 皆因第一部屬於我們的Espresso 機終於着陸, 心頭好加上新玩意, 總是有意無意早晚冲一柸鮮磨咖啡, 刻意補償(心理上)過去一段在即溶咖啡,又或被動式在咖啡室消費的失落年代.
不少朋友也憧景擁有自已的咖啡店, 可以隨時隨地無拘無束的在忙裏偷閒. 咖啡的香味總能把人帶離現實, 至少一刻.
從來, 咖啡文化就是帶有一定的奢侈成份, 不是說機器用具或咖啡豆等實體消費, 而是香港人最昂貴又最"缺乏"的 - 時間. 用心地冲煮一柸咖啡, 由學習選豆, 磨豆, 量粉, 壓粉, 冲煮, 打奶, 事後清理等等...才到品嘗的階段, 急不來, 總得經過不斷重複練習才會冲得一柸美味的咖啡; 最吸引人的莫過於能在享受每一口咖啡的餘韻當中同時擁有自我陶醉的感覺, 不信? 試一試!
不少朋友也憧景擁有自已的咖啡店, 可以隨時隨地無拘無束的在忙裏偷閒. 咖啡的香味總能把人帶離現實, 至少一刻.
從來, 咖啡文化就是帶有一定的奢侈成份, 不是說機器用具或咖啡豆等實體消費, 而是香港人最昂貴又最"缺乏"的 - 時間. 用心地冲煮一柸咖啡, 由學習選豆, 磨豆, 量粉, 壓粉, 冲煮, 打奶, 事後清理等等...才到品嘗的階段, 急不來, 總得經過不斷重複練習才會冲得一柸美味的咖啡; 最吸引人的莫過於能在享受每一口咖啡的餘韻當中同時擁有自我陶醉的感覺, 不信? 試一試!
Recently, I am wearing a "coffee perfume" every day, it was brought from our new espresso machine which was on board with the grinder this month. Once you know you can escape from your instant coffee and stop paying to Starbuck, coffee day & night will become your new hobby; well, may be just simply a compensation to the lost in the past coffee moment.
Most of us might dream to own a cafe, especially girls, I think; the free time and leisure moment that we can gain whenever we want is so attractive. But for Hong Kong people, coffee culture is a luxury expenses, not in terms of hardware, but TIME (if we are willing to spare a few minutes from FB or our mobile).
Starting from bean selection, grinding, measuring, tamping, brewing, milk frothing, daily cleaning......then we come to the stage of tasting...step by step, no hurry and can't be in hurry. The nice brewed coffee now in your hand comes from continuous practice, the most attractive after taste with a mouthful of coffee that leads you to the twilight zone is your reward, worth or not, have a try!
Coffee Diary 06
Everyday, the best moment I like, with you, simply beside me. A soft touch from a 4:30pm sun, warm and peaceful. How are you lately?
If one day we are going to say good bye, will you miss me? no more instant coffee, but espresso...
Book store? 此情不再
也許失去的東西總令人懷念, 貼滿招紙的大石柱, 重量十足的鉄趟閘, 用木衣夾吊起一本一本舊雜誌, 不知第幾手的舊小說, 爛竹籮內各式其式的讀物; 伯伯用來休息的舊籐椅......
曾幾何時, 每逢假日店舖休息之際, 總會在街上見到這類舊書攤, 真是環保生意的始祖. 是昔日多些人愛閱讀? 還是生活較簡單, 可以騰出多些時間去享受書中樂趣?
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace... 令我們這一代可足不出戶和朋友聯系着. 同樣e-book, online magazine 亦使我們不用手持一本實體書, 便可以從網上閱讀來自世界各地的小說雜誌. 如果你只可以有一個選擇, 你會保留實體書還是網絡世界上的電子書呢?
很難選擇罷! 一本印刷精美的書刋, 紙質的觸感, 油墨的立體感是電子書不能替代的. 但相反電子書的龐大書庫所提供的選擇性和方便程度, 卻又遠遠超越前者. 可能重點並非在硬件上, 但求有多些朋友肯花時間去享受一段文章或幾篇創作, 用那個渠道並不重要, 因為我想, 只有肯閱讀並思考的人, 才經歴得起現今時代急速的變遷.
A vanishing scenery in Hong Kong, second, may be triple hand book/ magazine sale outside shop on an old street. What we've missed are those antique stone ad post, heavy metal sliding gate, their special display method: product hung up by wooden clothes clip or just loosely drop inside a torn basket, plus the "coffee break" rattan chair aside...
This kind of mobile book store was nothing special in the old days, they were the real master of the recycle industry. I wonder whether we, people had more leisure time to enjoy reading the day before we crash into our massive media source from the internet world?
Facebook, twitter, Myspace...bring us to our friends within seconds, same as e-books, online magazine, how long have or haven't you been visiting a real book store? or, buy a real magazine? If you can only have one choice, you will go for a book in your hand or a virtual one?
Too difficult to choose? the personal touch of paper & printing from a good quality book/ magazine are non replaceable, but on the other hand, the infinity source and convenience that we can get from electronic world are also attractive. I think may be it's not the matter of how we read, but keep Reading ! take time to read a great article, enjoy and being inspired; to conquer the rapid change of the world avoid being drown.
曾幾何時, 每逢假日店舖休息之際, 總會在街上見到這類舊書攤, 真是環保生意的始祖. 是昔日多些人愛閱讀? 還是生活較簡單, 可以騰出多些時間去享受書中樂趣?
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace... 令我們這一代可足不出戶和朋友聯系着. 同樣e-book, online magazine 亦使我們不用手持一本實體書, 便可以從網上閱讀來自世界各地的小說雜誌. 如果你只可以有一個選擇, 你會保留實體書還是網絡世界上的電子書呢?
很難選擇罷! 一本印刷精美的書刋, 紙質的觸感, 油墨的立體感是電子書不能替代的. 但相反電子書的龐大書庫所提供的選擇性和方便程度, 卻又遠遠超越前者. 可能重點並非在硬件上, 但求有多些朋友肯花時間去享受一段文章或幾篇創作, 用那個渠道並不重要, 因為我想, 只有肯閱讀並思考的人, 才經歴得起現今時代急速的變遷.
