
M.C. Escher - Ascending and descending

M.C. Escher - Ascending and descending

從書架找到一本十分喜愛的畫冊 M.C. Escher - The Graphic Work, 在1991年買下的, 當時因為對日本平面設計的所謂"形蝕形"很迷戀, 所以當看到這本畫冊時也就更加愛不釋手了. 但你可能會問: 此人既非日本設計師, 此圖又非"形蝕形",是放錯資料嗎? 非也!

如果從M.C. Escher 的畫冊中, 早期作品實在有不少形蝕形的木刻畫, 但他的後期作品, 如以上的一幅, 運用到平面及立體的錯覺而組成的圖畫, 才是最吸引我的地方.

" 一個一個修道士每日不停地重覆行上一條沒有盡頭的樓梯, 雖然可以因為疲倦而選擇往下走到平台休息, 但其實跟本沒有上和下的分別,約幹時候他們會發現這是一個不遵從規則的錯誤選擇 " - 作者對其畫作的解釋, 你的想法又會是什麽呢?



如果我不告訴你這是什麽東西, 你能猜得到嗎?

巳不記得是何年何月何日?趁午飯時間, 走到荷李活道逛逛. 當然我不是以遊客身份來觀光, 更不是什麽古董專家來尋寳,  只是隨意看看有什麽得意趣味小品罷了.

走了好一段路, 看到的不是那些" 精品" 毛澤東頭像, 便是那些銅錢鼻煙壼...等等, 心想, 有多少人仍會對這些" 國際商品"有興趣呢?! 正當不是味兒, 準備打道回公司之際, 被一粒奇怪的黃色雀仔頭吸引. 是什麽東西呢? 擺設? 樽蓋? 印章? 吊飾?

老板見我似" 混吉" 多一點, 也沒有特別招呼, 但我卻是賴着不走, 結果還是開口問個究竟. 終於, 謎底揭開: 是針頂! 知道是什麽嗎?針頂即是用針線織補時, 套在左手中指, 防止被針刺到的手指套. Wow! 這麽大, 真的可以用嗎?

不過它的設計實在很有趣, 中式雀仔頭加一些隨意的線條圖案; 又是紅黃藍色的組合, 再配上一對疑似毛筆繪畫的雀仔眼......終於,我掏出五個大洋把它買下, 用來做什麽? 老實說, 原本真的打算當作針頂用, 只可惜...手指套不入, 唯有當送給自己一件"古董"來鑑賞鑑賞, 何妨?!



Leonardo da Vinci exhibition catalogue
上星期往科學館看展覽, 相信大家對這個設計大師也不會太過陌生 - Leonardo da Vinci 達文西. 也許你是從電影Da Vinci Code (達文西密碼) 認識他,又或是從講述文藝復興時代的書籍認識他;甚至是旅遊期間在羅浮宮欣賞"Mona Lisa 蒙娜麗莎"的時候深深被他/她吸引着...總之,多少你也會聽過這個名字罷?!

今次展覽內容有驚喜也有失望. 驚喜是發覺達文西除了在繪畫, 雕塑及建築設計上, 竟然在軍事, 力學, 飛行學上也有不少有趣的想法和研究. 我不會一一說明, 留待你們自己觀賞, 也許你會發現當中有一些是你我兒時也曾妙想天開過的想法,只是從未認真對待, 何不妨在這一刻回味.

展品中不乏出名的畫作, 但我們認為更值得看的是其人體解剖筆記圖. 雖然看不懂他的"鏡字意大利文" 筆記, 但當配合着精準而線條優美的人體繪圖, 實在令人讚嘆. 如果我們現代人能夠有這般專注及毅力去造學問或處理事情, 世上很多難題也許可以解決.

不得不提 的是一套關於達文西心中理想城市的動畫短片,雖然動畫製作粗劣, 但當中的城市設計正是我們現今社會所謂的建築所缺乏, 或正在摧毀的環保建設 ,有時間不妨慢慢用心觀看, 你會發覺人類真的不需要住豪宅,更不應把商場代替廣場!

好了! 失望 : 是大部份展示品都是低至普通水準的複製品, 所以多少也影響其觀賞價值, 特別是當大家欣賞心愛的畫作時,要感受到顏色所帯出的豐富層次, 實在是有點大打折扣.再加上香港人那種何時何地也實踐的"親子教育" 及"到此一遊" 的拍友, 我想, 此刻正是運用"專注" 的好時機了.

