

上星期,廁所板突然宣告死亡,咁啱唔得閒,唯有勉強捱到今日。係好熱嘅中午,唔係同客睇, 買自己嘢就梗係鎖定目標,想快快趣搞掂啦!可能你會覺得好易啫,買番同一個型號就得啦 ; 咁又唔係喎,因為從來我都覺得D廁所板跟個馬桶一套,除咗有冇油壓之外就冇咩選擇,而且淨係得白色, 悶到發慌! (以前好多色揀) 


A)$800 白色Roca油壓板
B)$480 新進白色德國油壓板
C) $250 湖水綠歐洲普通板 
D) $180 白色唔知咩牌子油壓板


好明顯我揀咗 C 啦, 不過仲有下文, 係塊板用不銹鋼鉸,木蕊(重也), 而且係十年倉貨,返嚟要再自行清潔膠紙及汚漬…...好啦,講到呢度我應唔應該放棄呢?

1)Jacob Delafon 
5)原價700 大洋


Jacob Delafon WC cover


做個 " 愛國" 的設計師

2014年10月26日, 發放了一篇 做個有承擔的設計師, 把好不容易累積了的中國流覧本網誌數量付於流水.可惜, 但無悔.

今天, 終於把流量稍為穩定, 更剛剛發佈了"可可雜貨舖", 在期待着吸引多些讀者之際, 我還是決定要寫這篇網誌; 即使, 我的期待或許將要再次落空.

 剛剛在電視上看了一個關於劉曉波先生的特輯.那一刻,我竟然能感受到身為"中國人"對國家没有看待人權, 人民沒有真正自由的那種傷痛, 真的很痛!!!

一個帶着崇高理想, 以和平心態去期待國家變得更好的學者; 卻為此而賠上自己, 甚至最愛的一生,  値得嗎? (我敢説在他心中一定認為値得!)

自問對什麼政治, 國家...不算熟識; 但人權, 自由, 理想和愛, 是正如你我一様, 天生便懂得, 也應該可以隨時享用. 可是, 在2017年的世代, 中國在高舉什麼一帶一路, 讓全國接軌的同時; 另一邊廂卻仍然像"野蠻人"一樣. 思想守舊, 腐敗, 專横...視人命如草芥!

劉曉波先生和劉霞的付出, 其實, 這オ是真正的愛國, 只是國家不愛國民罷了. 

以言入罪, 軟禁, 網絡封殺, 囚禁異見人士......這一切並不會隨着他的離世而終止; 但可以肯定的是, 人可以被囚, 心卻不可以! 只要有這個信念, 他(們)的付出必不會白廢!


Cocoa Grocery Launch!

Cocoa Design Life Grocery banner in Redbubble

Although it is not our original intention when the first date we blog here, 
it is our desire in certain extent. 

It was started almost ten years ago, when we had discovered Spoonflower; as most of you may know that, you can create your own fabric pattern by using of any media and technique; which is fun and creative. But unfortunately, they are quite "limit" in manufacturing; even though they team up with Sprouts Pattern and Roostery later on, wall paper and fabric oriented products are still their only main stream. So, it's a bit of frustrating when some potential pattern that can fit into our daily life product but can't be made.

Well, I have to confess that I spend too little time to further explore this issue until this year, the world is changing so fast especially in e-commerce, numerous of build-on-demand platforms had already been mature and doing well in the market. So, here we are in Redbubble

Usually, throw pillow is a standard product, 
Coffee Fantasy throw pillow in Redbubble
Coffee Fantasy

but we want something else such as this one :D

Coffee Fantasy iphone cover in Redbubble
iphone case

The best offer in this platform is the possibility of pattern re-sizing and orientation to different product under the designer's control. This is what I wish for so long.

Coffee Fantasy fabric design in minky fabricYou may ask then why we are still built our Cocoa Fabric shop in Spoonflower, because it do provide a number of good quality fabric choices that others don't. 

Like this "minky" fabric, so......fluffy and cute !

Therefore, before a real creative online "Grocery" is found on earth, these are still the best channel for us in the mean time.

So, take a visit to our shop if you have a minute, 
we will upload more design in the coming future. 
Enjoy !



City aurora fabric design

Collection : City dream
Pattern : Aurora

Original :  Photo of light trace in the city
Style : Modern, Western
Tone : Warm
Effect : Graphic illusion


Inside Out

view from inside or outside
Inside Out

Abandon vs Freedom
Lonely vs Tranquility
No way out vs Change
Death vs Move on
To love vs Be loved

It all depends which side you are standing!


Minolta XD : My third camera

Minolta XD SLR camera
First of all, I have to apologize for your waiting to the review of my third camera, because it had already gone to somebody years ago, and that's why I need to find a photo online and thanks to WIKI.

O.K., here it is, my Minolta XD, actually in black. Yes! it's model no. is XD in Japan version :D

As far as I've remember I bought this in a kit set together with a standard lens of 50mm, which cost me a total of HK$1,600 something. My first 135 camera in almost 30 years ago; well, that's why there is no more "Minolta" today; but Konica Minolta. 

It's handy, rigid, easy operate, affordable price range that suits me as a design student. When I save enough money, I bought another Minolta zoom lens 70-210mm; followed by a Fuji 19mm wide....is that strange? Ha ha! 

As you know, wide angle is expensive but I do need one for my interior shot, and I was lucky because by the help of Ricketeer's friend who modify his second or even third handed Fuji mount to fit into my XD, Voila' !

1 Body + 3 Lens became my companion and partner for almost five years. So, they were my good memories of my "Good Old Days!" Thank you Minolta :)


It's HOT!

3 white duck at the pond in hot summer's day
let's swim 02

Yesterday, what a sunny weather for me to act : Ping Shan Heritage Trail. 
Well, obviously it was a visit for the traditional Chinese architecture, a village mainly developed by the Tang's generation at Hong Kong in the 12th Century.

The temperature was over 30 degree C, there were merely people around. I was attracted by the the reflection of a pond nearby, while I was focusing thru' my viewfinder;  a few school boys passed by and said "hello" to me, followed by some very noisy "UFO" language that I couldn't classify until three of them appeared into my screen range.

After a vigorous discussion, they had decided to cool down in the pond...enjoy!

let's swim 01
This immediately reminded me another scene, well, actually to call it as "set" may be more appropriate - when I was visited the Wet Land Park at Hong Kong in February this year.

Same hot day,  tranquil pond, three of them...relaxing!
if only if you can imaging :)