A vanishing scenery in Hong Kong, second, may be triple hand book/ magazine sale outside shop on an old street. What we've missed are those antique stone ad post, heavy metal sliding gate, their special display method: product hung up by wooden clothes clip or just loosely drop inside a torn basket, plus the "coffee break" rattan chair aside...
This kind of mobile book store was nothing special in the old days, they were the real master of the recycle industry. I wonder whether we, people had more leisure time to enjoy reading the day before we crash into our massive media source from the internet world?
Facebook, twitter, Myspace...bring us to our friends within seconds, same as e-books, online magazine, how long have or haven't you been visiting a real book store? or, buy a real magazine? If you can only have one choice, you will go for a book in your hand or a virtual one?
Too difficult to choose? the personal touch of paper & printing from a good quality book/ magazine are non replaceable, but on the other hand, the infinity source and convenience that we can get from electronic world are also attractive. I think may be it's not the matter of how we read, but keep Reading ! take time to read a great article, enjoy and being inspired; to conquer the rapid change of the world avoid being drown.
Best Business Hotels 2011 - Wallpaper magazine
Best Business Hotels 2011 - Wallpaper magazine
原本預備了一篇關於書的文章, 但剛剛收到Wallpaper update, 發現了這個連結, 這是其中一幅吸引着我的照片, The Waikiki Edition, Hawaii 很想即時飛去那裏, 望着如此迷人的景色, 喝柸咖啡, 滿足矣!
推薦大家抽點時間欣賞內面共160幅照片, 來自不同國家的商務酒店, 香港的Icon 及 Ritz Carlton 也入選. 雖然我覺得並非每一間的室內設計也處理得好, 但卻有不同風格及設計原素可供細味.
其中比較得我歡心的除了上圖Waikiki Edition 之外, 還有Soho Beach House, Miami / Mondrian Soho New York 及 Le Royal Monceau - Raffles Paris. 你又喜歡那一間的設計呢?
Originally, I am preparing a post talking about "Books", but just received an update from Wallpaper Magazine which links me to this attractive photo, an hotel interior of "The Waikik Edition, Hawaii". Wow! I wish I could fly there immediately to enjoy my espresso under such amazing sunset.
If you have a minute, highly recommend you to take a visit at the above link, 160 photos of business hotel from different countries , including Icon & Ritz Carlton from Hong Kong. Well, although I have to say not each of them are stunning, they have varies design style and elements that are still worth to taste.
Besides of Waikiki Edition, Soho Beach House, Miami / Mondrian Soho New York and Le Royal Monceau- Raffles Paris are also my favorite, how about you, which one you like most? Enjoy!
地面頻道 Floor Discovery Channel
每逢往外地, 我們的視線總被當地的靚人靚景或奇人奇事所吸引; 但只要多點往地面搜索, 也有不少有趣及有特色的事物, 正如以往在日本也發現一個很精緻的公園地標Vanishing Beauty 一樣, 只是今次的發現是在澳門街頭.
也許不用多解釋, 一看便知, 沒什麽特別, 四塊彫花鉄皮用來蓋着路邊樹根. 但精緻的樹葉圖形有半立體效果, 疏水丶地燈位齊全, 裝飾及實用性兼備; 相比香港用磚頭或花棚等圍着"裝垃圾"的要好.
簡潔之餘有效果, 易打理之餘又耐用......不是推薦什麽產品, 而是小小一個公共設施, 只要肯花點心思, 己經可以令生活環境變得更舒適. 成功運用 Form follow Function 這個設計理論, 也會有佳作的.
Casino hotels, neon neon neon....these are the images of Macau, but there are local culture alley that worth to be discovered; I had a chance to take a walk in May and may be I can share my experience with you in later posts. But this time, I would like to share a delicate design with you.
Wherever we travel to another city, our eyes are busy with all the beautiful faces & scenes, or whatever fresh and extraordinary; if we take some time to look DOWN, there are even more interesting things waiting for us to discover, like what I had found before in Japan's local park - the Vanishing Beauty, this time, it's in Macau.
Well, as simple as a cover for the tree roots along the street, it can be like those found in Hong Kong - brick or plastic fence to create a "rubbish bin" as a result; or like this, a crafted metal cover with semi emboss floral pattern, with proper light fitting & drain vents - simple, decorative, easy maintenance and durable.
If we can spend just a little more effort to enhance the design of the local facility in our city, the design theory of "Form follow Function" is still applicable to sustain a good design that brings a better life to us.
Simple Elegance
第一個印象:你認為這是什麽? 小說封面? 酒店目錄? 咭片? 請柬?.......她, 是一個小禮盒.
半光啞油黑色暗地紋, 配燙金商標及字體, 感覺很有皇室feel, 高貴又帶點神秘感. 估估內裡放了什麽東西? 又估估是那一個國家的產品? 男仕或女仕用品? 價值多少?
A novel cover? A hotel guide? A name card or an invitation card? what is your first impression to this image?....she is...a tiny gift box.
Semi matt finish surface with subtle graphic, plus gold foil stamping logo and typography, to create a royal feel, as well as a mysterious elegance. Guess what is the product inside? from which country? For ladies or men? How is the price range?
心中有 一堆永遠解答不到的問題, 也許各位可幫幫手.
點解咁多人鐘意入住有酒店式大堂嘅住宅? 但係其實番緊自已屋企!
點解要住有會所嘅屋? 但係自已日日番咗工, 要放工或者假期先可以同全幢大厦或屋苑嘅人爭用會所設施!
點解要將十呎樓底唔夠嘅樓變成歐洲式古典設計? 仲要大厦用緊鋁窗!
點解要買咁多唔同種類嘅名師家具系列放喺個廳, 攪到好似陳列室咁?
點解屋企嘅設計要追上潮流, 一定要用今年流行嘅物料同顏色? 咁下年點算!
點解電視機後面幅牆一定要特別物料, 有"啲嘢睇"?
點解浴室有位都唔用浴缸要用企缸, 留番個窿做乜?.....
我想答案是, 只要我不是住客, 這一切也不是問題. 真正問題只是當我要為客人按以上要求設計時, 唯有........不要問,只要做!........
點解咁多人鐘意入住有酒店式大堂嘅住宅? 但係其實番緊自已屋企!
點解要住有會所嘅屋? 但係自已日日番咗工, 要放工或者假期先可以同全幢大厦或屋苑嘅人爭用會所設施!
