Showing posts with label Coffeebreak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffeebreak. Show all posts


Ikea Coffee Bean : Surprise !

Coffee bean from Ikea
Everybody knows that I am an IKEA and a Coffee lover, will it be lovely if they are merging?

Each year I will take a visit to see if there are any new products arrive, but unfortunately not many in the coming of 2018 in Hong Kong. Well, truly a little disappointed, so I am going to grab my favor almond pie before leaving, and accidentally discover this!

I am not a super fans of organic product especially in food, my past experience reminds me the "mild" taste of "everything" which are "boring". So I did hesitate a while when I saw this. In addition, because they are not freshly roasted, a certain compromise to aroma is expected.  

This espresso coffee bean is 100% Arabica, UTZ certified.
Produced in Sweden (I doubt whether it is the origin ).
Acidity 3, Body 5, Roasting 5....that's it, not much detail in terms of aroma or after taste...,etc. 
Cost: $46/250g. 
If compare with others, it is obviously very economical. 

To my surprise, the bean size are quite big, even though it looks like an Italian Roast, I will say a City Roast is more appropriate with a slight cinnamon favor is noted. 

Although this kind of ready packed coffee bean can not be compared with the freshly roasted and high quality single origin coffee; it is good enough for a morning coffee with sugar & milk, the overall taste is quite balance. So, give a try and you may love it :P



It's HOT!

3 white duck at the pond in hot summer's day
let's swim 02

Yesterday, what a sunny weather for me to act : Ping Shan Heritage Trail. 
Well, obviously it was a visit for the traditional Chinese architecture, a village mainly developed by the Tang's generation at Hong Kong in the 12th Century.

The temperature was over 30 degree C, there were merely people around. I was attracted by the the reflection of a pond nearby, while I was focusing thru' my viewfinder;  a few school boys passed by and said "hello" to me, followed by some very noisy "UFO" language that I couldn't classify until three of them appeared into my screen range.

After a vigorous discussion, they had decided to cool down in the pond...enjoy!

let's swim 01
This immediately reminded me another scene, well, actually to call it as "set" may be more appropriate - when I was visited the Wet Land Park at Hong Kong in February this year.

Same hot day,  tranquil pond, three of them...relaxing!
if only if you can imaging :)


To Kill A Mocking Bird

book cover of To Kill a mocking bird
To Kill A Mocking Bird
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (from Chapter 10)
Each time when I've hanging around in a book store, I will come across this little book, and every time I have to leave it behind cos' my quota only allows me to grab others; but this year, I've decided to get it.

To those who study Literature is for sure, will be familiar with it, right? But not me, I don't have the idea of what it's related to and why it is a famous American Classic! That's why I want to read it and find out the answer myself.

The first few chapters makes me feel that I am entering 3 kid's world (Scout/ Dill/ Jem)  in a small town call Maycomb. They live with their lawyer father Atticus, who looks a bit emotionless ; and a black maid Calpurnia.

School life, teacher, classmate, neighborhood...every thing happens day by day as usual together with a routine adventure of tracing the mysterious Boo Radley; not until these kid facing the real life of mercy, humanity, death, races, unfair, righteousness......they are actually grown up under Atticus's role model and love.

They are kids, helping us to view in the angle of purity which we had once before. We may not intend to but kill a mockingbird while achieving our goal somehow. In this book, you will discover those "mockingbird", they are really touching and inspiring; hopefully we can all find those in our real life and treasure them with our greatest effort. 

P.S.: highly recommend to read it :)


Hong Kong Wetland Park

colorful tree leaves below sunny blue sky

What a wonderful days we are having in Hong Kong this week, so I've decided to visit the Wetland Park. 

Most of us will be fascinating to the "tenant" inside : birds, fish, butterfly,...etc. So my original intention is  bird watching , especially when one of my friend told me that the best moment for this activity is in Winter (even it's a bit late); but to my surprise, there are candy like trees found somewhere in the park.

See, what a beautiful color they are under the clear blue sky. I took the first picture at around 2:00p.m. but I've decided to wait until 4:30p.m. for a second shot to capture the golden moment.

    red orange leaves under blue sky
So I got this lovely "mango like" leaves, too. If it is not God's creation, what can it be?

It seems quite strange that why there are still leaves on tree but not in fresh green during this early Spring time? The fact is some tree will keep their leaves but stop producing chlorophyll to reserve food for itself. Or otherwise, we will not have a chance to "meet" them.

My student always said that they are not well trained in design and therefore do not have the knowledge of color sense. But this is what I've replied and is absolutely true : color are around us everywhere in every moment, simply look and feel, you will be astonish and amazing in the nature of what God made for us.  Enjoy :)


The Fox and The Star - by Coralie Bickford Smith

Book cover of The fox and the star
How pretty this book cover is !!! - the first impression when I found it in a book shop yesterday. It was wrapped up by a plastic bag, so I really don't know what's inside?! But the fabric cover, the drawing, the title...all attracted me so much that I really want it, so I grabbed it without second thought.

