




上週,因為要找一些資料,從書架上取下Mitch Albom 的 the five people you meet in Heaven,由於有些內容已忘記了,於是又快速重看了一遍。就是這樣,在人生中不斷地重看,又是另一番滋味;翻開變黃了的首頁,寫下這是2006年買的,書背仍貼着$66售價的純白標貼,嘩!時光飛逝!





旅貓日記封面, 有川浩著


看旅貓日記,要預備一盒紙巾…主人翁因為一個原因,帶着小貓展開幾次探訪之旅,昔日的朋友,單戀對象…目的是為她尋找新居,看看她喜不喜歡新主人及環境。一次又一次的旅程,也換起主人翁的記憶與思念; 即使貓咪仍未有最終決定,無奈分別的時間已到.… 當你明白原由之際,貓咪選擇了她自己的想法…




The History of Modern France

Book cover of The History of Modern France by Jonathan Fenby
The History of Modern France
It's been a while for me to introduce some reading from my book shelf recently. Here is what I've got from a book store...by chance!
I walked in my leisure momentum towards Festival Walk in a sunny day, looking for a language grammar book, but it seems it's more & more difficult for me to find what I wanted in small book shop, unless I go to those super huge chain store...which I am not really enjoy. 
Due to the limited shop space to keep the stock, I thought I would leave in empty hands, but suddenly this book caught my eyes. Voila, I really need this, a quick review at the back cover and paid; a similar feeling of joy and excitement as I've bought The Fox and The Star .

I am not familiar with History of any country except a bit more of Hong Kong, of course. It's always be my most headache subject when I was a student, never pass in my exams. But I will be triggered to search the history of some countries after certain readings such as the memoir of a specific person, a trip, a painting or a story...when I grown up.

To have a glance of the history of France can be easily found online, but as usual, history can be boring if the writer mess it up; and on the other hand extremely attractive that leads the reader to view in wider angle , this book belongs to the latter. 

When I read through the details and have a bit more understanding to the background of the formation of Modern France, the Fifth Republic since the First Revolution, the "looping" of political, economic, basic human needs, or desires... all counted. Leading of the influx of immigrant, complicity of the social problems...after the vanished of the Monarchy & the "glorious" period of Napoleon's Empire.... facing the terrorist attacks in the modern age, again bearing the history that weight.

I continue to research more regarding the French National Symbols: the Cockerel and the Tri-color National Flag; the history of French Jews...A lot to explore, a lot more way for us to introspect, for all of our own countries, too. 

Thank you, Mr. Jonathan Fenby.


Transparent Integrity

Glass milk bottle reflects beautiful pattern under the sunlight


Whenever a sunny day, there is always a wonderful moment in the afternoon for light to play with shadow, they attracts me, so I stop working to join them for a while, usually not a while but long enough for me to think of something that we've missed like...transparent integrity!

I forget where have I learned these wordings from, a book may be; but they were written on a post-it which pinned on my notice board since 2016. The shadow play in this afternoon reminds me of it, the transparency that has to be as crystal clear as this, I think, as a person, a human being...

I wish I won't lost mine!


2021418日,星期日,晴,11:00 a.m.


將最後一個地盤handover 俾客人,係最後一個,正式係我卅多年嘅室內設計生涯劃上一個句號!離開地盤嗰一刻實在有唔少感觸,不過同時又有D輕鬆、興奮同迷惘嘅感覺,心情都好複雜吓;畢竟係畢業之後第一份同唯一一份職業。










Poster of Ghost Tropic
今天終於有些時間,坐下來靜靜地寫網誌。翻查觀看香港國際電影節的網誌,原來並沒有寫第43th 及44th界的紀錄,回想一下,為什麼呢?還記得在第43th和朋友一起看由Robert De Niro 及Gérard Depardieu 在大館上映的1900 ,上下集全長五個多小時;再加一套The Eyes of Orson Welles, 也似乎我是有打算為它們寫一篇觀後感的,因為圖片也預備好,而兩套戲也實在好看.…不過,應該是"忘記鳥"足足兩年多😅

而第44th 呢?應該是因Covid-19 而取消了。 今年,HKIFF45雖然有實體場,我還是在網上購票觀看,也只選了這一套 Ghost Tropic (Director: Bas Devos);不知是否因為疫情關係,多少也影響了片源,能吸引我的不多;幸好沒有失手,又是一套好戲。
由 Saadia Bentaïeb 主演的一個中年穆斯林婦人,因為夜班工作在回程的布魯塞爾尾班車上睡過頭,結果要步行回家。一小時廿五分的劇情,差不多全由主角一手包辦;全套戲稀有的對白,夜靜的街角,便利店,大宅,醫院…遇見的人、物、狗… 隨着燈光、場景、配樂,彷如置身其中,和 Khadija (主角名字)一起在寒冷的夜空中遊走,很靜,很靜… 感受她的疲憊、失望、關注、擔憂、無奈、放下…
