
Centre Pompidou Paris

Day 2 : Sunny / Cold morning

Street behind Centre Pompidou Paris

0600 in the morning, after  "fully charged" last night, I am eager to start my adventure, but...Pompidou opened at 1100, so I have plenty of time to walk from hotel started by a simple breakfast of croissant + double espresso at Le Corona.

Walking around the street(Rue in French)nearby, it's always amazing to chase the shadows of sunlight, one of my favorite exercise; it leads me to a lot more rue out of my itinerary, and I don't mind getting lost if I have time...they are so beautiful...Bonjour stranger :D

Inside Centre Pompidou Paris

As most of you may know that Pompidou has an unique architecture formed by an inside out design concept with pipes of plumbing, air & electrical cable,...etc mainly exhibit Modern & Contemporary Art. I can access quickly within minutes with my Pass, when I enter the hall, the neon sign at far end drawn my attention because it looks a bit vintage :D - my other favorite.   

Up to the 5th floor, you will see a
The Stravinsky Fountain in Paris
spectacular outdoor view and while riding up the escalator, this is another interesting view that I've found: see? a lovely fountain with colorful modern art sculpture, a square for people gather around in the space of "modern & classic".

Actually, 5th floor is my target, showcases of artist between 1905 to 1970 mixed up with others like Picasso, Matisse, Kandinsky, Pollock...,etc. It's worth to spend a few hours to see them one by one. 
Studio 13/16 in Centre Pompidou Paris
I love to walk from the highest level that I can access (due to the
Pass restrictions, like Pompidou, I can't access 6th floor this time, but...I'll be back, ha ha!)because
when reaching the G/F or basement floor, my "fuel tank" should be emptied and ready to "Sortie". 

The art pieces inside are really gorgeous but I am sorry that I can't post the photos here due to copyright issue. So, here I've got one interior decor on the 4th floor, interesting right? This will lead you to a workshop for teenagers from age 13-16, quite fresh.

Well, when I've finished further down until reaching the G/F,it's around 1500. My spirit is high & full of happiness, but my body is exhausted. So...

Espresso pancake breakfast in Paris
Lovely café near Centre Pompidou...my fuel here! return to a shop at the rue I've passing by this morning. To me, the food is not important provided there is an espresso, but some other things always interested me and invite me to stay, guess what...?

...here it is! What a lovely"stop"of my first half day...what next?



Petit Paris - Entrée Sortie

New release Entrée Sortie ebook cover by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge
Hi Hi, 

Whenever I am devoted to something, I shall never know time flies, it's almost three months since the publication of my first book. 

Book Two will soon be released on 3 May 2020, and pre-order is accepted right now in Google Books.

After the first day of exploration around Pont Neuf, I was ready to start the journey of museums in Paris. First of all, what I needed to know was these two French words:-

Entrée = Entrance
Sortie = Exit 

If you do remember, I had a target in this trip - to find a painting in The Louvre; but also to visit 6-8 museums if I could. 

Museum in Paris are huge in space, I might need to spend at least half day inside even not looking the art pieces one by one in details as expected, but you never know; even though I did reserve two & a half days for The Louvre, it comes out I spent one whole day there only, Why? I'll let you know later, but first, lets start our journey from Centre Pompidou in next post. See you!


Remember Me

今天是受難節, 原本準備開始工作的我, 突然收到朋友的whatsapp, 傳來這條音樂短片Remember Me   (Words & Music by Deborah Govenor)

或許你不是基督徒, 又或許你覺得連續數天的復活節假期, 應該是用來休息, 逛街購物, 和朋友聚餐...

疫情令我們留在家中, 也許亦提供了一些空間讓我們思考一些在平日生活中, 原本會做或從來不會做的事. 

如果你能感受現在全球與我們素未謀面,沒有任何關係的醫護人員,能以自己生命換取更多人的生存機會,那種無私和愛;也許會開始有少少理解復活節的真義. 和我們"長氣"的原因,邀請你細聽至少一次 Remember Me.

和大家一樣,我相信疫情總會過去,傷痛可以修補.在寫這片文章時,一正開啟 You Tube 聽Remember Me, 之後播出的這首歌旋律及歌詞,音色也很優美.容讓我藉着它來完結此文,因為我深信神創造的地球村是有希望的!
Look at the World  (by John Rutter)
Presented by The Advent Heralds Symphony & Singers



昨晚叔仔介紹我聽兩首用8D 技術製作的歌, 條件是必需用耳機 headphone 聽, 普普通通的也可, 結果效果驚喜不已. 正如提示所言, 我不覺得正在用耳機, 而是環迴效果在腦袋週邊360度播放, 空間感極強. 我對音響器材認識有限, 但因為 ricketeer  的原故, 加上以往工作上偶爾也需要為客人設計能配合聽音響的空間, 所以也略懂皮毛. 結果重重複複聽了四次之多, 甚至忍不住立即WhatsApp給好友分享分享.

