Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilingual. Show all posts


心思 just a little bit more...




Lunchbox - to us, it's only a kind of daily supply : a piece of sandwich, some red green vegetable salad, rice, noodle and soup... but most of the Japanese housewife spend great effort to decorate them for their kid & husband; we can see from lots of the TV drama, it's a kind of proud for a man of having a wife who can prepare a delicious and pretty decorated lunchbox which is more superior among others.

Even it is only a routine work for a housewife, they just add a little bit more of creativity, they may not even recognize it is related to graphic & 3D design, but simply aim to refresh their family member's appetite..... the result is difference. 

It may apply to us, too; how about just step a little bit further, be a little bit more well thinking, or creative, may be we can turn a bore/messy work into a delicious "bei' don" (lunchbox)!


3D Ready?

3D in rendering process
從針筆到電腦, 由AutoCad到Sketchup, 不知不覺又走進3D Rendering的世界,真的無可避免嗎?如果可以,我還是想逃避...但當你一踏入這個虛擬空間,又會被那種無限制的可塑性深深吸引着.

以往我們所熟識的3D軟件總離不開3dsmax, Autocad 3D, V-ray, Maya, Z Brush, Maxwell...等,有些以程式員作為開發對象,所以介面設計得異常複雜及沉悶;又或以集合所有對手軟件功能於一身為目的,結果落得粗製濫造收場,單單打開軟件已花了不少時間,更惶論真正運算時要用強勁的硬件組合去抵銷.另外有些其實是比較適用於動畫製作上的,硬要用於室內或產品設計,就變得大才小用,難以發輝軟件的強大效能了.

Sketchup的出現,令3D發展成由一般設計師及建築師亦可自行由概念演繹至立體空間,不用假手於人,設計流程變得更暢順,效果也更易掌握.3D Rendering 軟件亦百花齊放:Blender, Shaderlight, Twinlight, Lightwave, C4D, Kerkythea, Artlantis, Rhino.......等等,等等!問題是,現今的硬件及軟件雖然頗成熟,但在香港,人材仍然缺乏.何解?進深研習,不停測試,對光線及美感的掌握,對各種物料受光及反光特質的研究等...又是回到“時間”及“基礎訓練”這兩個問題上.


Starting from technical pen on paper, move on to computer Autocad in 2D; a bit further from 2D to Sketchup 3D, and now? ready for 3D rendering? As a designer instead of a 3D modeller, truly speaking I would not prefer to step into this field...this is what my original thinking was because it's a "technique" and very time consuming. But once you've step in, you will be addicted to it's power of "nothing is impossible".

3dsmax, Autocad 3D, V-ray, Maya, Z Brush, Maxwell...,etc. are some of the common use 3D softwares that we are familiar with; some were developed on a technician base and resulting in a non-human user interface, or some were aimed to gather all functions from their competitors to form a "super all-in-one" rendering software, guess what? you will have problem to open the software if your machine is not powerful enough, not even think about of their millions hidden tools. And some are actually built for animation, well, you can use it to render your interior, but it's a bit under-use instead of using a matching software due to the different tools design in purpose.

The birth of Sketchup leads designer /architect into a totally new design thinking pattern, we can work from our concept to 3D world easily, more accurate of space study, more foreseeable and controllable result = more complicated design to be created and save much time to liaise with a third party who can't 100% know what your final picture is. As a result, more and more companies are willing to develop some new 3D rendering software or even plug in. Blender, Shaderlight, Twinlight, Lightwave, C4D, Kerkythea, Artlantis, Rhino.......etc, etc. Today, there are numerous well developed software and supportive hardware that we can make use of, but the major issue is...we are lacking of "Mr. Right"!

If you make a search on Internet, you will find a great difference of quality levels in those 3D models created by what we've seen in Hong Kong and from other foreign countries. What actually happen is we can't /don't spend "time" to study deep into this field; art sense, lighting behavior, material behavior, camera adjustment......these are not important via a quick template like outcome, both in time and money affortable, as we think?!

Although it's a bit sad, I still hope that there will be a 3D modeller, or an architect, a designer somewhere in Hong Kong who aware of this situation and is willing to dedicate more to increase our 3D production standard by their great experience and enthusiasm.


Latte 拿鐵

Type of Coffee poster

最近收到朋友轉寄給我的Coffee Chart,一看見便會心微笑,令我想起第一次與“拿鐵”相會在廣州.咖啡對我來說是西方玩意,所以沒有留意它們的中文/台灣名,直至有次在廣州一間Starbucks 尋找 Latte 的踪跡時,才發現它原來叫作拿鐵,真有趣!難得今次這張圖不單有齊各種譯名,更有清晰的製作份量,簡單的平面設計,實用之餘又有親切感,謝謝好朋友!

