Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts



一連四週的星期四晚, 我會把工作停下來, 坐在電視前看港台31重播的一個特輯"宮崎駿的十年".
昨天晚上看完最後一集, 一如已往, 看畢, 還是坐着...良久...

喜歡宮崎駿的動畫早於(可能相對其他人來說也不算早)魔女宅急便, 接着印象較深刻的是千與千尋; 相信大部份忠實動畫迷必定看過. 除了享受故事和配樂之外, 動畫內的角色永遠擁有一份"宮崎駿式的純真", 令我覺得很清新, 很舒服.

多年前在三鷹之森參觀完之後, 更喜愛他的手稿, 相信他應該是一個十分享受動畫創作的人. 沒錯, 在特輯中不單反映着這一切, 還加上他的堅毅及令我羨慕的手繪技巧, 隨意幾筆, 已在分鏡圖中把人物情景生動地表達出來..."好靚!"

但令我思潮起伏的, 卻是每每見他在每一個樽頸位毫無頭緖, 獨自尋索的畫面. 眞的, 有些時候, 就只有作者明白不對勁之處, 卻又不知下一步可以做什麽?! 此刻也許他會在房中"行嚟行去",又或抓着白髮吸啜着口中的香煙, 喃喃自語...喝一口咖啡, 再吸一口香煙...反複着卻不一定找到出路...

"要拍我鐘意嘅嘢, 令人睇得開心動畫...死都要完成佢..."
"要係自己生存嘅年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實..."

以上是配音員的翻譯, 也是我在特輯中最記得由宮崎駿這位動畫大師口中所說的話. 
這不正是我們現今世代的人, 也應該在自已岡位上盡力去把握和堅持的理念嗎?

現實環境也許在短期內未能改變, 要不唉聲歎氣, 怨天尤人; 又或是在自己生存的年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實! 我選擇後者, 你呢?



A little prayer

White daisy under the sun

God our Father in Heaven
please be with us
whatever the situation is

Forgive our pride
human beings
the wish 
to control everything
which far beyond our knowledge & ability

Let us be humble
to learn
we were made
not create

to listen
the one who is still
waiting for us to return 
to His love and kindness

Don't wait 
before it's too late!

Pray in the name of
Jesus Christ














原定今天在上課前預備繪畫, 但突然心血來潮, 在舊檔案中找到這幅相片, 抱歉已經忘記是從那裏得來, 只知道很喜歡.

在我的生活中, 毎當完成某階段學習或工作, 總會為我帶來幾位可以長久交往的好朋友, 大多數是三位, 把我計算在内便形成一個四人小組, 讓我算算......也不知不覺有六個群組了.

在這數十個寒暑的成長路程中, 總難免遇到各種決擇, 又或許大大小小的衝擊; 毎當我在茫然中徘徊思索之際...(時常發生:P), 他們總是讓我可以求救的對象.

由於大家生活背景, 際遇及人生歷煉各有不同, 他們的意見, 便包涵着不同的角度; 或贊同, 或反對; 或鼓勵, 或冷水ー盤 :D 只要是建基於真誠當中, 這ー切的回應就變得甘甜和珍貴了!

要成長, 必需不斷學習面對真實的自我, 聆聽, 反思, 改進(或持守)...這是你我經驗中的不二法門, 知易行難, 尤其第一部份. 過程中總會跌跌蘯蘯, 患得患失; 甚至要重新評估, 再次肯定甚或否定部份老我, 但這一切是値得的, 因為没有人可以在温室内成長...! 重要的是總有摯友在旁, 同行, 安慰和勸勉......不知不覺, 又一年了.

讓我在歳終再次感謝大家的不離不棄, 我的四人行ssssss.!


Our new move

New Cocoa Design Life LogoHi, you may have already received the warm greeting from  our new author Ms. Oiseau Distrait; a new friend of mine while traveling to Paris in October earlier this year.

If you are not new to this blog, you should remember we were borned 10 years ago, started by using the name of "Coffeebreak" - a very leisure blog,  photo & drawing being arranged in a "polaroid" format, talking about miscellaneous issues, "light" as feather :D

Then we've moved on to a more design oriented blog as "Cocoa Design Life", the one with a stool logo on an orange ground, still remember? More contents were added related to different era of design; as well as those experimental online Cocoa shops of fabric & grocery store, different departments such as library and pin board,...etc.

The coming year of 2020, we would like to spend more time on writing/drawing picture book. Originally we did consider to create another new blog but we do think a blog should has the ability to grow up with the author as well as their readers, like the transformation from Coffeebreak to Cocoa Design Life; so finally we've decided to make this move by introduce Oiseay Distrait to share of what she has discovered while "flying around" on earth, recording by write/draw or take a snap shot before she forget. 

