
Hey! It's Christmas!

Street view at night in Hangzhou
Christmas =

End of the Year?
A moment to thanks?
Someone to remember?
Something to regret?
Wishes to make?
God's blessing to share?

It may means so difference between you and me, the one live in U.K. vs in Hawaii; those with official holidays in U.S. & H.K. vs in China & Japan. 

But wherever there is light in the dark, we can share a moment of peaceful & tranquil; if you are not going to full booked your schedule in this Christmas, may I send this treasure moment to you as a Christmas gift...& may God's peace be with you, 

Merry Christmas :)




Hi all,

The display problem was fixed, thank you for your patience, enjoy :)

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Hey, our dear readers,

You may find there is display problem when visit us thru' Firefox or Chrome, we are trying to fix it, sorry,
some Google bugs as usual :(


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

snow man in the globe

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a 
Happy New Year :)


簡簡單單 It's so simple

Simple flipping manuel in restaurant
設計設計...好像不攪什麽"彫鑽"花式就不是設計似的. 時裝如是,產品如是, 室內設計也不例外; 結果一律被當時所謂流行時尚的顏色丶物料丶造型所騎劫, 再加些似是"人冇我有"的裝飾, 便可以"賣設計"了.

記得好幾年前在中國武漢的必勝客內, 見到桌上這個用亞加力造的餐牌, 心想: 就這麽簡簡單單, 實用方便又美觀便巳經很好了! 為何在香港那些又過膠又用鐵圈又插這插那的...那麽複雜呢? 不但難清潔, 又有尺寸限制, 翻起來鐵圈又不順暢,

又是"simple is the best"及"form follow function"的理論.
老生常談, 但是一到要我們去開始一個設計項目時, 又回到"不嚇死人勢不休"的狀况. 最近在本土室內設計行內的  "暗柜密室, 鏡後密室, 柜中柜, 升降組合" 等便是這個例子.如果是一間小屋, 基於空間有限, 這樣處理還是可以理解, 但所見是千多呎住宅, 也就實在不明所以了.也許這就是"設計"罷!

 Design is.....special material, trendy color, hit style + some exclusively tailor made decor...done - ready to sell?! is this want you believe?

I was in a Pizza Hut some years ago, in Wuhan of China; there was an acrylic made flip card holder which drawn my attention, that's it! Simple, nice looking and functional. How come what we've got in Hong Kong are so complicated? Yeah, it's true - some are laminated card on double metal ring + metal stand or slot in acrylic stand + laminated card in larger size slot into another acrylic stand....super messy and dirt accumulate onto different material used. Every time after I flip over to order, extra time for me to re-attach them one by one back into their position.

This is exactly what the proven of "simple is the best" and the "form follow function" principle!! What an old tale? But how come we never make it when we work with our design project? Why do we stick onto a "WOW" response from our client by selling those little "tricks". 

An example recently occur in our field, the design of "a hidden room behind mirror wall of a room" " a hidden space behind a cabinet panel" " a hidden equipment inside a cabinet "   " a hidden bar behind your closet" "a hidden staircase behind your headboard toward another hidden room......it's not difficult to understand if the flat is in limited space but why for a spacious house over 1000 sq, is that the only reason of creating "WOW" response of what a surprise and unexpected design that we are going to sell? I doubt !



Hi Kona, welcome to Cocoa Design Life, hope you will enjoy a break here :)



cute graphic water glass

It's over 30 degrees outside, in Phuket; we are in an ice-cream house inside, here, freezing...to the moment when we were kid. 

I loved this glass at once when the waitress put it onto our table, I said I must bring it home after my dessert, but when I tend to ask the waitress whether I could buy it? I pause...just took a photo and left without regret.

There are too many occasions in our life time that we want to be a kid again, not grow up, no need to face the reality but keep staying in our happiest moment forever, being loved and protected. Yes, those days are the best, trouble free and safe......but not real either!

To extend our childhood by force? or to keep a pure heart, be brave to live on earth, enjoy what you are going to experience, joy or sad...also...without regret.