A friend of mine share a Coffee Chart to me recently, I saw an English version many years ago but not this, in a format with their Chinese name (actually I think there are Taiwanese translation). It reminds me the first time when I was looking for a cup of Latte in Starbucks at Guangzhou, if translate directly it called "carrying iron".......well well, of course it sounds in Chinese is good fit to match with the pronouncaton of "Latte", but nothing related to it's actual meaning. Same goes to Espresso Con Panna, no related meaning to it's 3 Chinese wording of "Health+treasure+blue". 

But no matter how, a simple graphic design which clearly indicates the proportion of different ingredients to make a cup of your favorite's really a good idea and especially touchy in Chinese, thank you, my dear friend:)


迷失於澳門凱悅 Lost in Hyatt Regency Resort

Veranda cafe of Hyatt Regency Resort
不知離開了多少個年頭, 每次重回舊地, 都會待在這裏好一陣子, 今次也不例外, 只是若有所失!

澳門急速的發展令這間位於氹仔, 一向以擁有太白渡假村為特色的凱悅酒店也靜靜地起了變化. 名稱巳變成麗景灣酒店, 入面太白渡假村面積縮少了, 我想, 有四分一罷, 周邊被高樓及其他以招呼賭客為首的酒店包圍着, 要看藍天白雲只得往某個特定方向望過去.

酒店內部翻新了, 大堂變得昏暗、中國化, 自助早餐不再有"陽光", 食物變成不中不西; 錫紙包裝的沐浴露不再散發着"渡假式"的清幽, 如果離開泳池旁邊這段長廊, 踏出了太白的範圍...真的, 我所熟識的渡假酒店巳在退變, 漸漸地消失.

從大堂的酒店發展模型可見, 為着成就新加入的賭埸設施, 眼前的一切將會再進一步改變, 這段富有萄葡牙及少少Art Deco 設計風格的建築還能保留多久呢?位於泳池邊, 已停止運作的水中酒吧仍能佔據所緊餘的空間嗎? 最愛的芥茉黄, 湖水綠, 松綠, 紅鶴粉紅...簡樸天然的素材...仍能看見嗎? 要留住這 一切, 似乎不可能, 只願, 仍有"惜花者".

Pool side bar
5 years. 10 years....I can't remember when was my previous visit, but every time, it's for sure I will stay as long as I can in this lovely veranda, relaxing and enjoy the wind breeze...but this time, I am "lost".

Regency Macau was originally named as Hyatt Regency located in Taipa island of Macau, it was a resort built in Portuguese style with a touch of Art Deco, you can see all the familiar color combinations of Flamingo red, Turquoise, pine green, mustard yellow + white, of course...with those natural interior materials. But, the truth is, how long can these elements been reserved? 

The rapid growth of "casino culture" in Macau is intruding into this hotel. It has been renovated not long before and it's not difficult to be identified the changes of it's dark interior in lobby, the greenery at pool side area was reduced in almost 1/4, what you've got around are high rise and casino oriented hotels; if you want to enjoy a bit of blue sky, please, fix your view angle and ignore the surrounding.

The "fast food style" buffet cuisine, the replacement of bath kits in sachet,  paper lantern instead of sun light as your breakfast companion, etc...all reminds you the resort is no longer exist. The transformation is still in progress, there will be a new casino facility in this "Taipa resort", you can imagine what's up?!  Hopefully, some one will remember this  forgettable pool bar which deserved and worth to be here.


Mess Mesh "聰明"網?

Drying net from Japan

抱歉相片有點矇, 正如我用這件產品時的感覺一樣, 又愛又恨再加點迷惘. 不得不承認沒有做家庭主婦的材料, 這種可摺合式的乾衣網,對不少主婦來說是一個好幫手. 要陰乾毛衣或織物時, 可打開把衣物平放,掛於浴簾通或懸空放在浴缸邊上, 防止纖幼的衣料因用衣架掛起時下墜變形, 不用時又可摺合收藏; 但我想...究竟有多少用家真的會這樣摺摺合合呢?

因為這個由細網變大網, 再由大網變細網 (約縮少1/2) 的戲法是靠扭曲一個鐵線圈造成的, 方法請參巧上圖三步曲. 但事實上, 運作起來又不是如比輕鬆, 每次總給"反彈"數次才可完成摺合, 結果, 我還是把它完整攤開備用, 省卻再摺來摺去的"手續".

令我想起設計師設計這件產品時, 原意是很理想的, 尤其適合香港和日本等居住環境較擠迫的用家; 但礙於成本限制, 為要令成品不會脫離消費羣可負担的現實, 物料上的選用往往成為首個犧牲的項目. 說到底, 一件十圓八塊的產品, 也不應有太多要求罷!

This blur image is exactly of what my feeling while using this product, I love it's idea, reasonable thought of usage but always with a bit of frustration and messy; although, I must confess that I don't have the talent of being a good housewife.

It is a foldable mesh for drying delicate clothing in a flat position, to avoid stretch of the fiber when hanging by a hanger vertically, meaning to keep the clothing in shape. You can hook it along the shower curtain rail or just place it flat above the bath tub edges; it can be folded up when not in use according to the 3 steps as indicated above, the size will be reduced almost 1/2 of it's original. Truly speaking, it is a good design especially suitable for people living in crowded city like Hong Kong and Japan...but... reality, due to the cost control, I think; it's not as easy as just twist the hard metal ring around to fold it up each time after use, without rebounds several times. I always wonder how many user will repeat unfold and re-fold while doing their laundry? To me, I just hang it 365 days unfold as a result.