We've fine tuned the color scheme and logo into a softer and calm tone, you are always welcome to grab a cup of coffee or cocoa, of course; while enjoying your moment here.
Hopefully you will love this changes and grow with us for another 10.....20....years.


Simple wish 04

We listen no more
but ourselves...
since when ?!



Simple Wish again

Click to view in detail


These are what we need!


Simple Wish

click picture to view in detail

Justice !

These are what we want!



今天突然想起五年前的一幅相片, 2014年的十月......

 今年, 2019年的六月,至今......

室外風和日麗, 在中秋過後氣溫仍然如炎夏;但在不少人心中, 此刻卻活在暗淡無光的黑夜,彷如沒有盡頭的寒冬.

昨晚在電視螢幕中一名中學生說"如果唔繼續落去, 會對唔住之前犧牲嘅義士, 我哋冇得返轉頭......"

穿着校服的她, 即使樣貌被保護而看不見, 但憑說話的用字及語調, 是如此純真、堅定、無悔…無奈! 再一次, 令我心痛!

人權、和平、自由、公義, 從來都是理所當然地存在卻又非必然. 權力慾望、暴力、放縱、自義, 可以在頃刻之間取代以上一切. 這豈是單單存在於暴政濫權者之中, 而不也是同時存在於我們每個人的心中呢.

當我們認為前景是沒希望, 非我所願, 甚至敗壞到不能回轉之際; 人民甘願放棄一切去挽回, 尤其年輕一代, 這是崇高的舉措但, 我不禁要問自己多一次: 真的是一絲希望, 一點可能也沒有嗎?以致要在自定的限期內, 取得一切成果?! 良久, 我仍未能找到可以說服自己的答案.

為此, 我翻看書籍, 要想得知“義士和公義"的真意. 我由看新聞而轉向看直播; 不查看臉書之類的社交平台, 不轉發友人給我的所謂真相, 目的只有一個:自行判斷! 並以神所定的公義為準則.

侷部資訊夾集發放者的憤慨或利益, 會使人難於用理智去思考和判斷是非黑白, 尤其並非處身事發當中的人就更困難· 過份的恨意會產生偏見, 正如過份的憐愛也會產生盲從附和一樣. 也許這正正是成立獨立調查委員會的重要性.

或許當我們能靜下來, 即使是一刻鐘也好; 重新思想究竟要爭取的是什麼?

五大訴求: 可以爭取完一樣才緊接第二樣嗎? 即使時間稍長, 讓政府一次屈服一樣, 會可行一點嗎? 反正我們想要個結果罷了! 此刻應是成立獨立調查委員會.

還眼?:我想不是真的還眼罷?! 只要成立獨立調查委員,得知真相, 以法律判決便是了, 我們總不能因着要對抗惡者而令自己變成同類罷! 所以…

“叫人死全家" 又或 "x%#@yz"又或其他言語暴力, 再演變成行為暴力, 其實是毫無意義的; 很難想像把一個追求公義的運動和這些連結在一起. 因為在我們開始不自制而慢慢與惡者的行為相像時, 真正可以殺人的壞份子便乘虛而入, 這非任何人想見; 既然如此, 這個缺口有必要堵塞, 難道我們做不到嗎? 還是不願意去做呢?

此刻, 我發現: 有希望/冇希望、自由/不自由、割蓆/不割蓆、藍絲/黃絲、公義/自義…



自然地, 你會發現, 前面仍有光可見, 有路可行, 你是可以選擇的!


Rainbow Covenant 彩虹之約

click picture to view in detail
Whenever the rainbow appear after rain, time freeze... 

how beautiful she is...the beauty of amazing !! (people on earth)

Hallelujah !
The bow covenant between God and all living creature... God's forgiveness (Christian on earth)

'...And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all fresh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. ' (Genesis 9 : 15)

darkness will be over one day, 
even it's long and intolerable...and 
there will be hope again !! 

(We! in Hong Kong 2019)

神說: "我與你們並你們這裏的各樣活物所立的永約是有記號的. 我把虹放在雲彩中, 這樣就可作我與地立約的記號了.我使雲彩蓋地的時候, 必有虹現在雲彩中, 我便紀念我與你們和各樣有血肉的活物所立的約, 水就再不泛濫毀壞一切有血有肉的物了...."  (創世記九章12-15節)

還記得早前在繪畫"神的創造"之後, 打算上一點顏色之際, 彩虹之約便即時呈現腦海之中.也許只源自顏色單純自然之美; 又或許是, 這個因人類敗壞之後, 在神的傷痛下被摧毀, 再重建, 被寬恕, 再被愛的應許; 使我懷抱着希望把色彩一點一點地擺上.

