

無論係住宅定係商舖, 係任何設計之前都離唔開同客戶傾吓用家要求; 例如有幾多人用, 咩嘢人 ?即係一家有老有嫩定係只得兩口子; 商舖就變成幾多職員, 咩嘢目標客...等等. 最緊要嘅莫過於係儲存問題, 要擺啲咩嘢, 擺係邊, 擺幾多...?

係香港呢個地貴人多嘅地方, "愈多愈好" 就成為標準答案, 於是...問題嚟啦! 所有空間都要你填滿, 原本可以用嚟設計成一個較有味道或者優閒嘅小區都會變成係奢望. 商舖客因為基於高昂租金, 要舖盡其用, 又唔係係度瞓, 呢點仲可以理解. 但係住宅嘅話, 我哋都係希望用家可以先考慮減少自己以為"珍貴" 其實係無謂嘅收藏; 寧願果個位冇嘢擺, 都唔好搵啲"收藏"+個櫃嚟充塞.

另外一個較多發生係住宅嘅問題,尤其係新婚, 覺得入伙之前一定要咩嘢都齊晒, 就算未搵到啱心水嘅嘢, 例如吊燈, 掛畫, 餐枱...都是但買件填咗個位, 結果出嚟嘅效果, 未必係最差, 不過一定唔係最好!

事實證明, 肯聽話又認同寧缺勿濫呢個手則嘅客人, 結果係除咗可以享受由設計創造出嚟嘅舒適空間之外,等到最合心水嘅傢俱配置, 仲可以經驗到從等待, 心思熟累之後搵到一件有真正存在需要, 值得放係屋企朝夕相對嘅物件; 呢個先係我地認為最美滿嘅大團圓結局.




Everyday sunset right outside window

it's a blessing to know

today is so peaceful

for me

to have a new tomorrow


Bronze = Romance?

Bronze fork & spoon

 I was shopping around and discovered this set of Bronze Aged Flatware at Anthropologie . They are so neat but looks elegant, made by bronze - which will sometimes be mixed up with copper and brass. 

We used to have ironmongery or decorative metal parts appears in these three different finishes in interior design work, usually it is a bit easy to identify them by color and level of hardness. Copper is the original soft yellowish metal, when mix with zinc, it forms an alloy : brass , harder and appear in golden color; door knob, lock or railing are most common end products. 

When other metals are added, like tin, aluminium, lead or even silver; a bronze alloy is created with a bit of rose color. It is harder than brass, can withstand more polish treatment, so you can find them in coin, kitchen ware or the above nice flatware, etc.

To me, bronze is more attractive, it has a vintage, feminine and graceful appearance. In the modern world, rose gold may be an alternative for bronze to transform as a wedding ring... same lovely pink tint... with an additive of romance, too.


Our scrapbook


Hi ! Happy Snake Year to everyone, we are excited to share with you our Pinterest Page (upper page tab) here starting from today, you may find some familiar images or new discovery that we have selected from a lot of amazing people's pin, lets share and have fun ! Hey, don't forget to click to their original link below if you would love to know more of your favor items.

大家好! 祝願你們蛇年快樂, 身體健康. 今年我們決定加入Cocoa Design Life 的 Pinterest 網頁 (上面按頁), 希望你們可以輕鬆地分享到一些由我們篩選過認為值得與大家介紹的事物. 可能你會覺得部份似曾相識, 但亦有部份是由參與 Pinterest 的朋友們各自推介的, 希望你會喜歡 !
如果你對其中一些內容有興趣, 別忘記點擊圖片下面的來源網站, 便可探索更多.

* some new pin boards for styling are coming soon......
關於 styling 新貼簿會在不久將來跟大家見面.......


Follow the Sun

Alley in Macau
I love to walk alone, usually between 2:30 to 6:30pm, starting from where I am, no plan, no destination, nothing in hand, as "light" as I can. 

I walk slow, just follow the sun, see if it can bring me to some place of mystery? busy? or tranquil... I feel the air, the breeze & temperature that change along my steps, in the shade? along the road? or outside a

I open my nose, to suck in any aroma in the wind; I keep on listening, to any tiny sound or echo that may leads me to their place.  I look around, to the face of all strangers that passes by, wondering what they are having in their mind?......when the color of the sun turns into golden orange, my journey end.

I stop when I am, walk back to when I was, leaving the sun, return to reality... this, is the refreshment treat of my life, simply move on.


又愛又恨的桃紅色 Blossom red


桃紅色 : 從來不是我的喜好,尤其是當它穿在身上時, 如果配搭得不好, 總有點土氣. 但奇怪的是, 那天......一個黃昏時段, 在澳門街頭, 我被這個"小桃紅"深深吸引着.

柔和的斜陽把濃豔的桃紅中和了, 顯得嬌嫩,沒有半點土氣, 很舒服. 我想, 更重要的是因為還有綠葉做背景, 最後由重質感的石階完成襯托. 就這麼簡單, 大自然就是隨時隨地的設計教室,而且更是免費的呢!

Blossom red - not my cup of tea, especially when we wear them, a dangerous color that may become cheap looking & old fashion if less effort are made while mix & match. But in that wonderful evening at Macau, I was deeply attracted by these gorgeous red. 

Soft golden beam slightly fallen onto these blooming hydrangea, gently balance the overall red cheek; with fresh green leaves as backdrop sitting onto the contrasting stone parapet wall. Simple and comfortable, that's the way the nature is telling us, a design studio to keep us learning any where, any time + it's FREE !



Christmas is coming......

colorful lightbulb chain at night
It's almost a months time of my sudden "break", although things haven't been settled yet, God give us comfort and angels around...see? Christmas is coming again......

Christmas tree, sparkling decoration, heart touching gift,  yummy Christmas dinner,  party and laughter everywhere; it's a good moment for us to enjoy with our family & lover, the best festival that I've love most, especially to Christians like myself - a special day that Jesus entered into human history that change our life.

I took this photo in Macau of May, 2011 ; there are many times for me to think of what post should it goes with? The mood it gives to me is a kind of "sad, lonely & blue" , but it also brings my remembrance of New Year,  those light bulbs hanging in front of western restaurant in the 60's-70's ; subtle, not eye catching, just a few of them... swinging in the air, waiting for a new start.

Sometimes, we may not be the guest of a fabulous Christmas party or can be gather with our family in front of the fireplace; but you can lit a few of these light bulbs into your heart, carry with them wherever you are, they can still bring you wishes and "40w" to warm you in this cold Winter - although a bit early, a small gift to you all, Merry Christmas !