It will be great if the metal ring can be modified by using a more soft & flexible material with adequate support and waterproof...hey hey hey...should we ask for too much to a product that only cost a few bucks? what do you think?


Color of Nature 大自然的呼喚

Birds of the garden poster 1
很愛雀鳥 ,尤其是牠們身上的羽毛, 豐富的顏色及千變萬化的組合, 總令人驚歎大自然的創造者, 肯定是一個藝術家.

每個人都會有特別喜愛的顏色, 單從身上的服飾配搭便略知一二.  為什麽有些人在色彩配搭上總比別人出衆呢? 即使一身紅黄藍綠, 配襯出來的效果不單止沒有凌亂的感覺, 反而是出奇地舒服, 甚至有嘉年華會的熱情、喧燦.

事實上並不一定要有專業訓練才能有運用色彩的能力, 受過美術或設計訓練只是其中一個幫助提升這個能力的途徑, 讓我們對顏色世界有多一點認識. 但是如果你擁有一對富洞察力的眼睛, 便會從大自然當中學習到色彩運用的"祕技".

樹葉的深淺綠, 黄昏的紅橙黄, 日出前的透明魚肚白, 夜幕低垂的藍與黑. 花朵雀鳥、山脈雪地、星空北極光......說不盡的色調. 你所需的配色事典就在身邊, 不用花一分一亳, 我們能不向大自然致敬嗎?

Bird - especially their feather is always my favorite,
Birds of the garden poster 2what a million color combination, our creator must be an artist.

Everyone has his/ her own favorite color choice, it's easy to tell from what their wear or what they've pick in their product of daily living. But why can some one always make the right choice, presenting the color in such a gorgeous way; even though it seems they are melting in red, green, yellow, blue...still, so harmonize without a pitch of messy, but only the greeting of carnival. 

Truly speaking, there is not any secret training or professionalism that we must have to achieve this ability. But is for sure you will learn more in a wider and deeply sense of color technique by training as an artist or designer. To us, if only if you have a pair of open eyes and learn from the nature.

Shades of green from tree leaves, red yellow orange in the sunset, transparency white and all kinds of grey in dawn, the mysterious blue and black in the twilight zone. All those wonderful color mixing in flower & bird, valley & ice burg, star night & the northern light......this valuable "color guide" is here, free of charge, you can read from any moment at anywhere, salute to our nature? 101%


Picasso and a bird?

Monochrome bird by Picasso 有人見過呢隻鷹嗎?一隻我覺得好有型嘅鷹!線條簡單,雙目應該係單目有神,有堅定信念,有目標...卻又帶點傻氣. 雖然你不一定有同感,但或多或少會有些感覺罷?!為何如此簡單的圖畫卻令人有所感染呢? 除了是大師作品(右下角寫明,但不知是否屬實),又或是純粹本人亂嗡之外,我想關鍵在於看的人是否懂得去感受欣賞.試從這隻鷹開始,別讓身邊接觸到的事物輕易溜走,當你嘗試去理解多一點,感受多一點,多一點的時候,不知不覺間,你便會慢慢有個人體會,而不再人云亦云.藝術,設計...其實並非什麼高深哲學,只需要學懂生活,任何人也可享受箇中樂趣。

I wonder anyone see this "bird" or "eagle" before? To me, I think "he" is very cool. What a simple line figure, sharp eyes  eye full of power & faith, seems he knows what will be his, a touch of cute. Well, you may not have the same thought of mine, but at least you shall have your own interpretations.

Why could a simple picture like this do touch our emotion? Is it due to the superior technique of the famous artist (at the lower right hand corner, not sure whether it is real or not)? Or simply because of my  nonsense expression? I think the key is the audience ourself, the one who with or without the ability to feel and appreciate.

Start from this little bird, don't let things passes by as usual, take time to feel a little bit longer, touch a little bit deeper and appreciate a little bit more...... when time goes by,  we will have our own interpretation, our own thinking pattern that don't need to follow others. 

I've always say, Arts & Design is not rocket science that anyone should be able to enjoy what they brings to enhance our life, if only if you know how to live.



同樣,月亮亦忘記了自己應有的責任,只想愉快地伴著小孩。終於有一日,小孩發現了樹葉枯死,天氣變得很怪; 而且不知不覺間月亮的身軀亦已變得很大,大到不能返入小孩的家...最後,月亮返回夜空,小孩在星空下陪伴月亮甜睡!


 幾米﹣a well known Taiwanese illustrator. He wrote quite a lot of story, this is the one that attracts me most : (if translate directly from Chinese) it can be "the moon can't  remember...".
It's starts with a lonely small kid, who meet "baby moon" by chance, he hide it at home, play and live together...happy ever after?