I will say it just like starting an adventure whenever you bought a new book, imagine how it will lead you to another mysterious virtual world.

Orange red stitch book binding
Aroma and touch of paper immediately bring me to the starry night of a forest. The orange red stitches inside is the color of this little fox, unfortunately I can't unveil all the amazing drawings of this book due to the copy right issue, trust me, they are so beautiful.

You can only find 3 colors here except the neutral white, black and grey, but it's more than enough to present the whole world of Mr. Fox.

Inner page of beautiful illustration
The story is a simple one, but with open ending for you to explore much more than you can imagine.

If you see this by chance, bring it back to your bed side, it's worth and you will absolutely love it !


向左走。向右走 vs You've Got Mail

向左走。向右走 male figure最近番看了由 Tom HanksMeg Ryan 於很多年前主演的 
You've Got Mail 。 


向左走。向右走 female figure如果你有看過他的插畫作品"月亮忘記了",也必定不會錯過這個故事, 是同樣出色的繪本。故事道出一對居住在隔鄰的單身男女,由於每天早上,一個必定朝左邊出發,另一個則朝右邊, 因此總是碰不見而沒法互相認識......直至一天,基於地球是圓的道理,他們終於遇見。美麗的偶遇,期待着下一個約定,卻因為雨水洗掉了手上由對方留下的電話號碼而落空......

同是都市愛情故事,幾米藉著簡單優美的畫作,純樸地演繹。而 You've Got Mail 則利用網絡空間的相遇,使原本在事業上對頭而且屬於兩個世界的人連結在一起的這個意念,藉着電影浪漫地上演。

兩個故事最終大圑圓, 安慰了不少在煩囂鬧市中寂寞的心靈. 雖然兩者的演繹方法各不同,但看後卻得着相同的訊息和觀感。我想......

如果把這兩個標題套用在朋友關係之上, 將會變成一套怎樣的電影和一本如何的繒本呢?


I love "Classic" !

Gaggia Classic Espresso machine unpackActually, I should write this post 2 years earlier, unfortunately those days were a bit messy, so today is the time to share this experience with you, and hopefully it's not too late :)

Well, you may already know that we have an espresso machine, that was bought 5 years ago. For people using it daily, sometimes twice or up to xxx times  a day meaning, it is quite heavy loaded.

Basically, daily cleaning and occasional back flush should be good enough, plus a yearly descaling process will be perfect, too.

One day, it stopped working, totally - no more coffee comes out from the blew head = clog as assumed ?! Even though I went through all basic cleaning and checking procedure, it refused to work again.  You may think sending back to the manufacturer will be the only solution......

......the magic happens to Gaggia Classic because it is a mechanical machine, i.e. no chips or complicated computerize parts and therefore, we can try to repair ourselves. But, how to start??? This is what I've found from the Internet

Tools to repair Gaggia ClassicA detail step by step guide to teach you how to open the machine, what to check and what to clean. So, I tried by ready all tools + the print out guide and began with the "operation".

It took me 4 hours to complete the task and make sure no clogging inside the solenoid (detail please refer to the above link as the picture are much more clear), then re-assembling everything together, started the de-scaler process, that took another 2 hours......

I have to say the "Overhaul of Gaggia Classic Espresso Machine" blog post is gorgeous, but,  still not working. It's a frustrated before a clue that suddenly woke me up : the group gasket was deteriorated, Yes! it was as hard as a metal after four years working. So... a replacement makes everything alive !

If  there is not a good blog post to guide me, I can never using deduction method to reduce the affecting issues; and if this is not a true CLASSIC,
I can never try to repair it on my own.

Thank you Christopher Reed and Gaggia !




bookcover of 斷捨離
山下英子的 斷。捨。離。

還記得開始教"自在人生自學計劃-美化家居"課程的第一課, 當説到學員們在任何"美化"的大前提下必需先執拾, 捨棄沒有用,不合用或很久沒有用的物品; 才能騰出空間去美化家居。 課室內即時起哄, 大家嚷著這是一個天大難題, 要做到甚至單是想起也是"比死更難受!!! "

當時這本書仍未面世(但原來山下英子一早已在日本開設講座談及這個問題)。 由於我本身有"執嘢癮",所以對我來說不難享受到執拾、捨棄之後,那種在空間及心靈上帶來的輕鬆感覺。 不過當"斷"及"捨"在年復年的運作中, 慢慢便會步入難捨難離這個層面了, 也正好是今年我所面對的。

書內所談到似乎是很簡單,可以按步就班去實踐的方法; 其實當中更包含着一些令我們對事物執著而不願離棄的解讀…我想, 這就是本書可貴之處:心靈的釋放。

那天晚上, 一口氣看完, 立刻有當頭棒喝的感覺, 腦海中也即時浮現家中可以再次納入斷。捨。離。的事物; 翌日亦急不及待介紹給學員。 

如果此刻你正處於生活的樽頸位,何不來一個現實與心靈的大掃除? 也許會有意想不到的出路!


