Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts


7 in Creation - Fifth Day

7 in Creation - Fifty Day

20. And God said, 
Let the waters bring forth abundantly
 the moving creature that hath life,
and fowl that may fly above the earth
 in the open firmament of heaven. 
21. And God created great whales,
and every living creature that moveth,
which the waters brought forth abundantly,
after their kind,
and every winged fowl after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
22. And God blessed them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, 
and fill the waters in the seas,
and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23. And the evening and the morning
were the fifth day.

20. 神說: "水要多多滋生有生命的物,
要有雀鳥飛在地面以上, 天空之中."
21. 神就造出大魚和水中所滋生
各樣有生命的動物, 各從其類;
又造出各樣飛鳥, 各從其類.
22. 神就賜福給這一切說:
滋生繁多, 充滿海中的水;
23. 有晚上, 有早晨,



7 in Creation - Fourth Day

7 in Creation - Fourth Day

14. And God said, Let there be lights
 in the firmament of the heaven
to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and for seasons, 
and for days, and years:
15. And let them be for lights 
in the firmament of the heaven 
to give light  upon the earth:
and it was so. 
16. And God made two great lights;
the greater light to rule the day.
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.
17. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven
to give light upon the earth,
18. And to rule over the day and over the night,
and to divide the light from the darkness: 
and God saw that it was good.
19. And the evening and the morning
were the fourth day. 

Genesis 1: 14-19

 14.  神說: "天上要有光體, 
作記號, 定節令, 日子, 年歲,
15. 並要發光在天空, 普照在地上."
16. 於是 神造了兩個大光, 
大的管晝, 小的管夜, 又造眾星, 
17. 就把這些光擺列在天空, 普照在地上,
18. 管理晝夜, 分別明暗.
神看着是好的 .
19. 有晚上, 有早晨,



7 in Creation - Third Day

7 in Creation - Third Day

9. And God said, 
Let the waters under the heaven be gathered
together unto one place,
and let the dry land appear:
and it was so.
10. And God called the dry land Earth;
and the gathering together of the waters
called he Seas:
and God saw that it was good.
11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:
and it was so.
 12. And the earth brought forth grass, 
and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, 
whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
13. And the  evening and the morning 
were the third day. 

9. 神說: "天下的水要聚在一處, 使旱地露出來."
10. 神稱旱地為地, 稱水的聚處為海.
11. 神說: "地要發生青草和結種子的菜蔬,
並結果子的樹木, 各從其類,
果子都包着核." 事就這樣成了.
12. 於是地發生了靑草和結種子的菜蔬,各從其類;
並結果子的樹木, 各從 其類,果子都包着核.
13. 有晚上, 有早晨,

創世記一章: 9-13節


7 in Creation - Second Day

7 in Creation - Second Day

6. And God said, 
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7. And God made the firmament,
and divided the waters which were under the firmament
from the waters which were above the firmament:
and it was so.
8. And God called the firmament Heaven.
And the evening and the morning
were the second day. 

Genesis 1 : 6-8

6. 神說: "諸水之間要有空氣, 
7. 神就造出空氣, 
事就這樣 成了.
8. 神稱空氣為天.
有晚上, 有早晨,

創世記一章; 6-8節 


7 in Creation - First Day

7 in Creation - First Day

1. In the beginning 
God created the heaven and the earth.
2. And the earth was without form, and void; 
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3. And God said, Let there be light: 
and there was light.
4. And God saw the light, that it was good: 
and God divided the light from the darkness.
5. And God called the light Day,
and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning 
were the first day. 

1. 起初  神創造天地.
2. 地是空虛混沌, 淵面黑暗; 
3.  神說: "要有光." 就有了光.
4. 神看光是好的, 就把光暗分開了.
5. 神稱光為晝, 稱暗為夜.
有晚上, 有早晨, 

創世記 一章 : 1-5節


Happy Friday - 7 in a week

Happy Friday - 7 in a week

Happy Friday,
happy friday,
haPPy fRIDAY......

fly fly away :D 



Thursday - 7 in a week

Thursday - 7 in a week



 I am COMING!!!



Wednesday - 7 in a week

Wednesday - 7 in a week

it will be wonderful
if ..
only if...

I can escape 
for 15 minutes...

hey! anybody there?!



Tuesday - 7 in a week

Tuesday - 7 in a week

come on

add oil,
add oil !!! 