Time fly, the boy forget the moon shall hang around up in the sky, he don't know there is a huge changes in the world outside without the moon. The moon also forget how to fly up into the sky, or what it's responsibility is; it only wants to be with him, any minute, any where.

Until one day, kid finally notice the fact is, the world can't survive without the moon, and at the same time, the moon has already grown up soooooo........big, that can't enter his home again. Finally, the moon fly back to the sky and the kid? have a sweet dream under the star.

Simple story from kid's angle of view, unique illustration style is the best that I highly recommend. Bring this story book with you and read it under the  same starry night together with the moon above, you will love it.


Start from zero 由零開始

Character created by Pixer
每逢臨近農曆新年, 總是無所事事, 突然心血來潮上網看"米報", 驚覺最近巿場竟然再聘請一些消失良久的職位, 單看設計行業巳有不少久未露面的空缺; 其中一個便是Visualizer.

嘩! 這是廣告設計達人必經的入行途徑之一, 此人不單要有良好的領悟能力, 更要畫得一手好畫, 把上司腦中一大堆概念用手繪(hand sketch)轉化為圖像.,不少美術或創作總 監前身也是visualiser. 但隨着電腦的出現, 有 hand sketch 能力的人漸漸被忽視, 對! 是忽視不是淘汰, 因為再好的電腦動畫背後仍得有繪畫基礎的美術師協助. 如果你們有看前陣子在香港的 Pixar 展覽便得知. 我們也曾在此介紹過 彼思動畫25年. 廣告創作也一樣, 要把訊息傳遞給用家, 必需要把意念轉化為圖像才行.

最後, 就讓我借用怪獸公司這兩位主角的手繪肖像向這群默默耕耘的專業visualizer致敬!

Christmas, New Year's Eve than follow by the Chinese New Year, what a holiday mood and quiet market these days; so I crawl over Jobs DB & accidentally discover a big change in the design market recently. It's not easy to find a design post from the newspaper ad. but usually through head hunter agency, especially for some specify post such as Visualizer - which has been vanished for years.

But in fact, quite a lot of the art director or creative director in the advertising field did worked as an visualizer from the very beginning. These guys have a good sense of visual communication, they can retrieve conceptual ideas from the art director, express them immediately through hand sketch for further delivery to the end users, therefore a good sketch/ illustration technique is crucial. 

When computer technique seems conquer the design field, we think there is no more visualizer in the world, but they are still the most important support even in Pixar now a day; together with artist, they assist most of the animation character to be created successfully. 

At the end, let us salute to all these visualizer who dedicate their professionalism in so many decade by these two famous Monster company characters.


New Family Member 新成員

Wooden handle coffee tamper by Knock

早晨! 我們冀待巳久的新成員, 終於趕及在2012年來到, 實在令人興奮!

不常在網上訂購物品, 一方面是因為我們不太熱衷於購物, 另一方面是身處香港, 各樣資源尚算豐富, 唯獨是這個 : Coffee Tamper. 如果你有沖煮咖啡的習慣, 準不會對這件工具陌生, 這是用來在磨好的咖啡粉上, 於放入basket後稍微加壓令咖啡粉形成平面, 讓冲煮時咖啡粉能夠平均受熱及澎漲的工具.

其實咖啡文化在香港不算深厚, 最近比較流行也許是因為早前某電視節目的連鎖反應罷了; 所以在巿面上要找到相關的咖啡用具, 其實並不容易. 你或許留意到在一些百貨公司或以"Lifestyle"掛帥的店舖總會有咖啡機, 咖啡柸, 咖啡密封瓶...等貨品出售, 但仍是離不開賣"花巧"及"大方便"的路線, 有點像現今流行的"高級儍瓜機文化"一樣. 所以要找一個設計大方,用料配合,實用及價錢合理的 tamper, 實在不得不從海外訂購. 

這令我想到, 任何文化的形成都並非一朝一夕, 只要我們仍是維持在 impulse buying, 不思考, 不探索, 不問因由...只管盡快擁有...這個心態, 膚淺的易食文化就將會是我們所僅有的了.

We are so excited that our new family member has just arrived on time before the New Year of 2012!

We are not fans of "Shopping" that's why we don't shop online frequently, especially we are living in Hong Kong with huge resources of daily living products.  Unless you are willing to buy those in lower quality made in China or Taiwan; or those in over value of "selected" series, which imported by some of the coffee "specialist"; otherwise, a reasonable price, decent design and good workmanship coffee tamper seems never exist in Hong Kong.

Coffee culture in Hong Kong is not popular or deep in any sense, McCafe, Starbuck or Pacific Coffee are where most people meet their first cup of European or American coffee; even though there are some coffee addict who are quite expert in Italian coffee culture, they didn't draw much attention to the public besides of being a personal interest. What we can find in our department store are eye candy products only, why?

Simple reason caused by our buying pattern, our special "fast food culture" in Hong Kong: impulse buying, no execution, no reason but just pay to own within minutes before "it's too late" = not hit anymore. This will never lead us to develop a culture which takes time and practice to has it's own evolution. What left behind? if you can think of any!