點解要將十呎樓底唔夠嘅樓變成歐洲式古典設計? 仲要大厦用緊鋁窗!
點解要買咁多唔同種類嘅名師家具系列放喺個廳, 攪到好似陳列室咁?
點解屋企嘅設計要追上潮流, 一定要用今年流行嘅物料同顏色? 咁下年點算!
點解電視機後面幅牆一定要特別物料, 有"啲嘢睇"?
點解浴室有位都唔用浴缸要用企缸, 留番個窿做乜?.....
我想答案是, 只要我不是住客, 這一切也不是問題. 真正問題只是當我要為客人按以上要求設計時, 唯有........不要問,只要做!........
Next move...
These days, I move from one place to another, not only the place I lived, but also the place I worked. I am leaving the crowd, the groups of well known, the trend, the "network"... bird song replace traffic roar, wind breeze replace air conditioning, aroma of grass field replace ladies perfume, warmth touch of the sun replace halogen spots...just by chance, to take a break from melting into the "current flow", how lucky I am.
I bring along with my aged ishuffle and all my working document, catch the train / bus, listen to my favorite songs, hour after hours, traveling towards my working site; looking outside from window, it is so quiet & so peaceful, time freeze? - what a big contrast to my past working pace, how come?
Change - can bring you something out of your expectation, whether you want it or not, it can be a challenge, or a "dream" comes true. It seems my recent change brings me more time to think, to think deep, no hurry, no deadline. To me, I definitely need this refreshment before my next move, how about you?
I bring along with my aged ishuffle and all my working document, catch the train / bus, listen to my favorite songs, hour after hours, traveling towards my working site; looking outside from window, it is so quiet & so peaceful, time freeze? - what a big contrast to my past working pace, how come?
Change - can bring you something out of your expectation, whether you want it or not, it can be a challenge, or a "dream" comes true. It seems my recent change brings me more time to think, to think deep, no hurry, no deadline. To me, I definitely need this refreshment before my next move, how about you?
上海街 Shanghai Street

一個夏午, 走進久遺了的上海街, 昔日繁榮不再, 只餘下寥寥幾間繡莊, 押店, 涼茶舖及麻雀館. 樓上茶居巳不復見, 上海食館, 百貨店皮鞋店也在逐漸消失.
曾幾何時這是一條十分有 "上海風"的街道, 不少洋貨及高品質的國貨衣飾也能在這裏找到. 每逢夕陽西下之後, 華燈初上, 踏進這條街, 總會有種走進異國夜市的感覺.紅紅黄黄的繡莊招牌, 店舖愈大招牌愈是搶眼. 洋傘也好, 綢緞也好, 甚至花式多多的暖水壺也是一些有質量而市民又能負擔的優良產品. 今天, 我們收入水平高了, 但一般人能夠負擔的貨品, 質量卻相對下降; 就連居住環境, 空氣質數, 生活節奏也隨之而改變, 或應說是犧牲.
對於從未有機會接觸過那個時代的80/90後來說, 每天只能擠進愈來愈沒有特式的鬧市街頭, 又或是千遍一律, 毫無生命的商場來說, 實在可惜; 不過, 也許至少比我們只能懷緬的人心理上活得輕鬆. 你呢? 會選擇做那一個年代的人?
Afternoon, in Summer, once I've been step into this street - Shanghai Street, in Hong Kong. Oops, what a colour tone of the past, the colour of wash out. Only a few fabric shop, ma-jong shop& Chinese herbal tea shop were found; Cantonese tea house up stairs, Shanghai restaurants, Chinese department stores, book stores were gone, ...all gone.
It was once a street full of Shanghai culture, lots of imported daily goods could be found here, well, in high quality of course, even though they were from mainland China at that time. Whenever the twilight falls, neon sign flash everywhere especially the red & yellow one for those fabric shop, which sale high quality silk, damask or tailor made wedding wear; the larger the signage, the larger the shop. I still remember, living in those years, we could buy affordable good daily stuff, like umbrella, thermal vase, black leather shoes, a "heavy" duty cotton blanket + salted Chinese ham to wait for the Winter to come. " A foreign night market" was the picture in my memory.
Today, we earn more, but our living standard drops, how come? not even we have to pay more of having an up to standard consumer product; we sacrify our living environment, air quality or even life pace.
For those who can only be part of the crowd in our liveliness district or shopping mall, the 80's & 90's, it is a regret; but compare with us who know the past and can only be a chase in memory, which era will you prefer to be?
夢幻收藏家 Collector of Imagination
香港是一個人囗密集的地方, 很多人也住在一個小蝸居, 空間的限制卻一點也沒有影響人們收藏至愛的嗜好! 毛公仔丶動畫角色手辨、香水仔丶漫畫書、CD丶模型車、飛機仔...等等, 各式其式; 可有想過收藏顏色筆?
有玩收藏遊戲的朋友可能也會定時定候到Felissimo逛逛, 這裏有按月從日本寄出的可供收藏物品, 由柸碟剪貼圖案, 衣物飾物以至雨傘裝飾繩簾等, 一般要三個月至一年才可集齊所有款色, 而想擁有這500支有名有姓的木顏色便要花上20個月, 每月收到25色...嘩!可真要有相當的耐性啊!
有趣的是每支顏色也配上一個美麗而引人幻想的名字, 如:"雨後的八仙花", "南極的黎明女神", "南非的紅鶴", "鯉魚飛躍的天空"...你能想像它們是什麽顏色嗎?
也許在家中擁有這幅"顏色掛畫"並不比一幅名畫或水晶吊燈來得豪華, 但擁有500個由顏色引發的幻想可不簡單, 你可曾有過到南極看黎明的夢想嗎? 夢想, ...我有,也許不止500個, 你呢?
What is so special of collecting color pencils? How about a total of 500 pieces? Or every month you've only got 25 nos. meaning you need to wait for 20 months? And how about they've got their own beautiful names.
"carp in the sky" "hydrangea after the rain" "aurora in the South Pole" " flamingo of the South Africa"... can you imagine what their actual color is?
All can be connected from Felissimo, you may think this "color wall" is nice but nothing compare with the famous art piece or chandelier in your house; but I will say the 500 imaginations that bring from them is nothing that can compare with. Don't you ever thought of one day you are relaxing next to a crowd of Flamingo in Africa? just enjoy the wild freedom under the unspeakable amazing scene from the nature...