Monday - 7 in a week

Monday - 7 in a week

5 more minutes,please;
just another 
5 minutes...

what a long day... 

download card 


Sunday - 7 in a week

Sunday - 7 in a week

Tell me why???

so cosy in bed...
comfy 😴



Saturday_7 in a week

Saturday - 7 in a week


Wait Pal!


I am Free !!! 😂 



tuesdays with Morrie

Book cover of Tuesday with Morrie
凌晨 05:43 的香港, 天空仍是漆黑ー片, 窗外很冷, 隠約聽見冷空氣在人煙飄渺的街道中迴蕩, 偶爾路經的車聲把我喚醒. 心中一直想着近期發生的人和事..., 還有...這本書,

相隔12年, 重看 tuesdays with Morrie, 是人長大了?! 經歷多了?! 又或是真的對死亡看得更通透了?!

作者Mitch與教授Morrie重遇, 展開一連14個星期二的人生課程: 他們談及 (We talk about...)
lesson 1:  the World
lesson 2: feeling sorry for yourself
lesson 3: regrets
lesson 4: death
lesson 5: family
lesson 6: emotions

lesson 7: the fear of aging
lesson 8: money
lesson 9: how love goes on
lesson 10: marriage
lesson 11: our culture
lesson 12: forgiveness
lesson 13: the perfect
lesson 14:to say goodbye  
(抱歉沒有把這14課譯中文, 因為我想, 從原文的字裡更傳神.)

面對不治之症和必死的事實, 教授可以處之泰然, 甚至能藉着僅餘的時間, 再次燃點他人的生命; 我想, 這並不是"臨別贈言" "正能量理論" 云云. 如果Morrie不是活著, 經歷, 學習, 感受, 實踐於他的歳月裏, 以上的一切只會是空談, 卻不能感動人心, 令我們再次反思生命.

重看這本書, 感受良多. 經過摯愛及親友離世的人, 要把握的不是"14個星期二", 而是毎一天, 毎一刻. 能接受自己機能上的衰敗, 用智慧去活到最後的一秒, 是送給自己一生最大的禮物.

He patted my hand weakly, keeping it on his chest. 
"This how we say...good-bye..." 
(The Fourteenth Tuesday)

****Thank you, Morrie - A Teacher to the Last. ****



月光光 Up Up in the sky

Mid Autumn Festival acrylic painting on tile

Whatever the weather is going to be,
here is the full moon that will always
shine in your heart.
Mid Autumn Festival 


浴德池 - The vanished spa


不少香港人都曾經享受過日式溫泉, 但澡堂呢? 又或者是在香港的上海澡堂呢?對這間已成記憶的上海澡堂, 相信大家可能有些少印象, 因為當它遭拆卸前, 不少傳媒也佈道過.

其實我曾經差不多每天也路過這裡, 也曾多次想入內探索; 但每次從外面厚厚的花玻璃望進, 總怕一推門而入, 會從幪朧的紙皮石圍牆背面走出一個赤條條的大漢來?! 再加上玻璃門總是貼著"不設女賓"膠牌一個; 所以廿多年來也沒有入內, 回想起來, 實在有點可惜. 因為話說當它拆卸時, 一些有心人特別留守, 取回一些很有歷史價值又富上海風味的室內擺設, 而浴池的水龍頭就是其一了.

也許時代的變遷留不住昔日繁華的印記, 但我想告訴你, 那藍白色的霓虹招牌, 在深藍的夜空下,
我的腦海中, 仍然很美!

Most of us did familiar with Japanese spa or onsen, we don't have spring water in Hong Kong but a Shanghai style public hot water bath, which was once a deluxe leisure activity for businessmen to gather around, well, of course talking business or,  just relax.
浴德池 - an already demolished public bath pool, became famous and widely reported by media, just before it was gone years ago.

Truly speaking, I passed this "huge bath tub" almost everyday when it was still there. I did try to enter may times before, but whenever I looked inside through those thick etched pattern glass, nothing was there besides mosaic walls; I was thinking if I pushed the door opened, would there be a naked big guy behind and telling me that, couldn't you see the note on the glass door outside " Gentlemen Only"? So, I didn't remove the veil and it's a bit too late by now.

Because there are news from the reporters afterward, said that some "Old stuff lovers" waited outside while it was demolishing and successfully grabbed some "treasure" = Very aged Shanghai stylish interior decor, like a special designed faucet for the main pool, which was worth to be reserved.

Well, may be we can't freeze the golden age while we are moving on, lots and lots of valuable 
architecture, furniture or designed fixture that reflects a specific period of our history have to disappear; but I would like to tell you that, I will never forget it's bluish white neon sign hanging right under the clear deep blue sky, in my memory...they are gorgeous!