除夕夜 New Year's Eve

night scene in Macau
過多幾天便要踏入2012年了, 不少人巳經安排好各式各樣的倒數活動, 又或是再次狂歡, 甚至一年一度的懺悔及自省時段.....最後一擊的發橫財之旅也是不少人的除夕夜節目. 令我想起在澳門拍下的一幅照片, 說起來, 這些五光十色的霓虹招牌不知從何時開始, 漸漸在香港的街道上一個一個地消失.

雖然我不鼓勵賭博, 但無可否認這些發財招牌實在頗有本土文化特色, 尤其當成行成巿之時, 互相"輝映", 復古味很濃又帶着繁華鬧市的縮影, 十分有趣. 特別是光管的顏色總令人覺得仍有一絲希望似的, 也許這也是不經意的色彩運用所帶來的一種假象罷!

今年除夕夜, 又有多少人會被"吸引"呢?

預祝大家新年快樂, 做個開心快活人 :)

 3 more days to countdown, we will be in the year of 2012. New Year's Eve is quite an important night for most of us, I believe you've already arranged your party to celebrate with friends or family; may be attending the countdown event at Times Square , lots & lots of wine and cocktails again as an extension of Christmas; may be an once a year end about a billionare dream trip to Macau or Las Vegas?

This reminds me of a photo taken  sometimes before in Macau, the colourful neon sign of those "Fat Choi" pawnbroker that lines up all along the street, which create a picture that full of local culture, attractive colour combination of oldies and the air of a metropolitan city; their warm tone brought you a virtual feeling that seems chances exist everywhere. 

I am definitely not encourage any of you to buy your dream by gambling, but these pawnbroker signage do really reflects the success of colour combination, no matter whether they did it in purpose or not.  I wonder how many people will once be mis-leaded again by these bulbs  in this New Year's Eve?

Wish you all to have a wonderful New Year with 
Joy & Smiley faces :)


便利小鍋? "Convenience Pan?"

Frying pan with 3 compartments from Japan 

香港人真的很幸福, 要吃日韓料理很容易, 往街上店舖找便是了. 即使要自已在小部屋煮也不是難事. 甜蛋卷是不少港人愛吃的日本食品之一, 制作也很簡單, 不過要用一款長方式的專用煎鍋,煎出來才像樣, 問題來了...又一隻鍋? 這是我們最苦惱的事, 牛排有牛排專用煎鑊, 中菜又有中式小炒鑊, 湯煲,燉品盅, 炸鍋... 總之一大堆.

如果用上圖的"便利鍋"便可以省點儲物空間, 更可以隨時隨地煮我愛吃的蛋卷了. 單看圖片, 有趣又可愛, 是best buy 嗎?...等等! 問題來了: 一人份制作應該可以應付, 但大前提是要煮輕食, 不用太多油或調味, 少汁液, "細碼"受熱情度相約及不需要翻動的食材.最後還要加一個專用清潔刷, 否則要"善後"也不輕鬆.....

好了! 結論是, 要吃甜蛋卷, 還是出街找最方便 :P

It's always been so easy for Hong Kong people to enjoy Japanese or Korean cuisine in most of the shops here, even though to make a dish at home is not difficult because we can find imported ingredients easily from our supermarket. Japanese style sweet egg roll is one of the most popular and favorite dishes that we love, the making process is easy if you have that rectangular frying pan which is tailor made for it both in shape and size. Oops...another pan for it? That is the problem! Steaks pan, Chinese wok , Deep frying pan, large and small saucepans...another one for egg? Oh no!

How about the one above, seems nice and cute, quite convenience, too; then we can have our fry sweet egg roll at any the time, all problem solved? best buy?...Wait! 

Single dining portion shall be fine, but it has to be simple cooking, meaning, small cut size, not much oil, seasoning or sauce dishes; all ingredients can be cooked in similar degree of heat source, no need to turn over too often, and the most important is to have a special fit size cleaning brush to "serve" this pan after each used...otherwise, you can think of the nightmare.

O.K. my conclusion is : to enjoy a sweet egg roll? go straight to your nearby shop, and forget this post :P


簡簡單單 It's so simple

Simple flipping manuel in restaurant
設計設計...好像不攪什麽"彫鑽"花式就不是設計似的. 時裝如是,產品如是, 室內設計也不例外; 結果一律被當時所謂流行時尚的顏色丶物料丶造型所騎劫, 再加些似是"人冇我有"的裝飾, 便可以"賣設計"了.

記得好幾年前在中國武漢的必勝客內, 見到桌上這個用亞加力造的餐牌, 心想: 就這麽簡簡單單, 實用方便又美觀便巳經很好了! 為何在香港那些又過膠又用鐵圈又插這插那的...那麽複雜呢? 不但難清潔, 又有尺寸限制, 翻起來鐵圈又不順暢,

又是"simple is the best"及"form follow function"的理論.
老生常談, 但是一到要我們去開始一個設計項目時, 又回到"不嚇死人勢不休"的狀况. 最近在本土室內設計行內的  "暗柜密室, 鏡後密室, 柜中柜, 升降組合" 等便是這個例子.如果是一間小屋, 基於空間有限, 這樣處理還是可以理解, 但所見是千多呎住宅, 也就實在不明所以了.也許這就是"設計"罷!