Dream, I have too many, may be already over 500, how about you?
有玩收藏遊戲的朋友可能也會定時定候到Felissimo逛逛, 這裏有按月從日本寄出的可供收藏物品, 由柸碟剪貼圖案, 衣物飾物以至雨傘裝飾繩簾等, 一般要三個月至一年才可集齊所有款色, 而想擁有這500支有名有姓的木顏色便要花上20個月, 每月收到25色...嘩!可真要有相當的耐性啊!
有趣的是每支顏色也配上一個美麗而引人幻想的名字, 如:"雨後的八仙花", "南極的黎明女神", "南非的紅鶴", "鯉魚飛躍的天空"...你能想像它們是什麽顏色嗎?
也許在家中擁有這幅"顏色掛畫"並不比一幅名畫或水晶吊燈來得豪華, 但擁有500個由顏色引發的幻想可不簡單, 你可曾有過到南極看黎明的夢想嗎? 夢想, ...我有,也許不止500個, 你呢?
What is so special of collecting color pencils? How about a total of 500 pieces? Or every month you've only got 25 nos. meaning you need to wait for 20 months? And how about they've got their own beautiful names.
"carp in the sky" "hydrangea after the rain" "aurora in the South Pole" " flamingo of the South Africa"... can you imagine what their actual color is?
All can be connected from Felissimo, you may think this "color wall" is nice but nothing compare with the famous art piece or chandelier in your house; but I will say the 500 imaginations that bring from them is nothing that can compare with. Don't you ever thought of one day you are relaxing next to a crowd of Flamingo in Africa? just enjoy the wild freedom under the unspeakable amazing scene from the nature...
Dream, I have too many, may be already over 500, how about you?
會說話的相片 Photo that speaks
上月初曾在電視看National Geographic, 剛剛介紹十張由編輯們揀選的年度優秀作品, 也許節目是重播關係, 這巳是2009年的事, 但相片內容一點也不過時. 從來都知道National Geographic 的相片出色, 尤其以紀錄式的相片. 基本拍攝技巧巳不容置疑, 但他們的攝影師所拍出的照片, 總令人有點心動, 甚至乎震撼的感覺.
上面一幅是由一位女攝影師Amy Toensing 在一個報道澳洲Murray Darling Basin 旱災時所拍攝的一幅照片. 相中的人物並非特約演員, 只是接載他們採訪的一個家庭, 一切就這麽自然地發生而在瞬間而被作者攝入鏡頭. 在節目中, 我們可以從評審口中得知多一點關於這幅照片優秀之處, 但其實相片巳把一切說明......其他內容留待觀眾自己去感受和聯想......這就是我們認為相片優劣的其中一個要素.
誠意推介大家登入National Geographic Photography 的網頁, 欣賞更多優秀的作品之餘, 也同時擴闊我們的攝影世界.
There was a National Geographic T.V. show last month, seems a replay of the Best Top Ten Photos of the International photo contest in 2009. A very good show, not only the amazing photos and photographers, but more detail analysis of the story behind. But truly speaking, neglect all of the technical know how that those photographers are familiar with, their photo tells story......that capture our heart and emotion.
The photo above was taken by Amy Toensing, who was asked to report the condition of Australia's Dry Run, there, is Murray Darling Basin. Everything in the photo was captured naturally happened at that incident, no actor, no props...but again, it tells the story,audience are free to explore within......we think, this is one major core of a good photograph.
If you have a minute, we highly recommend to click into the web page of
you can enjoy more brilliant photos and at the same time to explore in the photo world without boundary.
藍 Blue
從舊相片堆中找到它, 是遙遠的菲林時代拍下的一張照片, 令我着迷的藍.
自少也喜歡藍色, 天空的藍, 彩鳳雀鳥身上羽毛的藍, 深海的藍, 黄昏與入夜交替的藍, 邁亞美的藍...從來沒有一種令我失望的藍色.
這是一個在赤柱餐廳外的裝飾欄桿, 海浪圖案配上夏日的藍色, 很美,令人心情舒, 很想立即可以跳入海中暢泳. 今天, 它還保留着嗎? 也許巳變了沒有色彩, 沒有情感的玻璃組件, 我不知道!要是真的, 我仍會懷念着它昔日的美貌.
顏色牽引着情感, 尤其是自然界的色彩, 總令人讚歎! 下次, 當你要為自已的創作着色時, 不妨參考大自然所給你的提示, 也許你可以和我們分享你所戀慕的紅.
Blue - so attractive, can't run away from this lovely balustrade that was found ages in Stanley, H.K. I remembered, those were the days of 135 camera, what a good old days.
I love blue, any kind; sky blue, feather blue, blue of deep sea, blue of twilight zone, Miami blue......"blue" a never disappointing hue.
Sea wave, sea shell, Summer blue...I wish I can dive into the sea right now. Is this balustrade still standing outside that small cafe in Stanley? I am not sure, or, it has been replaced by modular glass panel already? so cold & dead? If so, I will miss her "forever beauty".
Colour - a special link to your emotion, especially colour from nature. If you aware of it's existing, you can tell how amazing they are. Feel it, whenever you need a touch of colour to your life, may be you can share with us next time : how is your romantic red means so much.
自少也喜歡藍色, 天空的藍, 彩鳳雀鳥身上羽毛的藍, 深海的藍, 黄昏與入夜交替的藍, 邁亞美的藍...從來沒有一種令我失望的藍色.
這是一個在赤柱餐廳外的裝飾欄桿, 海浪圖案配上夏日的藍色, 很美,令人心情舒, 很想立即可以跳入海中暢泳. 今天, 它還保留着嗎? 也許巳變了沒有色彩, 沒有情感的玻璃組件, 我不知道!要是真的, 我仍會懷念着它昔日的美貌.
顏色牽引着情感, 尤其是自然界的色彩, 總令人讚歎! 下次, 當你要為自已的創作着色時, 不妨參考大自然所給你的提示, 也許你可以和我們分享你所戀慕的紅.
Blue - so attractive, can't run away from this lovely balustrade that was found ages in Stanley, H.K. I remembered, those were the days of 135 camera, what a good old days.
I love blue, any kind; sky blue, feather blue, blue of deep sea, blue of twilight zone, Miami blue......"blue" a never disappointing hue.