是神與人的復和, 也是人與人之間的復和; 此時, 被毀的才能有復原的希望.






is what we want
right now...
in Hong Kong...
Our homeland...
We treasure !

May God's Blessing
be with us,


Yes, we can !

The lady and the peacock - Aung San Suu Kyi
The Lady and The Peacock

Due to the Anti-extradition law movement in Hong Kong in this month, I've decided to re-read this book again, in deep; and seriously think of what the meaning of non-violence and peaceful demonstration should be. 

It may not appropriate to compare with what Burma and Hong Kong's political condition, but the mind set behind shall be clearly and in common - Democracy.

Freedom that everyone shall deserve to have, without Fear!

It's heartbreaking for every citizen especially the youth to experience this movement, as well as the pressure and hatred that being put onto the front line simply because of a wrong move of the decision made by our government. Could this be repaired?

By re-read this book, I think, 

YES! if only if we really want to, in a way of non-violence and peaceful way. 
May God be with us !



原本打算用點時間整理好手上的資料オ再重新投入寫網誌, 但今天早上, 仍是在忐忑不安的心情下醒了過來......

也許是為着明天遊行...又ー次為着我們所愛的香港, 不得不行出來的原故;
又或許是為着2014年, 黄雨傘運動, 相繼入獄, 承擔着沉重責任的ー班香港人的原故;
更或許是, 三十年前, 1989年6月4日, 天安門事件, 至今仍然連基本被悼念的權利也沒有, 的ー群愛國者及其家屬, 那種未能釋懷, 公義未能張顯的原故...心中確是沉重. 

六月份的電視媒體, 多番提問, 是我們已經漸漸把這些事情都淡化了, 遺忘了嗎? 只剩下一群"心懷不平"的參予者及家人繼續無止境地等待公義重臨的一天?

沒有! 我們並未忘記. 怎會忘記? 怎能忘記!

然而, 我們卻曾給予當權者時間, 去明白, 去反思, 去面對; 期望他們可以嘗試, 承認一點點, 補救一點點, 努力一點點, 愛人民多一點點...只此而矣.

三十年了, 不是ー個短時間, 歷史留下的一絲絲痕跡, 只會隨着時日加深. 
公平? 公義? 愛國? 造反? 和平抗爭? 暴亂?......難道我們的良知連這些也不懂分辨嗎?!


"不少人仍然相信有一天, 公義會重臨, 我們不用再為着言論/政見提心吊膽; 真正為愛國而犧牲的人終可得到平反及肯定. 

不少基督徒仍然為着當權者不停禱告, 求神賜予他/她們純正無私的心懷; 愛, 神所愛的人民."

我們何嘗不渇望可以坦然去愛我們的國家, 去為着她的進歩及成就而驕傲呢?
可惜! 當一切都不是建基於愛和公義之下, 沒有生命的強國又有何用呢!

P.S.: 如果因着這篇文章, 網誌被封; 明白, 接受, 不甘心卻不絶望 :D


做個 " 愛國" 的設計師

2014年10月26日, 發放了一篇 做個有承擔的設計師, 把好不容易累積了的中國流覧本網誌數量付於流水.可惜, 但無悔.

今天, 終於把流量稍為穩定, 更剛剛發佈了"可可雜貨舖", 在期待着吸引多些讀者之際, 我還是決定要寫這篇網誌; 即使, 我的期待或許將要再次落空.

 剛剛在電視上看了一個關於劉曉波先生的特輯.那一刻,我竟然能感受到身為"中國人"對國家没有看待人權, 人民沒有真正自由的那種傷痛, 真的很痛!!!

一個帶着崇高理想, 以和平心態去期待國家變得更好的學者; 卻為此而賠上自己, 甚至最愛的一生,  値得嗎? (我敢説在他心中一定認為値得!)

自問對什麼政治, 國家...不算熟識; 但人權, 自由, 理想和愛, 是正如你我一様, 天生便懂得, 也應該可以隨時享用. 可是, 在2017年的世代, 中國在高舉什麼一帶一路, 讓全國接軌的同時; 另一邊廂卻仍然像"野蠻人"一樣. 思想守舊, 腐敗, 專横...視人命如草芥!

劉曉波先生和劉霞的付出, 其實, 這オ是真正的愛國, 只是國家不愛國民罷了. 

以言入罪, 軟禁, 網絡封殺, 囚禁異見人士......這一切並不會隨着他的離世而終止; 但可以肯定的是, 人可以被囚, 心卻不可以! 只要有這個信念, 他(們)的付出必不會白廢!