 Design is.....special material, trendy color, hit style + some exclusively tailor made decor...done - ready to sell?! is this want you believe?

I was in a Pizza Hut some years ago, in Wuhan of China; there was an acrylic made flip card holder which drawn my attention, that's it! Simple, nice looking and functional. How come what we've got in Hong Kong are so complicated? Yeah, it's true - some are laminated card on double metal ring + metal stand or slot in acrylic stand + laminated card in larger size slot into another acrylic stand....super messy and dirt accumulate onto different material used. Every time after I flip over to order, extra time for me to re-attach them one by one back into their position.

This is exactly what the proven of "simple is the best" and the "form follow function" principle!! What an old tale? But how come we never make it when we work with our design project? Why do we stick onto a "WOW" response from our client by selling those little "tricks". 

An example recently occur in our field, the design of "a hidden room behind mirror wall of a room" " a hidden space behind a cabinet panel" " a hidden equipment inside a cabinet "   " a hidden bar behind your closet" "a hidden staircase behind your headboard toward another hidden's not difficult to understand if the flat is in limited space but why for a spacious house over 1000 sq, is that the only reason of creating "WOW" response of what a surprise and unexpected design that we are going to sell? I doubt !


一毫子的價值 -Ten Cents

Vintage stamp machine using coins
一毫子郵票機,對今日的我們來說實在沒有什麽親切感,但卻又是我們的一件恩物, 至少是正在塞滿你柜桶內一大堆亳子的歸宿. 但話說回來, 不知從那日開始, 毫子變得沒有價值, 尤其是一毫子?是物價高漲令它扁值呢? 又或是人類忙這忙那變得沒時間去招呼這一大堆"散銀"呢?

小時常會從這種售賣機買郵票, 因為覺得它很美, 十分典雅.  逐個毫子放進去等待郵票緩緩彈出, 一點也不覺時間消逝, 總覺得它和紅郵筒給我有異曲同工的感覺 : 令人期待. 也許你會說, 太誇張了罷, 買幾毫子郵票何來這麽多"感受"呀!

我想, 感受是隨着事物的變遷而產生的, 現在要找到這欵郵票機巳經不容易, 也許有一天當一毫子也從我們生活中消失時, 你才會明白它留給我們的不止是"一毫子"的價值.

A ten cents coin stamps vending machine...what a good old days product, not much meaning to us now, especially nobody is willing to accept ten cents coin when we suddenly woke up one day in the morning. But infact, this machine is the destiny of all your coins stuck inside your drawer right now. Is the reason of economy growth to lower the cash value or we are too busy for this & that, so we can't afford to deal with all this "tiny little things"?

I used to buy stamps from this elegant vending machine when I was young, love to wait aside, insert the coins one by one until a tiny stamps roll out - a desire of waiting to be happened, just like the feeling of insert the letter into a red post box. Well, come so emotional for just buying a few stamps, you may say!

May be it's due to the change of things around us, truly speaking, it's not easy to find such kind of vending machine in Hong Kong now; one day, may be not too long, ten cents coin will also vanish in our life, at that moment, you will understand what its really worth of......for sure, not only it's ten cents value, but more!


Coffeebreak for 2 - Gaggia Classic & Eureka

Gaggia Classic Espresso machine & Eureka grinderunpacked
這段日子總是被咖啡的香氣濃罩着, 皆因第一部屬於我們的Espresso 機終於着陸, 心頭好加上新玩意, 總是有意無意早晚冲一柸鮮磨咖啡, 刻意補償(心理上)過去一段在即溶咖啡,又或被動式在咖啡室消費的失落年代.

不少朋友也憧景擁有自已的咖啡店, 可以隨時隨地無拘無束的在忙裏偷閒. 咖啡的香味總能把人帶離現實, 至少一刻.

從來, 咖啡文化就是帶有一定的奢侈成份, 不是說機器用具或咖啡豆等實體消費, 而是香港人最昂貴又最"缺乏"的 - 時間. 用心地冲煮一柸咖啡, 由學習選豆, 磨豆, 量粉, 壓粉, 冲煮, 打奶, 事後清理等等...才到品嘗的階段, 急不來, 總得經過不斷重複練習才會冲得一柸美味的咖啡; 最吸引人的莫過於能在享受每一口咖啡的餘韻當中同時擁有自我陶醉的感覺, 不信? 試一試!

Recently, I am wearing a "coffee perfume" every day, it was brought from our new espresso machine which was on board with the grinder this month. Once you know you can escape from your instant coffee and stop paying to Starbuck, coffee day & night will become your new hobby; well, may be just simply a compensation to the lost in the past coffee moment.

