Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts



秦觀 (鵲橋仙)

纖雲弄巧, 飛星傳恨, 銀漢迢迢暗度.
金風玉露ー相逢, 便勝卻人間無數.
柔情似水, 佳期如夢, 忍顧鵲橋歸路.
兩情若是久長時, 又豈在朝朝暮暮.

適逢今天是農暦七月初七,  七タ; 也即是傳説中牛郎織女相會的一天. 令我想起這首優美的宋詞. 總覺得古人有份優雅的情感, 簡簡單單56個字, 便把整個詩情畫意,離愁別緖的情懷表達出來. 除了是文學修養之外, 清閒淡雅的生活能使人有空間去感受. 

也許在今夜, 大家不妨暫且放下手機雜務, 與掛念的人相聚ー刻.


Vacation is over

outdoor bar in Sai Kung
It's been almost one and a half years - such a long vacation from posting; sorry for leaving so long, but sometimes, you have to go... when you was stuck into something; life's changing, lack of inspiration, losing your mind...whether you are willing or not!

Same as design, even thought there are new technique, new material, new design firm, new client , new trend in every minute ...when you discover the circle was kept rotating but have to go!

Simply leave everything behind, time will do it's job, not only to the matter but you.

Blogging is very interesting, when time pass by, it's not a matter of take it or leave it. Most of us imagined to earn a living from here sometimes before, or should say long time ago; but once you've found the great difference between a commercial blog or a really sharing blog, you will have to choose and face the reality. 

Blogging is very attractive, especially you can "almost" post anything you want, no instant reaction that will interrupt your next thought, just share generously. 

But Blogging is also very energy consuming if only if you write it by your let's see what's next :)


Le French May - Beyond The Sound

Le French May - Beyond The Sound poster
I have to say we are really lucky as living in Hong Kong even thought it is only a small city, it's easy for us to reach different culture such as Le French May.

Yesterday while in the black rainstorm signal date, I 've visited  Comix Home Base (7 Mallory Street, Wanchai, H.K.), an exhibition : Beyond The Sound was held there, a scheduled exhibition for myself in this May.

It's a small exhibition hall which was transformed from a Grade 2 historic tenement houses, so the original structure of the building that were reserved are worth visiting. Although each floor area is quite small, it's good fit for such kind of extraordinary exhibition that require an individual and isolated space.

Usually I won't have high expectation to new media or arts exhibition because I am not an expert or well trained in these fields, but this time it is a bit of surprise. 

There are total 17 pieces of art related to sound, most of them are found on 3/F, may be it is so true that "sound" is no boundary like "music", you can easily touch and driven by their presentation. The no8, 11 and 13 are my favorite pieces, especially no. 11 - Distorsions by Pierre Laurent CASSIERE. 

I was so lucky that the black rainstorm resulting minimum visitor, so I can occupy the whole room by myself and feel how those three stainless steel liquify the concrete building under it's roar......very interesting and unforgettable experience. 

For the others, I will leave them to you. 
A highly recommended exhibition that is worth to take a walk, enjoy !



Time flies..... could anyone knows what the next minute is going to be? 
will there be another minute of me to pass? or 
will there be another post to be written? 
who knows? 

it's for the one who treasure, 
who need it 
and use it. 
What if not? means nothing to you...or to me!

No regret.....could anyone really make it?
are there anything missing? or
being forgotten?
we should know!

Fix it...when we still have a minute !




好唔容易先累積到幾萬溜覧人次, 加上最近冇咩寫嘢, 我諗萬一寫完呢篇被封, 咁未前功盡癈?
但係身為一個設計師,成日話要有自由嘅空氣先可以生存; 仲要係土生土長嘅香港人, 點可以係香港而家正處於大事大非嘅時候, 唔表示一吓呢?

2014年9月28日, 香港

中學生為着爭取普選特首於9月22日開始罷課. 26日佔領公民廣場.
9月28日戴教授啓動和平佔中, 部份學生及市民開始在金鐘靜坐, 人數愈來愈多.
同一晚, 政府用胡椒噴霧及八十多個催涙彈瘋狂地把和平示威者驅趕.........
結果激起不少市民的正義感, 運動由金鐘推擴至銅鑼灣, 旺角及尖沙嘴.

呢晩, 黄絲帶係臉書上變成好多人正義嘅化身. 凌晨時份我見有四個同學仔係我屋企對面條欄桿密密掛上一條一條嘅黄絲帯, 係暗淡嘅街燈之下隨風擺動...好靚! 心諗, 香港由呢一刻開始。。。。。。不再一樣! "雨傘運動 Umbrella Movement"亦隨住示威者用雨遮抵擋"驅趕武器"而誕生。

從來都唔覺得設計人要所謂嘅正治中立, 冇錯,政治嘅嘢真係好鬼悶,但係如果連學生都緊張,關乎公平,公義,自由,人權嘅未來,我哋仲扮咩"正治中立"?攞少少做人基本嘅良知出嚟,是就説是,非就説非。比起D學生,唔通連呢最少嘅表態同支持,我哋都做唔到咩?