Sea wave, sea shell, Summer blue...I wish I can dive into the sea right now. Is this balustrade still standing outside that small cafe in Stanley? I am not sure, or, it has been replaced by modular glass panel already? so cold & dead? If so, I will miss her "forever beauty".
Colour - a special link to your emotion, especially colour from nature. If you aware of it's existing, you can tell how amazing they are. Feel it, whenever you need a touch of colour to your life, may be you can share with us next time : how is your romantic red means so much.
A Whisper of May
"Hey, is that you, pink bird?"
"No, no."
"I 've heard someone talking; is that you?"
"We don't speak until dawn...well, if you are not asking!"
"Is that girl in front of us? what is the time now?... 9:30 already, she should be somewhere in the hotel spa or bar,or bed, why is she here?"
"It seems she miss us a lot ?!"
Almost 10 years, I've not been visited these little guys so long, I miss you all so much, how are you? Can still survive in this "last resort"? the last piece of tranquility in Macau? Please stay, don't give up even I know there will be a casino here very soon...Bye!
Almost 10 years, I've not been visited these little guys so long, I miss you all so much, how are you? Can still survive in this "last resort"? the last piece of tranquility in Macau? Please stay, don't give up even I know there will be a casino here very soon...Bye!
"Hey, she's left!"
"Can't anyone hear what she said?"
"No, no! but I know she will be back someday if only if we are still here."
PIXAR - 彼思動畫25年
自從上次看完達文西展覽後, 巳經很久沒有吸引我們注目的展覽了. 直到有一次上facebook, 由朋友個wall post 上發現 PIXAR 在香港搞展覽, 即時令我們提起興趣, 不得不往沙田香港文化博物館走一轉.
老實說, 我對這個展覽館沒有什麽好感, 明明座落在一個環境優美的地段, 卻日久失修,昏昏暗暗, 每次也不明白為何一些好的展覽總不介意在這裡展出? 好了!廢話少講. 我們刻意避開半價日(星期三), 所以當天不算太多人, 加上今次對"到此一遊"的影友及"電話友"管理較嚴緊, 所以還是可以靜靜地把所有展品看完.
展品除了有模型, story board, 電影角色構思, 造型, 光暗埸景分析之外; 更有不少手稿由各式各樣的畫家, 動畫師, 建築師, 平面設計師等, 用他們各自專長的技巧, 如油晝, 水彩, 電腦繪圖, 手辨製作, 炭筆素描, 拼貼等; 把各個故事構思及研究表現出來......對! 是研究, 十分專業及仔細地從各方面搜集資料, 加上創作, 修飾, 再值着拍攝動畫技術才在銀幕上表現出來.
在此特別推介"五星級大鼠"的背景及"怪獸公司"阿Bu的角色造型創作. 記得預留時間到5號展館欣想一段動畫短片, 色彩感十分豐富. 其他你們喜愛的角色如巴斯光年, 大眼仔, Nemo...就留待你們自行慢慢欣賞了.
電腦科技從來都不應該是現今單一的技術, 要是沒被真正專業的畫家或設計師所應用, 它仍是一件沒有生命的科技垃圾.
本地高清Local HD
每次經過深水埗, 總會被這個招牌吸引, 我們常說: 這間店舖老闆一定是很用心經營, 至少他很認真設計自己店舖的門面; 與我們現在在街上常見的大幅大幅banner 招牌, 即噴繪布板= "走佬檔招牌"有很大分別.
清楚易睇色彩分明的凸字店名, 一看便知賣什麽的天線樣辨, 大方對稱構圖, 再加精緻彩色燈泡串作裝飾; 即使算不上一流設計, 我個人認為絕對是有本土特色及誠意之作. 如果大家有時間, 不妨入內參觀, 售賣的電視配件並不過時. 如果遇上未開店, 不要緊, 趟閘上也有傑作, 姑且待你們自行發掘.
A really interesting shop found in Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong, I use to stay for while whenever I pass by, not shopping inside but the shopfront first.
You can simply told by it's local DIY design that TV antenna and related parts are selling here. The 4 texts above meaning "High definition electrical appliances", 麗光 : the large red 3D fonts is it's name, whereas those tiny colorful light bulbs....yes, not LED, but very traditional light bulbs are the eye of attractive. We have to give an applause to the owner, everything here reflects his dedication to his shop, sincere and creative; what a big contrast to those laser print banner type signage all around shops in Hong Kong recently, we call them " Come & Go signage".
If you have a chance to be there, have a visit inside,too; it's not old fashion, the product sole are quite update & practical. Or even if it's not the right opening time, there is still some interest for you to be discovered on their sliding gate, keep searching and hope you will enjoy.
曾幾何時 Somewhere someday...
從牆上撕下貼到發黃的一幅影印...很喜歡這一幅"直切面圖", 是什麽地方?想不到罷?卻又有點熟悉?....The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten, 九龍城寨是也!
有趣的是這幅圖畫是由日本人畫的, 很細緻, 值着繪畫出室內環境, 反映當時居住在這裏的居民生活上的點點滴滴. 雖然我不是住在那裏, 卻也令我對它的消失有點懐念; 令我憶起香港六、七十年代市民辛勤工作為一家大少奮鬥的景象, 為着的就是一小片瓦頂...辛勞卻很温暖. 今日, 九龍城寨巳清拆, 人們生活改善, 豪宅會所隨處可見, 心靈上是否亦可隨之而安頓下來呢?!
This is one of my favourite drawing, which has already fade out when I took it down from the wall surface. A very lovely "vertical section" of an interior, where is it? not familiar? ...The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten : a place in Hong Kong, famous in it's crowed living environment. It's complicated building arrangement incorporated varies kind of neighbourhood, all were low expenses local service like "one man band" salon, Chinese herb + Chinese doctor clinic, food store, local coffee & cake shop,...etc.
But the most attractive thing is, this drawing was published by a Japanese, the content is fine and very detail, it reflects what I've missed so much, the daily living of people over there, especially in the 60's-70's, people worked so hard for only a small piece of land for their family to live, to survive...nothing more but "warmth". Today, there is no more Kowloon Walled City, what left behind is a park and continue developing of club house and "grand" residential, the living standard of people are improving without doubt, and how about our soul? is there a place to settle yet?!
Full image of the drawing.