Most of us might dream to own a cafe, especially girls, I think; the free time and leisure moment that we can gain whenever we want is so attractive. But for Hong Kong people, coffee culture is a luxury expenses, not in terms of hardware, but TIME (if we are willing to spare a few minutes from FB or our mobile).

Starting from bean selection, grinding, measuring, tamping, brewing, milk frothing, daily cleaning......then we come to the stage of tasting...step by step, no hurry and can't be in hurry. The nice brewed coffee now in your hand comes from continuous practice, the most attractive after taste with a mouthful of coffee that leads you to the twilight zone is your reward, worth or not, have a try!


Book store? 此情不再

Bookstore on Shanghai street long time ago
也許失去的東西總令人懷念, 貼滿招紙的大石柱, 重量十足的鉄趟閘, 用木衣夾吊起一本一本舊雜誌, 不知第幾手的舊小說,  爛竹籮內各式其式的讀物; 伯伯用來休息的舊籐椅......

曾幾何時, 每逢假日店舖休息之際, 總會在街上見到這類舊書攤, 真是環保生意的始祖. 是昔日多些人愛閱讀? 還是生活較簡單, 可以騰出多些時間去享受書中樂趣?

Facebook, Twitter, Myspace... 令我們這一代可足不出戶和朋友聯系着. 同樣e-book, online magazine 亦使我們不用手持一本實體書, 便可以從網上閱讀來自世界各地的小說雜誌. 如果你只可以有一個選擇, 你會保留實體書還是網絡世界上的電子書呢?

很難選擇罷! 一本印刷精美的書刋, 紙質的觸感, 油墨的立體感是電子書不能替代的. 但相反電子書的龐大書庫所提供的選擇性和方便程度, 卻又遠遠超越前者. 可能重點並非在硬件上, 但求有多些朋友肯花時間去享受一段文章或幾篇創作, 用那個渠道並不重要, 因為我想, 只有肯閱讀並思考的人, 才經歴得起現今時代急速的變遷.

A vanishing scenery in Hong Kong, second, may be triple hand book/ magazine sale outside shop on an old street. What we've missed are those antique stone ad post, heavy metal sliding gate, their special display method: product hung up by wooden clothes clip or just loosely drop inside a torn basket, plus the "coffee break" rattan chair aside...

This kind of mobile book store was nothing special in the old days, they were the real master of  the recycle industry. I wonder whether we, people had more leisure time to enjoy reading the day before we crash into our massive media source from the internet world?

Facebook, twitter, Myspace...bring us to our friends within seconds, same as e-books, online magazine, how long have or haven't you been visiting a real book store? or, buy a real magazine? If you can only have one choice, you will go for a book in your hand or a virtual one?

Too difficult to choose? the personal touch of paper & printing from a good quality book/ magazine are non replaceable, but on the other hand, the infinity source and convenience that we can get from electronic world are also attractive. I think may be it's not the matter of how we read, but keep Reading ! take time to read a great article, enjoy and being inspired; to conquer the rapid change of the world avoid being drown.


Best Business Hotels 2011 - Wallpaper magazine

Hotel with stunning sunset view
Best Business Hotels 2011 - Wallpaper magazine

原本預備了一篇關於書的文章, 但剛剛收到Wallpaper update, 發現了這個連結, 這是其中一幅吸引着我的照片, The Waikiki Edition, Hawaii 很想即時飛去那裏, 望着如此迷人的景色, 喝柸咖啡, 滿足矣!

推薦大家抽點時間欣賞內面共160幅照片, 來自不同國家的商務酒店, 香港的Icon 及 Ritz Carlton 也入選. 雖然我覺得並非每一間的室內設計也處理得好, 但卻有不同風格及設計原素可供細味. 

其中比較得我歡心的除了上圖Waikiki Edition 之外, 還有Soho Beach House, Miami / Mondrian Soho New York 及 Le Royal Monceau - Raffles Paris. 你又喜歡那一間的設計呢?

Originally, I am preparing a post talking about "Books", but just received an update from Wallpaper Magazine which links me to this attractive photo, an hotel interior of "The Waikik Edition, Hawaii". Wow! I wish I could fly there immediately to enjoy my espresso under such amazing sunset.

If you have a minute, highly recommend you to take a visit at the above link, 160 photos of business hotel from different countries , including Icon & Ritz Carlton from Hong Kong. Well, although I have to say not each of them are stunning, they have varies design style and elements that are still worth to taste.

Besides of Waikiki Edition, Soho Beach House, Miami / Mondrian Soho New York and Le Royal Monceau- Raffles Paris are also my favorite, how about you, which one you like most? Enjoy!


地面頻道 Floor Discovery Channel

Floral pattern iron floor cover protecting trees along street最近往澳門走了一圈, 除了五光十色的大小賭埸酒店, 更遊走了不少街頭巷尾, 也許這些往後再遂一分享. 今次倒想介紹的是一個頗有心思的設計.