Jubel - from IKea 宜家生活小雜貨

Jubel - from IKea
Jubel - from Ikea 

很久沒有逛 IKEA, 說真的, 其實在 IKEA只要細心尋索, 可以找到不少價格相宜, 設計及質量不錯; 又很適合香港細小居住空間的生活百貨.  這個由 Eva Sjodin 設計的自動灑水花盆便是其中一個好例子了.

所謂自動灑水其實是盆底付有棉芯用作吸水的裝置, 方便要遠行的人讓植物在沒有人照顧時可"自行飲水維生", 已往也有不少"土炮製作 " =倒置膠水樽 + 棉芯 可以做到; 但當然經過設計的產品, 無論在外型, 顏色, 裝飾性及靈活度上, 都會配合得更好. 這個可輕易轉換顏色面的設計是我認為設計帥最聰明的安排.



I haven't been visited Ikea for so long, actually it's one of my favorite shop in Hong Kong. Provided you have time and patience, you will discover a lot of good stuff there, reasonable price, amazing design, good quality and fun concept, too. Well, of course you have to "select" wisely, like this :  Jubel self-watering plant pot, designed by Eva Sjodin.

Self-watering is simply by connecting a cotton string to the bottom of the pot to achieve a slow sucking of water from the external vase into the soil; this is especially a useful survival kit for travelers' "home alone" plants. A lot of DIY had been made, i.e.: an up side down plastic bottle with a cotton string hanging above of the pot.

But there is a lot more well designed product here, not only achieve the purpose plus, an easy rotation of internal pot to create different colorful combination - so flexible, easy operate, low cost and full of fun.  I have to give an applause to this brilliant idea created by Eva. 

So, how about get one to sprinkle a dash of green to your home right now?



我愛馬賽克 I love mosaic

Mosaic paving in Macau with floral pattern

Mosaic - 馬賽克, 誰不喜愛? 繽紛的色彩, 大大小時不同的形狀, 自由組合也可, 採用設計師悉心配襯的亦可; DIY 朋友的寵兒...不須要遠走意大利, 西班牙, 在澳門隨處可見.

還記得小時候跟家人往澳門遊玩, 最深刻的當然不是賭場或豬肉乾, 白鴿標檔排第二, 商店前面行人路地上的馬賽克 /瓷磚排第一. 我想當時店主是為了方便打理, 才各自在門前的行人路上貼上馬賽克 /瓷磚, 由於這不是"街坊會的安排", 所以大家並沒有互相配襯, 結果便漫不經意地完成了一條又一條自家製作而又獨特的"藝術街"!

現在? 以上情境不常見,卻在大街小巷發現不少上圖的馬賽克裝飾, 跟議事亭廣場的設計十分配合; 簡簡單單的圖形及色彩, 已為整個環境修飾得十分優雅; 更令又長又悶的階梯變得有趣味, 不消一會便走完. 所以, 至今, 馬賽克還是我的最愛.

Mosaic - all time favor ? so colorful, interesting shape and size, it can be created through your imagination, or by select a designer's choice...DIY lovers. What you don't need is to search them around in Spain or Italy, it's everywhere, just right next in Macau.

I used to travel with my family to Macau when I was a kid, the most remarkable memory in my mind was certainly not casino or BBQ pork. Something call 白鴿標 - first runner up (direct translate is "Pigeon Ticket" - a kind of lottery ticket, you won & get pay if you guess the correct Chinese character that are going to be randomly picked once or twice a week by the host), mosaic / ceramic tile laid in front of shops on the pedestrian is the winner. 

I think the original thought of the shop owners may just think of easy maintenance & therefore have this idea, and luckily without the master control of any committee, they created an unique street art by their own mix & match, one follow by the others. 

Today, it will be less likely to find the trace of the above, but something new like the one in my photo which can be discovered everywhere, seems they are a diversified "team member" of the major design found at Senado Square. By this simple pattern & color arrangement, it lift the whole atmosphere of the surrounding, more decorative and interesting, even shorter the length of long boring staircase, what a magic touch and that's why, mosaic is still my number one lover.


又愛又恨的桃紅色 Blossom red


桃紅色 : 從來不是我的喜好,尤其是當它穿在身上時, 如果配搭得不好, 總有點土氣. 但奇怪的是, 那天......一個黃昏時段, 在澳門街頭, 我被這個"小桃紅"深深吸引着.