忙裹愉閒 Just have a minute
Finally got a break, although it's a bit late, still want to say Hi to you all. We have to say it's really sorry for a sudden "disappear" for almost two months; well, nothing special, but some re-arrangement to our life only. It's always be too much unexpected issues even though we've well planned, is that enough to follow step by step, hopefully all will be working in the right track?...No, never enough...may be this is life, never perfect but full of surprise....Anyway, thank you for your patience, it's for sure every thing will return to normal, see you in our next post :)
Finally got a break, although it's a bit late, still want to say Hi to you all. We have to say it's really sorry for a sudden "disappear" for almost two months; well, nothing special, but some re-arrangement to our life only. It's always be too much unexpected issues even though we've well planned, is that enough to follow step by step, hopefully all will be working in the right track?...No, never enough...may be this is life, never perfect but full of surprise....Anyway, thank you for your patience, it's for sure every thing will return to normal, see you in our next post :)
Super Moon?!
Super moon = super power = super disaster...do you believe? or like me, absolutely not!
Sometimes we blame a lot to others when we face difficulties, especially to the nature, but the fact is, most of the reasons are due to human ourselves; our desire of political power, money, name of famous, power of conquer...what we built may not what we actually need. "Need", something required for survive only, is that so complicated? I doubt.
We can't stop the continue growth of technology, or the living quality that we are enjoying, but we can take a break, think and review again to see if we can start repairing the faults that we've already made to our planet, and to our life. Take a break from our unlimited desire, that is never worth to be paid by our next generations.
There is no super power from the mysterious space but from us, the power to destroy everything within seconds if we don't control it.
真正財富 The Real Treasure of A Country
日本地震引發海嘯的大災難, 相信不少人感到震驚. 短短在這幾天內, 我們從報紙丶新聞、網站所看到一張又一張的圖片, 除了驚歎海嘯的强大破壞力之外, 市民在當地要面對的各種各樣生活問題, 難過及悲痛, 一幕一幕地浮現在我們眼前. 但最令我印象深刻就是這一張, 巿民安靜守秩序地排隊, 輪候食水的照片.
我們常說國家如何如何强大, 如何富庶, 超級武器裝備如何先進, 人均收入及消費能力如何如何高...但一切也不能承受大自然的攕滅. 只有國民在危難中仍然堅守岡位, 不慌不亂地配合政府的救援工作. 沒有暴亂丶憤慨、指責、呼天搶地, 讓政府可專心進行搶救工作......也許, 這才是一個國家真正值得驕傲的事; 如此高質素的國民, 才是國家真正的財寶.
你或許會說: 這是因為日本巿民一向有危機訓練才會有如此表現. 我不完全認同, 尤其當一個要面對家園盡毁,痛失至親的人來說, 難道我們還能要求他如此理性嗎?
News of Japan earthquake are all around us, lots and lots of photo were posted on the newspaper, TV, blogs or webs. The power of nature destroy everything within minutes, what can citizen do? Cry? Anger? Shout? lost of control? blame the government? turning the place into chaos?......No, but calm, behave, temporary overcome their lost and sadness - be control, helping each others...so the government can concentrate to all the rescue stuff. This is what I felt when I was attracted by this photo.
We've always calculate the strength of a country by their wealth, power of army, how advance of their weapon, how great of the citizen's consuming power or income index..., etc, etc; but none of the above can withstand a strike from the nature, even only once. May be, the real treasure of a country that she could proud of, is having a group of high quality citizen.
Although you may say, Japanese can behave so in order is because they are well trained while they were kids. Well, yes but not totally agree because it's a matter of total lost, not only physically but mentally, the lost of beloved; not only one but unknown, this is not easy to be logical as they are human. We, as human also, should be proud of them.
May God's blessing be with them all.
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A Series of Unfortunate Events - by Lemony Snicket's
The best of end credit design of both art and music.
一直都想為這套戲寫一篇介紹, 由占基利演出的"連環不幸事件".有趣的是, 片中最好看及最具觀賞價值的一部份來自尾片, 即出roller, end credit 的一段. 加上配樂, 把整個故事濃縮成另一齣動畫,再次用另類手法在觀眾眼前呈現.
短短五分鐘內, 讓我們再次投入整個不幸事件中.那種陰沉,黑暗,無助的氣氛, 配上緊張的背景音樂,跟隨着三姊弟一步一步地逃離占基利的魔掌.
留意剪影造形, 十分精緻,喜歡美術及設計的朋友, 絕對不能錯過.
Upside Down
Cat loves this position, we human, too. Because this is a gesture of relax, day dreaming, doing nothing, to take a break...
To me, a plus of thinking, reviewing, re-considerate of something stuck into the bottleneck. It takes 5 to 30 minutes, or more; ending with a solution or simply nothing, but it's a good chance to see things from upside down, from another angle of view, a real interesting experience.
Especially when you are lying on the beach, looking at the sky above, sandals of people, sand and tree root around, searching for new attractions that are not normally found; your viewing angle is expanding to a great distance, not only the sea in front of you.
Similarly, you will care more other than the tiny problem in front of you, but much more......a person? a long forgotten matter? things happening in other world that far apart? a special moment of something?.......a way out!
If it is so magical, why we don't do it often? Because it takes time - something we are "lack" of; and this magic will never work to the one who refuse to accept the true, even they know the answer is there upside down.
To me, a plus of thinking, reviewing, re-considerate of something stuck into the bottleneck. It takes 5 to 30 minutes, or more; ending with a solution or simply nothing, but it's a good chance to see things from upside down, from another angle of view, a real interesting experience.
Especially when you are lying on the beach, looking at the sky above, sandals of people, sand and tree root around, searching for new attractions that are not normally found; your viewing angle is expanding to a great distance, not only the sea in front of you.
Similarly, you will care more other than the tiny problem in front of you, but much more......a person? a long forgotten matter? things happening in other world that far apart? a special moment of something?.......a way out!
If it is so magical, why we don't do it often? Because it takes time - something we are "lack" of; and this magic will never work to the one who refuse to accept the true, even they know the answer is there upside down.
原本是泰國人民家常便飯的一碗湯, 經過包裝後,甚至為符合市場需求而改變用料,口味,便能成為升價+倍的菜式,給食店帶來可觀的收入, 這也就是設計和包裝的魔力......卻也可以成為咒詛.