 一個基本嘅要求,唔應該要咁多涙水、甚至血汗嚟換取,更唔應該由學生去承擔。或者你會覺得我哋D老鬼,做咩重要理埋D未必享受到嘅未來抗爭運動?舒舒服服有錢搵,有車有樓有老婆加條狗,政府話乜未乜囉!最緊要唔好因為呢D"少衆嘢"同D老細或者D Friend 反面。

"時窮節乃現  一一垂丹青。。。正氣歌文天祥





註:圖片取自Scholarism ,亦可連結査看更多雨傘運動的内容及進展。


Hi, how are you

Hello, everyone,

It's been so long from here since 2013.  Lot and lots of stuff happening, good and bad...happy and sad...but, we are " survived " ; just like any of you, who has faith, always trust to wait for the rainbow after rain. 

We are so glad that this blog is still viewing by someone...from somewhere...we may not know each other, we hope our post can still be an invisible link to tide us around.

While I am returning and wondering why are some "mysterious" comment found here ? 
Meaning...I can see a comment count but not the content ?!  Ah! It's a Google+ comment problem......

So I disable the Google + comment, then everything come's back. I can view the comment content and say hello to my reader. Bravo ;)

Hopefully, we can spend more time here to share and have a lovely chat !



Yahoo Blog

Knowing that Yahoo is going to close their blog service by the end of this year, although I don't actually have a blog there, it's still not a good news to those who spend their time writing their blogs in Yahoo for yearssssss.

Yes, it is absolutely the right for Yahoo to provide any services they think is profitable or competitive to other social media, but if all effort of the writer & their support can be ignore within minutes, will it be too "money oriented"? No matter how, they are not only user but "client" as well ; hopefully this will not happen in other rapidly expending social channels.


Welcome Kazu

Hi Kazu,

Welcome to Cocoa Design Life, hope you can have a relaxing moment here, enjoy :)


Our scrapbook


Hi ! Happy Snake Year to everyone, we are excited to share with you our Pinterest Page (upper page tab) here starting from today, you may find some familiar images or new discovery that we have selected from a lot of amazing people's pin, lets share and have fun ! Hey, don't forget to click to their original link below if you would love to know more of your favor items.

大家好! 祝願你們蛇年快樂, 身體健康. 今年我們決定加入Cocoa Design Life 的 Pinterest 網頁 (上面按頁), 希望你們可以輕鬆地分享到一些由我們篩選過認為值得與大家介紹的事物. 可能你會覺得部份似曾相識, 但亦有部份是由參與 Pinterest 的朋友們各自推介的, 希望你會喜歡 !
如果你對其中一些內容有興趣, 別忘記點擊圖片下面的來源網站, 便可探索更多.

* some new pin boards for styling are coming soon......
關於 styling 新貼簿會在不久將來跟大家見面.......



Hi Claire,

Welcome to Cocoa Design Life, hope you can have your relaxing moment here :)



tree shade alley in Japan
Most of the time we plan our next move, next target, achievement , project...big or small, travel destination, goal of this year end......

Sometimes, we have to stop, on purpose or by accident; everything have to pause, till when? no forecast, all depends......

It seems so frustrating to things happen that are not according to our plan, or even without any signal in advance; but this is life, keep changing and learning.

We are facing the same situation and you may notices by our rare post.  How's going? 

Have faith in God & wait, act your part & he will lead you, sun to warm you, breeze to refresh you, shade to protect you and support to guide you through.


How are you?

orange cocktail

Only a few minutes to start for a new day,
just want to know
how are you ?


Google Friend Connect

Recently we discover some google friend follower disappear, originally we thought it's because of technical issue that blogging site do happen very often. Today, I spend some time to review our whole blog......omg! Google Friend Connect retired in March already for non-bloggers, that's the reason why they've gone. What then?

We have to use google+ , hmm...another new stuff (not new to others but me) that I did try to find a minute to figure out, but simply want to pick up a bit later! Now, no more choice and wish me luck :D


Hard day...

Bert's Bath by James Flad
Had a hard day? How about a COOL shower :)


Happy Easter

colourful origami flower globe

Happy Easter with God's Blessing :)



Hi Langming Chung,

你好! 歡迎到訪 Cocoa Design Life, 希望你在此可享受到悠閒一刻 :)


The Christmas Song

A beautiful voice By Vervemusic on Sound Cloud :
For you ;)



Hi all,

The display problem was fixed, thank you for your patience, enjoy :)

Display problem for Firefox & Chrome

Hey, our dear readers,

You may find there is display problem when visit us thru' Firefox or Chrome, we are trying to fix it, sorry,
some Google bugs as usual :(


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

snow man in the globe

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a 
Happy New Year :)