Cocoa Grocery Launch!

Cocoa Design Life Grocery banner in Redbubble

Although it is not our original intention when the first date we blog here, 
it is our desire in certain extent. 

It was started almost ten years ago, when we had discovered Spoonflower; as most of you may know that, you can create your own fabric pattern by using of any media and technique; which is fun and creative. But unfortunately, they are quite "limit" in manufacturing; even though they team up with Sprouts Pattern and Roostery later on, wall paper and fabric oriented products are still their only main stream. So, it's a bit of frustrating when some potential pattern that can fit into our daily life product but can't be made.

Well, I have to confess that I spend too little time to further explore this issue until this year, the world is changing so fast especially in e-commerce, numerous of build-on-demand platforms had already been mature and doing well in the market. So, here we are in Redbubble

Usually, throw pillow is a standard product, 
Coffee Fantasy throw pillow in Redbubble
Coffee Fantasy

but we want something else such as this one :D

Coffee Fantasy iphone cover in Redbubble
iphone case

The best offer in this platform is the possibility of pattern re-sizing and orientation to different product under the designer's control. This is what I wish for so long.

Coffee Fantasy fabric design in minky fabricYou may ask then why we are still built our Cocoa Fabric shop in Spoonflower, because it do provide a number of good quality fabric choices that others don't. 

Like this "minky" fabric, so......fluffy and cute !

Therefore, before a real creative online "Grocery" is found on earth, these are still the best channel for us in the mean time.

So, take a visit to our shop if you have a minute, 
we will upload more design in the coming future. 
Enjoy !



Gift card of Page One book shop
葉壹堂 - 這是我所認識的Page One. 
很喜歡它的中文名, 帶點古早味.

差不多所有設計人都是這裏的常客, 而自從它進駐香港之後, 書店文化及室内設計上也有很大的改變. 

年初時, 競成美術用品+書店(Keng Seng)結業; 我帶着沉重的心情逗留了幾小時, 帶回最後的幾本書回家. 想不到今個月, 剛從葉壹堂帶回來的兩本書 
The Fox and Star  及 The Paris Winter 仍未看畢, 卻原來是"告別之作".

又一城分店的設計書架, 是我的靈感泉源及工作伙伴. 而它的Fiction 書架 , 更是我的"避難所"; 毎當心情差或有大堆不能解決的問題時, 只要在此處逗留一會, 煩惱盡消.

兩年前, 好友送了一張書卷給我, 開始了看傳記及古典系列. 一直放在書店内心儀的Classic 書, 本打算在"餘生"遂本買下, 好好"享用", 只可惜等不到了!

或許你會説, 這間結業往另一間買便可以, 何需"哭喪"似的?  説真的, 我確實有"好友離世"的那種心情. 書店是心靈及精神上的另一個家, 這是網上書店或電子書不能替代的. 而毎一間書店所帶給我們的感覺及書種, 眼界, 思維空間, 回憶,也是獨特的. 

PageOne / Dymocks / Swindon / Keng Seng / Prologue /  商務印 / 中華/ 大衆/ 誠品/三聯.......其中的體驗, 各不相同.  一間好的書店,你會流漣忘返; 否則,只會被一些沒有生命的書籍重重圍繞及壓逼下,不得不奪門而出.

無論如何, 別了! 葉壹堂! 感謝您為我的生命添上無限精彩, 正如您的格言:

every book begins with PAGEONE !!! 


The Fox and The Star - by Coralie Bickford Smith

Book cover of The fox and the star
How pretty this book cover is !!! - the first impression when I found it in a book shop yesterday. It was wrapped up by a plastic bag, so I really don't know what's inside?! But the fabric cover, the drawing, the title...all attracted me so much that I really want it, so I grabbed it without second thought.

I will say it just like starting an adventure whenever you bought a new book, imagine how it will lead you to another mysterious virtual world.

Orange red stitch book binding
Aroma and touch of paper immediately bring me to the starry night of a forest. The orange red stitches inside is the color of this little fox, unfortunately I can't unveil all the amazing drawings of this book due to the copy right issue, trust me, they are so beautiful.

You can only find 3 colors here except the neutral white, black and grey, but it's more than enough to present the whole world of Mr. Fox.

Inner page of beautiful illustration
The story is a simple one, but with open ending for you to explore much more than you can imagine.

If you see this by chance, bring it back to your bed side, it's worth and you will absolutely love it !


Happy Halloween

digital graphic of Happy Halloween


月光光 Up Up in the sky

Mid Autumn Festival acrylic painting on tile

Whatever the weather is going to be,
here is the full moon that will always
shine in your heart.
Mid Autumn Festival 