柔和的斜陽把濃豔的桃紅中和了, 顯得嬌嫩,沒有半點土氣, 很舒服. 我想, 更重要的是因為還有綠葉做背景, 最後由重質感的石階完成襯托. 就這麼簡單, 大自然就是隨時隨地的設計教室,而且更是免費的呢!

Blossom red - not my cup of tea, especially when we wear them, a dangerous color that may become cheap looking & old fashion if less effort are made while mix & match. But in that wonderful evening at Macau, I was deeply attracted by these gorgeous red. 

Soft golden beam slightly fallen onto these blooming hydrangea, gently balance the overall red cheek; with fresh green leaves as backdrop sitting onto the contrasting stone parapet wall. Simple and comfortable, that's the way the nature is telling us, a design studio to keep us learning any where, any time + it's FREE !



Coffee Cupping ???

coffee cupping event
剛剛收到一個電郵,是Hunter Douglas Designer Club 同 Caffe Habitu 搞一個Coffee Cupping 的通知.令我想起月初“拉衫尾”跟一位好友參加了人生第一次Cupping,足足搞了三個小時,除了覺得新鮮有趣,見識了不少之外,也令我更加肯定自己是BB班水準.



Just received an email from Hunter Douglas Designer Club, originally I thought it must be another new product launch or discount week...well, what a surprise of "Coffee Cupping" invitation! A talk presented by Caffe Habitu. This reminds me I did join one in early July, by a kind invitation from my friend, truly speaking, the very first time in my life. Thanks Julianna.

It took a total 3 hours time for this exercise, around 10 persons gathered in a small room full of coffee aroma, some were already a barista, some are red wine or coffee addict, fairly young but serious, compare with us two, ha ha ! a bit hea ! The lecturer was a young man who is going to have this professional qualification after some more examinations, cool!

Started by a brief introduction to coffee type & origin, followed by what is the meaning of Cupping, what are the basic aroma (up to at least 36 types), how to "feel" the behavior of coffee in dry & wet condition, what is the proper cupping manner, what are the concern of overall balance to dictate the final grading...etc, etc. A really professional era, I have to say.

If you do wish to taste "deeper" to your cup of coffee and know more in the coffee world, I shall highly recommend you to attend these Cupping gathering, which are quite hot and shall become more popular in Hong Kong now. 

And myself ? I tend to stay in my junior stage at this moment, to taste my "Hea" style coffee, because professional is professional, it must take time & heart to treat it sincerely.


久違了的煙仔檔 The Lost Cigarette Stall

Cigarette stall in good old days in wooden structure
也許真的有朋友從未見過這東西,已不記得這是那個年代的自家製作? 雖然我不吸煙, 但仍覺得這個小檔很精緻, 尤其當它放滿了五顏六色的煙仔盒時. 還記得當時比較盛行的有555, 萬寶路, 駱駝, 紅雙喜, 健牌, 還夾雜着一些可自行包裝的煙葉及煙紙...等.

當時的煙販檔沒有太多其它東西售賣, 似乎這小小的一盤生意巳經可養活一家. 煙仔盒上也沒有所謂的"吸煙危害健康"標貼, 是人民沒有這個意識呢? 還是根本煙民全都一早明白但他們需要的卻只是一刻鐘的自由自在, 於願足矣!

看着這個早巳身處填田區的木檔口,  對比着現今我們在街上看見大得足可比娓一間小型便利店的報紙+汽水+煙檔時, 應該驚歎生活的進步? 還是慨歎心靈的退步?!

I am sure there must be some people who don't ever have a chance to see this stuff in their life in H.K., a DIY cigarette stall...I wonder which century it belongs to? Although I am a non-smoker, as far as I've remembered, this tiny stall always attracts me, especially when it was fully displayed with colorful cigarette packages. 555, Marlboro, Camel, Double Happiness, Kent, even with some small yellowish paper for customers to fill in their favorite tobacco leaves, then roll up to form a interesting "tobacco stick".

Besides of the above + matches / lighter, there are not many variety of products you can find here, but it seems the hawker can still earn a living for their family through this small business. Also, you will not find any "Government Warning" of "SMOKING CAUSES XXXXX DISEASES" on the cigarette package, guess whether the smokers don't have any idea of health care or simply they are willing to exchange for a moment of mentally freedom?

This stall should have already been crashed in the landfill, compare to what we can see on the street now a day, those "full-function" newspaper stall , not only cigarette, but soft drinks, snacks, umbrella..etc, etc. what a tiny 7/11 they are. Should we amazed by our improvement of living ? or regret to our "black-hole" that can never be fulfilled deep into our heart!