

話説最近呢幾年有幸參予一D成人興趣班嘅教學. 有同學覺得我(好似)好斯文, 奇怪我點同師傅溝通仲可以支持佢哋D "問候語"?

首先要澄清唔係個個師傅都咁"粗皮"嘅, 尤其而家, 好多都好斯文有禮. 我同同學講, 如果想係裝修期間大家做得開心, 令工程順利完成, 有三個人好重要:-

一個將心比己, 明白事理 嘅顧客
一個有專業操守, 氣定神閒 嘅設計師
一個細心老實, 尊重自己行業嘅師傅

當然, 時間/ 金錢/ 各方面嘅能力就不在話下喇. 始終一個住宅裝修工程由設計到完成分分鐘搞成五六個月; 除咗要兼顧大小事項之外, 突然期來嘅問題都唔少. 基本上顧客同師傅都承受一定壓力.

所以, 如果身為設計師嘅我哋唔能夠凌駕壓力, 毎次落地盤都令氣氛變得過份緊張, 搞到D師傅好似樣樣都做得唔好咁, 係"委屈"或"不被尊重/信任"嘅感覺下面, 好難令整件事美滿咁完工.
而我認為氣定神閒 嘅設計師擔當好重要嘅角色, 因為我哋係顧客同師傅嘅橋樑. 經驗話我知如果我哋可以心平氣和, 恰如其份咁處理整個工程運作, 好多時D問題都係可以解決到嘅.

雖然要集齊以上三個人辧, 有時都要靠彩數, 咁我就祝願大家好運啦!


月光光 Up Up in the sky

Mid Autumn Festival acrylic painting on tile

Whatever the weather is going to be,
here is the full moon that will always
shine in your heart.
Mid Autumn Festival 



Red flower in vintage picture shot
It's Summer
2015年6月, 非常炎熱的一天, 一早經東涌乘車往大澳, 己經忘記了有多少個年頭没有到訪......

那種久違了的魚村風貌隨着年日消磨, 亦己改變了許多. 正當艶陽高掛, 我不知不覺間歩入了村民的"後花園", 被這從樹梢垂吊下來, 隨着熱風擺動的"小燈籠" 吸引着.

懂得攝影的你也會知道毎當要拍攝正午下背光景物時是需要稍為曝光過度オ可以把主體反映清晰, 所以心知這張照片會over. 

或許是我的壞習慣 : 喜愛正午影相卻又不大喜歡在電腦做太多後期調較; (因為雖然現在科技便利, 但仍然會眷戀着菲林時代的那種曝光限制)不過最基本的level 檢示是必需的, 但結果......我卻保留了沒有調較過的這一個版本.

Nikon D300
ISO 320
f 4.5


你會喜愛那個版本呢 ?


Nikon AF600 : my second camera

Nikon AF600 camera
You may wonder after my first 120 roll film camera, it's normal that an upgrade of 4x5 format should be used...ha ha!

This is what I bought at last: a 35mm roll film camera for "dummy", i.e.: fully auto. 

As far as I've remember it is a tiny size negative of 24nos. picture film, very cute when you compare with the 120 format side by side.

That's for sure it is a very handy camera, not much to be adjusted, absolutely risk free snap shot expert, easy to use and light weight. 

I used it not only for leisure but when capture site work when I was a junior......long...long...time ago :D . Look at the bottom right corner, see that "Panorama" mode? Yes, this was her strongest feature that attracted me; I still remember how she did her good job but unfortunately I can't find those old photos in my file. But no matter how, she was my best assistant...thank you!

P.S.: Even thought a fully auto camera or "A" mode can do most of the job, remember to use the focus lock (or half press shutter release) to lock your target image before framing - otherwise a blur image as a result but it's not the camera's fault.


Signal lamp in good old days
Creative works can be in team but most of the time, we are alone. Like many of other photographers, writers, sculptors, painters, designers...,etc. That's why we love the moment after mid night.

There is always another "world" for us to enter, once the shutter wide opened, writing paper and pen are ready, colorful acrylics are on the palette.....and, we are ready to be "Alone"!

Not everyone like this feeling, especially when we are not in good mood; but it definitely gives us an environment to have free thought, no burden, no reality, no right or wrong, just concentrate...so concentrate onto the next move, bit by bit, so quiet that it seems we are the only living creature at that moment.

I love to do editing of what I've shot in the day at night, too. When photos appear on the screen, they were framed not only the scenario, but the background "music", aroma, people and things happened around at that specific moment...now, "act" once again in front of me..."at Night" "Alone" !

You will be surprised to see there are much more other then what you've intended to capture, take your time, enjoy!



bookcover of 斷捨離
山下英子的 斷。捨。離。

還記得開始教"自在人生自學計劃-美化家居"課程的第一課, 當説到學員們在任何"美化"的大前提下必需先執拾, 捨棄沒有用,不合用或很久沒有用的物品; 才能騰出空間去美化家居。 課室內即時起哄, 大家嚷著這是一個天大難題, 要做到甚至單是想起也是"比死更難受!!! "

當時這本書仍未面世(但原來山下英子一早已在日本開設講座談及這個問題)。 由於我本身有"執嘢癮",所以對我來說不難享受到執拾、捨棄之後,那種在空間及心靈上帶來的輕鬆感覺。 不過當"斷"及"捨"在年復年的運作中, 慢慢便會步入難捨難離這個層面了, 也正好是今年我所面對的。

書內所談到似乎是很簡單,可以按步就班去實踐的方法; 其實當中更包含着一些令我們對事物執著而不願離棄的解讀…我想, 這就是本書可貴之處:心靈的釋放。

那天晚上, 一口氣看完, 立刻有當頭棒喝的感覺, 腦海中也即時浮現家中可以再次納入斷。捨。離。的事物; 翌日亦急不及待介紹給學員。 

如果此刻你正處於生活的樽頸位,何不來一個現實與心靈的大掃除? 也許會有意想不到的出路!



tree with a rhythm
曾經學習攝影的朋友, 總不會忘記導師必教題:   構圖 . 沒錯, 構圖好與否絶對會影響相片出來的效果. 處理得好的話可以突出主題, 増強畫面透視感, 甚至可以帶領觀相者身歴其境, 一同感受拍攝當時的氣氛. 否則, 就只會變成凌亂鎖碎, 相中無物.

還記得初時因為用菲林機, 為着省錢 (避免後期裁放), 所以取景入鏡盡量計算準確, 希望曬出來的畫面構圖和拍攝時一樣, 也因此甚少拍下這一類較多線條及錯縱複雜, 色彩接近(容易黏地)的相片.....結果, 影相時"太手緊" 令我享受不到"隨意"的感覺, 也間接減低了環境事物的可塑性.

隨着進入數碼年代, 電腦後期裁放及加工已排除了這方面的制爪, 取景可以較隨心, 從而今我發覺有不少事物也是亂中有序, 頗有觀賞性的......不過我並沒有因為科技的進歩而放棄構圖的基礎. 最少, 甚至不裁放及後期加工仍是我努力學習及維持的目標. 因為只有這樣オ能不斷提昇對畫面比例和構圖的把握能力, 而不會仗着科技而"自我放縱" .

老實説, 如果這張相把左邊裁至樹幹位, 右邊裁走行人, 畫面會較緊凑....但願下次會把握得更好!