究竟這個展覽值得一看嗎?只要有心理準備及在星期三, 絕對可一看.


可可設計榜 - Euphoria by Calvin Klein

Euphoria by Calvin Klein poster 

香水 - 很多人都認為是奢侈品, 你說得對;而每每就是因為這個原因,設計師總會花心思在其包裝上, 令消費者不單為了它獨特的香味而選購, 更為着其美艷的外表而甘願多付銀兩. Euphoria 便是其中一個好例子了.

葡萄酒色的香水配上原塊度身剪裁的不銹鋼"外衣",造工細緻精美, 十分華麗. 50ml 的瓶身放在女仕手心上, 大細剛好可以單手操作, 很方便. 雖然這是女性香水, 樽蓋卻保留着一點硬朗, 貫徹Calvin Klein 的形象, 領產品整體設計不會太過嬌媚.

造型,色彩, 物料運用, 全部影響着人們對製成品的觀感, 直接帶動及刺激消費意慾;我想...Euphoria 已經造到了.


What left behind?

Abandon building in Shek Kip Mei
If you see my drawing on this photo, you may think I am going to talk about architecture, lost of culture & memories...yes! this is the original preference. But when I finally decided to post this photo, I am in a situation of whether to continue blogging or not?

This morning, the last week in October 2010, I am struggling whether this should be the last post and therefore I can complete my whole one year of blogging life perfectly...and then, after this post, what left behind?
I keep on asking myself, "coffeebreak by protoworkannie" will be vanished, lost in this internet world which only takes a few seconds via a years' time, but in reality, this is nothing compare with others. How about to myself, what left behind? 

A memory of sharing? A moment of joy?  A time to take a break? A chance to make friends? A channel to learn from others? A page to draw? ......A valuable experience in my life !

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all followers & readers, reading this post in purpose or just by chance. Especially thanks to:

Wasaweb - he brings this blog alive, I can always enjoy good photos from his posts.
Patrice - her always support and brings sunshine to me, especially when I am depress.
Margg. - a little bird who whistle every morning so I can fly in my dream.

I have to take my break now, if one day...may be one morning, I start to write again, I wish you are still here. May God bless you all :)


Paradise Visa

Balcony seating in Phuket hotel
I have this photo "sitting" in my file for a long long time, I always think it has already been posted, but whenever I checked my record, it was not.

May be I am having too many posts for telling people to take a break, eventually this scenery was etched onto my mind.

It's always enjoyable for us to prepare our vacation, especially after a hard working period. Starting from choosing a destiny, looking for companion, applying the annual leave, planning the itinerary......finally start packing... ; all make us so exciting but sometimes exhausting, too. 

I was busy in last month and still have to be ready on call in October for my site work, so I can't get a vacation any how, but I did travel to "paradise" with my "boundless visa". 

I went to a cafe at late dinner time, finished the tasteless dishes as expected; but when I was having my cup of coffee, looking window outside by my tire eyes and non-reacting body, I felt I was in paradise - a piece of glass separating the world outside, I left my work, my phone call...just behind this glass, right outside..."I am relaxing here, a corner in the last 15 minutes before it closed."

Some days later, I was walking on a street with my "dead shell", it was a place for local people who could only afford their basic living there, rarely enjoy a vacation - what we normally interpreted to be out of town. But I felt peaceful, just so relaxing to walk around, people living in reality, no crazing shopping, no high tea, no net-book, no i-phone...all back to basic - at that moment, I felt I was in paradise again.

See, I travel twice ! Simple and un-predictable. I am now having my "boundless visa" in my pocket at anytime, I hope you will get one too, it's free...enjoy :)



Japan version pucca
又有"新種發見"?每次行入便利店, 很容易便被pucca 魚仔餅吸引, 因為它的包裝盒永遠是那麼色彩繽紛, 加上印刷精美, 從遠處已經能把我的視線聚焦到它身上 - 這已是包裝設計成功的第一步.

只是十圓八塊的零食, 包裝盒也用了兩個專色. 配合簡潔的圖案照片, 把新口味清楚地介紹. 再仔細留意其不同大小字體安排,不但沒有混亂, 反而增添趣味; 可見這是一個專業水準之作.

很多朋友也懂得紅綠, 黃紫, 藍橙,等對色效果.在這個包裝盒上, 對色的變化亦處理得很舒服. 所以一個好的包裝設計絕對影響產品銷售......至少以用家角度來說, 欣賞完外在美之後, 內在美已是其次.