The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

bookcover of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist
Hey pal, some more reading this month. 
As far as I've known this is a very popular novel that seems inspire a lot of peoples around the world. So I finally grab a copy and read it within 6 hours one day.

Hmm, what should I say, it is an attractive, imaginative, inspiring of life and desire, easy reading novel, but not as highly expected than I used to thought of. 

May be it's what usually happens, if it is an Oscar Award film, you will expect more and, that may distract the outcome as a result. 

A story about a young shepherd to chase his treasure and dream, a prophet that leads him to leave his familiar homeland to the wild and unpredictable desert, where he met the Alchemist and learn his lessons of life.

If you have your dream, if you like desert and want to feel it's power, read this, it will take you there.


The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Bookcover of The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - by milan kundera
或譯作"布拉格之春", 但我較喜歡它另外ー個譯名: 



以捷克於1968年的民主改革運動為背景,描繪出四個生活在布拉格,各自原本擁有專業技能的兩男兩女;隨着這場運動, 影響了他/她們的命運。 原本那份不受約束又愛恨交纏的愛情與慾念,甚至對自己的個人價値與理想,亦不得不隨之而改寫。

第一次看這個作者的書,感覺很特別;恍如他就在我耳邊輕輕述説這四個人沉重的一生。似是一個故事,卻又如此熟悉!似是簡簡單單的内容, 卻又需要無限的文字去演譯那當中幻變的感情!



The first phone call from heaven

Bookcover of The first phone call from heaven
The first phone call from heaven
A new book recently found...written by one of my favourite author Mitch Albom. This is the fifth book I've read and the same feeling as usual : heart touching, comfort ... plus a little bit of "X-file" decor this time.

A small peaceful town Coldwater has never be the same when the first citizen received the first phone call from heaven, her deceased mother; follow by the second, the third & so on...I think many of us is for sure will not believe this call but how will this lie created by someone that can tie up all people inside? Especially to Sully - who lost his wife, who wants to believe this so much therefore he can listen to her wife's lovely voice once again, but sadly in the bottom of his heart... he know this is a hoax.

It's a story about love, about we can't let go to whom we miss, about regret, a struggle between sense and sensibility.

Ready a cup of coffee, a quiet & cozy corner, start reading this book; trust me, once you've open it, you will finish up to the last page, enjoy :)



Time flies..... could anyone knows what the next minute is going to be? 
will there be another minute of me to pass? or 
will there be another post to be written? 
who knows? 

it's for the one who treasure, 
who need it 
and use it. 
What if not? means nothing to you...or to me!

No regret.....could anyone really make it?
are there anything missing? or
being forgotten?
we should know!

Fix it...when we still have a minute !



The Time Keeper

Bookcover of The Time Keeper
The Time Keeper
Finally got some time to read a book. Mitch Albom is always my "first search" whenever I've enter a book shop......since his "Tuesday with Morrie". I am sure many of you did read this novel, really touching & inspiring.                                                                                                                                                                 This time, a story of three persons, appear in the past and present, traveling from present to the interaction of how they want to manage their life time, what they've thought is important to themselves and when they've make their own decision which it seems to be the best for everyone; they miss something......                                                                                                                                                                                  
 ...the treasure moment & experience with their true love. 

To some of us, this is not an "x-file" , a simple & easy understood theory. But in fact, how many of us do really try to slow down our pace, take some time to look around, listen and feel. 

Start by reading this small book tonight with your cup of tea, you will have a new angle to manage your time without regret !

" with endless time, nothing is special. With no loss or sacrifice, we can't appreciate what we have." - Dor to Victor 

" Ends are for yesterday's, not tomorrow's." - Dor to Sarah

" there is a reason God limits our days"......."to make each one precious." - Dor to all of us


Too much "Traffic" !

Night street in Wuhan
After a long day's work, walking from site to my hotel, basically hungry and tired, a hot shower was what I had in my mind. While crossing a bridge, a night breeze woke me up and I was attracted by the tranquil of this view.......I stopped and stayed for a while.....

Wuhan, a city in China that you may say it's trying to develop as the third or even second line commercial city right after Beijing and Shanghai. But same as other cities like Chongqing, there is always a modern corner with a rural or undeveloped street just right next to it. I hate this feeling, it seems some one or some place are being abandoned and sacrified. So, when I was visiting China more frequently, the urban dress up becomes out of my interest.