每逢往外地, 我們的視線總被當地的靚人靚景或奇人奇事所吸引; 但只要多點往地面搜索, 也有不少有趣及有特色的事物, 正如以往在日本也發現一個很精緻的公園地標Vanishing Beauty 一樣, 只是今次的發現是在澳門街頭.

也許不用多解釋, 一看便知, 沒什麽特別,  四塊彫花鉄皮用來蓋着路邊樹根. 但精緻的樹葉圖形有半立體效果, 疏水丶地燈位齊全, 裝飾及實用性兼備; 相比香港用磚頭或花棚等圍着"裝垃圾"的要好.

簡潔之餘有效果, 易打理之餘又耐用......不是推薦什麽產品, 而是小小一個公共設施, 只要肯花點心思, 己經可以令生活環境變得更舒適. 成功運用 Form follow Function 這個設計理論, 也會有佳作的.

Casino hotels,  neon neon neon....these are the images of Macau, but there are local culture alley that worth to be discovered; I had a chance to take a walk in May and may be I can share my experience with you in later posts. But this time, I would like to share a delicate design with you.

Wherever we travel to another city, our eyes are busy with all the beautiful faces & scenes, or whatever fresh and extraordinary; if we take some time to look DOWN, there are even more interesting things waiting for us to discover, like what I had found before in Japan's local park - the Vanishing Beauty, this time, it's in Macau.

Well, as simple as a cover for the tree roots along the street, it can be like those found in Hong Kong - brick or plastic fence to create a "rubbish bin" as a result; or like this, a crafted metal cover with semi emboss floral pattern, with proper light fitting & drain vents - simple, decorative, easy maintenance and durable. 

If we can spend just a little more effort to enhance the design of the local facility in our city, the design theory of "Form follow Function" is still applicable to sustain a good design that brings a better life to us.


Simple Elegance

Black package with decent golden calligraphy of a spa set

第一個印象:你認為這是什麽? 小說封面? 酒店目錄? 咭片? 請柬?.......她, 是一個小禮盒.

半光啞油黑色暗地紋, 配燙金商標及字體, 感覺很有皇室feel, 高貴又帶點神秘感. 估估內裡放了什麽東西? 又估估是那一個國家的產品? 男仕或女仕用品? 價值多少?

A novel cover? A hotel guide? A name card or an invitation card? what is your first impression to this image?....she is...a tiny gift box.

Semi matt finish surface with subtle graphic, plus gold foil stamping logo and typography, to create a royal feel, as well as a mysterious elegance. Guess what is the product inside? from which country? For ladies or men? How is the price range?


上海街 Shanghai Street


一個夏午, 走進久遺了的上海街, 昔日繁榮不再, 只餘下寥寥幾間繡莊, 押店, 涼茶舖及麻雀館. 樓上茶居巳不復見, 上海食館, 百貨店皮鞋店也在逐漸消失.

曾幾何時這是一條十分有 "上海風"的街道, 不少洋貨及高品質的國貨衣飾也能在這裏找到. 每逢夕陽西下之後, 華燈初上, 踏進這條街, 總會有種走進異國夜市的感覺.紅紅黄黄的繡莊招牌, 店舖愈大招牌愈是搶眼. 洋傘也好, 綢緞也好, 甚至花式多多的暖水壺也是一些有質量而市民又能負擔的優良產品. 今天, 我們收入水平高了, 但一般人能夠負擔的貨品, 質量卻相對下降; 就連居住環境, 空氣質數, 生活節奏也隨之而改變, 或應說是犧牲.

對於從未有機會接觸過那個時代的80/90後來說, 每天只能擠進愈來愈沒有特式的鬧市街頭, 又或是千遍一律, 毫無生命的商場來說, 實在可惜; 不過, 也許至少比我們只能懷緬的人心理上活得輕鬆. 你呢? 會選擇做那一個年代的人?

Afternoon, in Summer, once I've been step into this street - Shanghai Street, in Hong Kong. Oops, what a colour tone of the past, the colour of wash out. Only a few fabric shop, ma-jong shop& Chinese herbal tea shop were found; Cantonese tea house up stairs, Shanghai restaurants, Chinese department stores, book stores were gone, ...all gone.

It was once a street full of Shanghai culture, lots of imported daily goods could be found here, well, in high quality of course, even though they were from mainland China at that time. Whenever the twilight falls, neon sign flash everywhere especially the red & yellow one for those fabric shop, which sale high quality silk, damask or tailor made wedding wear; the larger the signage, the larger the shop. I still remember, living in those years, we could buy affordable good daily stuff, like umbrella, thermal vase, black leather shoes, a "heavy" duty cotton blanket + salted Chinese ham to wait for the Winter to come. " A foreign night market" was the picture in my memory.

Today, we earn more, but our living standard drops, how come? not even we have to pay more of having an up to standard consumer product; we sacrify our living environment, air quality or even life pace.

For those who can only be part of the crowd in our liveliness district or shopping mall, the 80's & 90's, it is a regret; but compare with us who know the past and can only be a chase in memory, which era will you prefer to be?