事實上這一碗價值不到$4的冬蔭功,質地粗糙,用料普通,味道不豐富...但收費完全合理,沒有失望,是實實在在的地道平民口味; 總比運用技巧把外在因素提升,但產品卻是連基本水準也達不到的要好.名不符實就是我所指的咒詛.
原本是泰國人民家常便飯的一碗湯, 經過包裝後,甚至為符合市場需求而改變用料,口味,便能成為升價+倍的菜式,給食店帶來可觀的收入, 這也就是設計和包裝的魔力......卻也可以成為咒詛.
事實上這一碗價值不到$4的冬蔭功,質地粗糙,用料普通,味道不豐富...但收費完全合理,沒有失望,是實實在在的地道平民口味; 總比運用技巧把外在因素提升,但產品卻是連基本水準也達不到的要好.名不符實就是我所指的咒詛.
年畫Chinese Folk Art

年畫-是中國的民間藝術之一, 用農曆新年作為主題的尤其多.但也有不少是取材自民間生活的. 這套共有四款, 名為四合院---春、夏、秋、冬的作品(Artist, Bai Yanping), 不用介紹也知道其內容是環繞北京傳統建築:四合院內平民在四季的生活及景緻.
還記得當年在北京公幹, 小休期間便在某商場內發現這一小套印刷品, 我要强調是印刷品,因為如果是原稿畫作,其色彩必定會更加豐富和較有層次感.年畫的趣味在於沒有透視,即沒有消失點, 所以一眼可以看清前後景所繪畫的內容,這也是我認為最獨特之處.
Chinese Folk Art has one special kind of painting style - 年畫 , celebration of Lunar New Year is the most popular scene that artist will express in their painting, that's why in a straight forward translation, you may call it "Painting of the Year". But besides this, everything related to daily living of Chinese are also their favorite topics, like the one above are a Four seasons drawing in count yard house, i.e, si-he yuan- a very traditional and historical apartment in Beijing, by artist - Bai Yanping.
This set of commercial print out was found during my business trip, once in Beijing a few years ago. If these are the original paintings instead of print out, you will see a more subtle but rich color effect; but what I like most is the non-existing of perspective = no vanishing point, a very unique criteria of this kind of painting, so you can see clearing what are happening inside each corner of the small garden.
Now, be my guest to take a Four Season trip, enjoy !

You may easily recognize this photo is from the film of "The Pursuit of Happyness", one of our recommended film. I am not going to tell you the detail, I hope you can take a break from your work, watch and feel it by yourself.
Happiness - something abstract, can be easily reached; but can also be so apart which seems we don't know each other. The "happyness' that Will Smith come across here is nothing to do with luxury or desire; but simply SURVIVE. Why is it so difference? so touching, even though we may not have the same experience......
because at the bottom of our heart, we did have the same scenario, some days, some times before - to die for something. Do that "Happiness" still here? or just gone within seconds? hours? days or months?
There are different level of happiness, I believe; to have a long lasting or a most touchable one, will be the total sacrified of our own for somebody we treasure, without calculation of reward or lost.
Official site : The pursuit of Happyness
Official site : The pursuit of Happyness
"自我增值" - 這不單適用於人類,對商品而言更是恰當,此話何解?我所指的當然是人為的增值,看看右邊的相片, 這是我在杭州一間酒店內所拍下的宣傳品, 看外面的包裝,頗討好呢, 至少顏色鮮明, 令人覺得內面的茶葉也頗新鮮.
我仔細看看所推銷的是什麽特別貨品?說真的,沒什麽特別,只是四種普通茶葉罷了, 但特別的卻在包裝上.後面用錫袋包着的同類貨品賣5元人民幣; 但放了入前面的有蓋及有茶隔膠柸內, 身價卻增值至10元.結果...我明知這一小柸茶葉不值+塊錢, 我還是買了一柸回香港.
包裝也是產品設計的其中一種,內裡也包含着不少平面設計的元素.處理得宜的話,不單吸引消費者的視線, 燃起購買慾,更令貨品價值提昇.
我仔細看看所推銷的是什麽特別貨品?說真的,沒什麽特別,只是四種普通茶葉罷了, 但特別的卻在包裝上.後面用錫袋包着的同類貨品賣5元人民幣; 但放了入前面的有蓋及有茶隔膠柸內, 身價卻增值至10元.結果...我明知這一小柸茶葉不值+塊錢, 我還是買了一柸回香港.
包裝也是產品設計的其中一種,內裡也包含着不少平面設計的元素.處理得宜的話,不單吸引消費者的視線, 燃起購買慾,更令貨品價值提昇.
To increase the value of
product, as commom as tea
leaf here in Hangzhou, 5 RMB
for a bag, 10 RMB for a plastic tea
cup - see? the miracle of Product Design.
If we can't preserve what it should originally be, it's better to demolish and let it totally vanish except of what remains...the best memory of what we had.
(Photo: a monument in H.K. that is going to lose her face due to the modification of building usage by the government)
基本上不應該有衝突, 只要保留其建築形態精髓,改變內在用途以配合社會建設,也未常不是好事-這是我原本的想法.
但自重它開始被"翻新"之後,外牆油了奶油黄色,加了光管,拆了鐵拉閘,用啡紅油油了後面走火梯,加了展示板......我開始忘記她原來的樣貌, 直至尋回這張舊照. 最近還聽聞為要方便現代人上落將來建於內面的中醫館,會加裝電梯云云!如果你們到現址,巳經圍上了圍板.難道不可以把醫館放在地面,上層用作展覽廳,那就可用原有的樓梯經加固後上落嗎?
這一切一切,其實都不應該感到意外,始終落在沒有文化及藝術背景的政府手上,古物的下場大多如昰, 只是結局有多糟糕罷了!如果說藝術或設計文化對我們设有直接影響,懂欣賞古代建築的朋友們絕對不會贊同,這可不是保留集體回憶那麽簡單,而是挽回失去的技術與見證社會變遷的歴史.
Coffee diary 05
What time is it now? Wow! better take a break. Hey, it's nice to see you already here...a big pot is perfect for me.