But, I've remember the night when I was there, I was being attracted huge signage, minimum neon light; a great portion of sky, concrete street path and buildings; no shopping mall but small local shops, passengers are walking in slow rhythm......a corner of tranquil !

Design can bring joy & added values to human life, but can also destroy our treasure when they are overdone......something that have already exist with us in million years ago. Could we bring the tranquil back to Mongkok, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay in Hong Kong?
Or...... leave it , let them "melt" into all those "neon trap" and just regret!



smiling face on coffee"咖啡拉花" :好玩又有成功感的手藝. 不少愛喝咖啡,自已又擁有意式咖啡機的朋友, 除了學習品嚐不同產地及研磨的咖啡之外,也會渴望學會一招半式的拉花技術,

既可自娛,也可逗朋友高興, 甚至嬴取女朋友芳心也未非沒可能; 看看他們拉出各式各樣的"心心"圖案便得知.

說真的, 不少行內的 barister 對咖啡拉花尤其著迷, 除了苦練之外,更有專程上課學習, 由最基本的心形, 蘋果, 樹葉到同心圖案, 天鵝, 羽毛等等. 

其實在一個小如咖啡柸的空間內, 要拉出圖案,而在圖案比例,奶泡絲滑度, 圖案幼細及複雜程度要控制得恰當, 也絕非易事. 參加本地或海外的拉花比賽而取得殊榮更是他們的終極目標.

由於拉花最基本需要, 除了有一柸適當抽取的espresso之外, 絲滑的奶泡是另外一個重要的關鍵, 太厚、太薄、太多空氣都注定失敗; 所以成功打到合格的奶泡又變成拉花的基本工了.

曾經在網上有位資深的barister導師給了我們這些新手一個小貼士 :如果每次都用鮮奶練習, 一天內不知要浪費多少鮮奶 = 金錢; 又要增加雪柜內的儲存量, 很不化算.其實只要在水中加一滴洗潔精,直接打泡, 同樣可以當鮮奶般練習, 信不信由你? 檸檬、西柚或蘆薈味更適隨尊便, 但請別問我練習後如何清洗奶咀?!

不過, 如果出盡力也打不到泡, 拉不到花, 何不輕輕鬆鬆喝柸自家製即磨咖啡......冇泡、冇花一樣可以開心過一天!


Right here we are

Reflections on the glazing of cafe on the Peak

Is it in the early morning or already sunset?

Are we inside a cafe 
just standing outside the glazing?

Are those star light, street lamp or pendant only?


Sometimes we don't know where we are, at what moment, 
doing what means to us or to somebody else! 

Does it really matters? 

Just stay right here we are, in a mysterious zone, 

for a short while, 

Life deserves a break !


Coffee diary 09

Coffee diary 09
I don't know why ?! But every time when I have to visit China, even just for half day, I need you before my departure.

I know I know...I can find you in most of the cities, they look like you, taste like you and smell like you; but I have to say, they are different.

May be what I really need is to grab something belongs to my place, in my own memories since I was born in H.K. - an energy pack to stay alert.

For those "similar" or "more deluxe" or "exact copy of the original brand"...are not my cup of "coffee". Only if I can be with you in free air, I can truly enjoy...thanks my pal :)



Lamp pole in Harajuku
It's 15 mins. past midnight, my second favorite moment besides twilight zone; it's the most peaceful moment that you can be alone, what will you do?

I used to study late when I was busy with my design presentation, then worked late when I was O.T. for my unfinished office stuff at home, year after years a complete darkness outside my window, street lamp poles are my companion. I wished I could have a walk outside if I was not had a deadline, what a desire.

For now, there is no need to stay late so often, but I tend to do so in purpose, just want to recapture the silents in the air, writing blogs or reading others, planning for my next move or simply take a break to refresh my about you?


Miracle boost ?!

onsen milk
I know the color tone is a bit strange but this is the true environment of what my "onsen" milk is waiting for in it's fridge. 

Japanese are proud of their onsen, most of the Hong Kong people love it, too. I have to say it is a A+++ grade of luxurious experience especially to enjoy their seasonal dinner after running a comfortable onsen "dip". 

But you may also heard that they will always recommend you to take some milk right after leaving the onsen, as a supplement of water lost; you will find exclusive milk supplied by your ryokan and ...... that's why I've prepared one for myself.

I just bought it from a vending machine in their lobby, so convenience and lovely, too. See it's packaging design, quite local made although I'm not sure whether it is?

So, I follow the "instruction" and you know what...... a glass of water can do,  BUT with the addition of premium value to this bottle of milk, i.e.: the myth, its' home made feel, freshness + the moment of where you are (at your vacation) and the desire of waiting to taste's definitely can comfort and rejuvenate a traveler, or a shopaholic. Happy Easter !




Everyday sunset right outside window

it's a blessing to know

today is so peaceful

for me

to have a new tomorrow