之後...我驚歎科技發達之餘, 令我重想昨日的經歷. 由於教曾崇拜取消, 結果在家中意外地聽了三堂道. 早上是活石堂的網上崇拜, 下午收到深愛堂WhatsApp錄音版, 晚上收到好友轉發的YouTube 視頻版; 就這樣, 思潮起伏了一整天, 尤其在最後一輯講道中, 提及我一對好友在近期 半年内的種種遭遇, 正正讓他們夫婦的人生由2D 轉化成3D , 甚或將來的8D...

疫情令我們"被困", 不少人嚷着苦悶, 是現實環境把我們困住, 還是人生停留在2D 被自己所熟識的二維空間困住? 人如果沒有經歷跌盪, 又或經歷過後, 沒有反思, 依然固我, 停留在安舒區...以為一切也是理所當然的; 此刻, 我們仍然是一個沒有3D的生命, 因為欠缺了深度(D). 

或許這是我聽到8D 技術而情緒高漲的原故罷, 因為人生真的可以很精彩; 要把你遇到堪呵痛苦的際遇來成長? 又或是被困不能前行? 全屬你自己的決擇.

最後讓我引用以下一段時常提醒自己的説話, 亦是我最敬重的牧師對人生的一些定義, 祝願我這對好友早日身心康復, 活出更精彩的人生, 生命如煙花燦爛!

"生命的神蹟不是歲首煙花匯演, 叫全城的人嘩然.
         但神蹟的確是煙花, 叫身旁的人嘩然.




20201月份至今我陸續邀請了30位親朋作首讀預覽. 收到20組書評, 當中不乏對本書的寫作對象, 體裁, 篇幅長度, 排版設計, 相片調色, 繪畫色彩, 文字内容等多項提出不同的意見; 範圍涵括面頗全面, 有理性分析, 也有感性思考的回覆

在我決定開始創作這個系列之時, 最令我感到難以決擇的是: 要商品化嗎?
也許無容置疑是理應商品化, 用設計技巧來處理並出版; 大部份朋友的意見也證明應該朝這方向而行, 否則又何需網上發售呢? 沒錯...

...但在繼續製作Entrée Sortie, 我竟沒有把上述提及的各項上, 作太明顯的修正! 抱歉令大家失望.  並非因為你們的意見不好或不被看重, 反之我認為是很細心及有見地; 只是, 翻複思量了好幾週, 至少到目前這刻, 我仍被初心叫我保留她的個人化"罷了, 也許還是免不了要付上一些代價.  

容許我在此向大家陳明我所謂的初心”, 以下是Petit Paris系列的原創結構: 

對象:              任何需要空間又或想思考前路的人
體裁:              繪本型式的短詩集
篇幅長度:      A5, 一百頁以内的小書
排版設計:      簡潔, 最少修飾
相片調色:      最少修正, 色彩角度光線情景與拍攝時保留最大相符 
                       (即使不幸手震 out of focus :P)
繪畫色彩:      monotone/ gray scale + 全色水彩中頁
文字内容:      接近手寫字體, 簡潔
其他:              相片,插圖與短詩存在於不同空間

就是這樣...只想讀者能和我同處當時那一刻的巴黎即使不一定令人嚮往, 卻可以稍作喘息.  倘若有一天以上一切都要改變, 但願你仍然喜歡和我飛翔...! 




一連四週的星期四晚, 我會把工作停下來, 坐在電視前看港台31重播的一個特輯"宮崎駿的十年".
昨天晚上看完最後一集, 一如已往, 看畢, 還是坐着...良久...

喜歡宮崎駿的動畫早於(可能相對其他人來說也不算早)魔女宅急便, 接着印象較深刻的是千與千尋; 相信大部份忠實動畫迷必定看過. 除了享受故事和配樂之外, 動畫內的角色永遠擁有一份"宮崎駿式的純真", 令我覺得很清新, 很舒服.

多年前在三鷹之森參觀完之後, 更喜愛他的手稿, 相信他應該是一個十分享受動畫創作的人. 沒錯, 在特輯中不單反映着這一切, 還加上他的堅毅及令我羨慕的手繪技巧, 隨意幾筆, 已在分鏡圖中把人物情景生動地表達出來..."好靚!"

但令我思潮起伏的, 卻是每每見他在每一個樽頸位毫無頭緖, 獨自尋索的畫面. 眞的, 有些時候, 就只有作者明白不對勁之處, 卻又不知下一步可以做什麽?! 此刻也許他會在房中"行嚟行去",又或抓着白髮吸啜着口中的香煙, 喃喃自語...喝一口咖啡, 再吸一口香煙...反複着卻不一定找到出路...

"要拍我鐘意嘅嘢, 令人睇得開心動畫...死都要完成佢..."
"要係自己生存嘅年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實..."

以上是配音員的翻譯, 也是我在特輯中最記得由宮崎駿這位動畫大師口中所說的話. 
這不正是我們現今世代的人, 也應該在自已岡位上盡力去把握和堅持的理念嗎?

現實環境也許在短期內未能改變, 要不唉聲歎氣, 怨天尤人; 又或是在自己生存的年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實! 我選擇後者, 你呢?