Do we love to work late? I'm not sure, but with a cup of coffee is always better. No phone call, no email, no human voice, all in silence, only the sound of the keyboard...click click click...tab tab tab...may be sometimes, a sign from the air conditioner...
but it's difference, you know? a midnight dinner of room service vs a hot supper at your home sweet home; a stranger sleeping in next room vs your love in the bedroom; a banquet coffee cup vs your own coffee mug...even thought we are working now under the same universe.
Before we return to our desktop, how about a remote "Goodnight Hug" to him/her/it?
Do we love to work late? I'm not sure, but with a cup of coffee is always better. No phone call, no email, no human voice, all in silence, only the sound of the keyboard...click click click...tab tab tab...may be sometimes, a sign from the air conditioner...
but it's difference, you know? a midnight dinner of room service vs a hot supper at your home sweet home; a stranger sleeping in next room vs your love in the bedroom; a banquet coffee cup vs your own coffee mug...even thought we are working now under the same universe.
Before we return to our desktop, how about a remote "Goodnight Hug" to him/her/it?
Welcome to my Coffee Break Readers
If you are readers from Coffee Break , Welcome aboard.
Although my profile appearance is a bit difference, I would like you to enjoy here with me again like those lovely days in the past.Be my guest to take a break here whenever you are tired, upset, need some air; or share with us of your happiness or loneliness......
Enjoy our recommended music and films, come to visit our photo gallery, just relax and this is what we want to share :)
Coffee Break Series
也許大家會奇怪,上週突然間在此會多了一個Coffee Break 系列,甚至巳經累積了六十多篇文章?
其實早在2009年11月,我便開始用protoworkannie 寫這個名為 Coffee Break 的英文部落格,是一個較私人的blog; 與讀者閒談,並發掘生活上的小趣味,讓讀者在繁忙的生活中可逃到這裡有一個小休的機會.左圖便是第一篇網誌了.
後來因為要酬備Cocoa Design Life, 加上多了例行公事,再碰巧在那裡剛寫了一年,於是便決定暫時停下來. What Left Behind 便成了最後的一篇.
Blogging 是一個有趣及寳貴的經驗,能讓我們在這個虛擬世界內, 嘗試認真地分享及面對讀者.互聯網的普及使人與人之間的交往更易變得虛假及不負責任; 也許這也是我們一班"用家"須要細心思考的問題. 要不,繼續活在虛假中, 又或是付出一點真心與大家分享所見所聞.
終於經過與ricketeer商量,也許在這裡重開Coffee Break 也未嘗不好,至少這也屬於我們的生活態度之一: Coffee + Take a Break! 希望這個系列可以帶給你們一點設計以外的樂趣
其實早在2009年11月,我便開始用protoworkannie 寫這個名為 Coffee Break 的英文部落格,是一個較私人的blog; 與讀者閒談,並發掘生活上的小趣味,讓讀者在繁忙的生活中可逃到這裡有一個小休的機會.左圖便是第一篇網誌了.
後來因為要酬備Cocoa Design Life, 加上多了例行公事,再碰巧在那裡剛寫了一年,於是便決定暫時停下來. What Left Behind 便成了最後的一篇.
Blogging 是一個有趣及寳貴的經驗,能讓我們在這個虛擬世界內, 嘗試認真地分享及面對讀者.互聯網的普及使人與人之間的交往更易變得虛假及不負責任; 也許這也是我們一班"用家"須要細心思考的問題. 要不,繼續活在虛假中, 又或是付出一點真心與大家分享所見所聞.
終於經過與ricketeer商量,也許在這裡重開Coffee Break 也未嘗不好,至少這也屬於我們的生活態度之一: Coffee + Take a Break! 希望這個系列可以帶給你們一點設計以外的樂趣
相信很多人也會對這個"貓樣"有點印象罷?可能在日本見過,又或者某某雜誌, 某某卡通片......你知道它是什麽公司的商標嗎?Bingo!宅急便=速遞公司.
第一次看到是在日本街頭的小型貨車身上,一眼便愛上它;除了因為我愛猫, 這個簡單鮮明的商標,絕對反影到公司形象.
最近從報章上看到 Starbucks 也打算把商標簡單化(或許巳經進行中),取消Logo周邊的英文字, 只餘下中間女海妖的圖案,這個改變引來各界不少談論.其實,商標對公司的代表性並非一朝一夕可以建立起來.能夠用簡單獨特的平面構圖代替文字固然是最理想,但成功的例子如滙豐銀行, 蘋果電腦,三菱,Nike 或前文所介紹的宅急便公司...實在不多.
所以奉勸每位想開公司建立自已小品牌的朋友,切勿輕看卡片或公司門頭上的一個小標記, 這可會是比你想像中能代表及涵概的更多.
第一次看到是在日本街頭的小型貨車身上,一眼便愛上它;除了因為我愛猫, 這個簡單鮮明的商標,絕對反影到公司形象.
最近從報章上看到 Starbucks 也打算把商標簡單化(或許巳經進行中),取消Logo周邊的英文字, 只餘下中間女海妖的圖案,這個改變引來各界不少談論.其實,商標對公司的代表性並非一朝一夕可以建立起來.能夠用簡單獨特的平面構圖代替文字固然是最理想,但成功的例子如滙豐銀行, 蘋果電腦,三菱,Nike 或前文所介紹的宅急便公司...實在不多.
所以奉勸每位想開公司建立自已小品牌的朋友,切勿輕看卡片或公司門頭上的一個小標記, 這可會是比你想像中能代表及涵概的更多.
M.C. Escher - Ascending and descending
從書架找到一本十分喜愛的畫冊 M.C. Escher - The Graphic Work, 在1991年買下的, 當時因為對日本平面設計的所謂"形蝕形"很迷戀, 所以當看到這本畫冊時也就更加愛不釋手了. 但你可能會問: 此人既非日本設計師, 此圖又非"形蝕形",是放錯資料嗎? 非也!
如果從M.C. Escher 的畫冊中, 早期作品實在有不少形蝕形的木刻畫, 但他的後期作品, 如以上的一幅, 運用到平面及立體的錯覺而組成的圖畫, 才是最吸引我的地方.
" 一個一個修道士每日不停地重覆行上一條沒有盡頭的樓梯, 雖然可以因為疲倦而選擇往下走到平台休息, 但其實跟本沒有上和下的分別,約幹時候他們會發現這是一個不遵從規則的錯誤選擇 " - 作者對其畫作的解釋, 你的想法又會是什麽呢?