Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts


7 in Creation - Third Day

7 in Creation - Third Day

9. And God said, 
Let the waters under the heaven be gathered
together unto one place,
and let the dry land appear:
and it was so.
10. And God called the dry land Earth;
and the gathering together of the waters
called he Seas:
and God saw that it was good.
11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:
and it was so.
 12. And the earth brought forth grass, 
and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, 
whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
13. And the  evening and the morning 
were the third day. 

9. 神說: "天下的水要聚在一處, 使旱地露出來."
10. 神稱旱地為地, 稱水的聚處為海.
11. 神說: "地要發生青草和結種子的菜蔬,
並結果子的樹木, 各從其類,
果子都包着核." 事就這樣成了.
12. 於是地發生了靑草和結種子的菜蔬,各從其類;
並結果子的樹木, 各從 其類,果子都包着核.
13. 有晚上, 有早晨,

創世記一章: 9-13節


7 in Creation - Second Day

7 in Creation - Second Day

6. And God said, 
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7. And God made the firmament,
and divided the waters which were under the firmament
from the waters which were above the firmament:
and it was so.
8. And God called the firmament Heaven.
And the evening and the morning
were the second day. 

Genesis 1 : 6-8

6. 神說: "諸水之間要有空氣, 
7. 神就造出空氣, 
事就這樣 成了.
8. 神稱空氣為天.
有晚上, 有早晨,

創世記一章; 6-8節 


7 in Creation - First Day

7 in Creation - First Day

1. In the beginning 
God created the heaven and the earth.
2. And the earth was without form, and void; 
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3. And God said, Let there be light: 
and there was light.
4. And God saw the light, that it was good: 
and God divided the light from the darkness.
5. And God called the light Day,
and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning 
were the first day. 

1. 起初  神創造天地.
2. 地是空虛混沌, 淵面黑暗; 
3.  神說: "要有光." 就有了光.
4. 神看光是好的, 就把光暗分開了.
5. 神稱光為晝, 稱暗為夜.
有晚上, 有早晨, 

創世記 一章 : 1-5節





is what we want
right now...
in Hong Kong...
Our homeland...
We treasure !

May God's Blessing
be with us,


Yes, we can !

The lady and the peacock - Aung San Suu Kyi
The Lady and The Peacock

Due to the Anti-extradition law movement in Hong Kong in this month, I've decided to re-read this book again, in deep; and seriously think of what the meaning of non-violence and peaceful demonstration should be. 

It may not appropriate to compare with what Burma and Hong Kong's political condition, but the mind set behind shall be clearly and in common - Democracy.

Freedom that everyone shall deserve to have, without Fear!

It's heartbreaking for every citizen especially the youth to experience this movement, as well as the pressure and hatred that being put onto the front line simply because of a wrong move of the decision made by our government. Could this be repaired?

By re-read this book, I think, 

YES! if only if we really want to, in a way of non-violence and peaceful way. 
May God be with us !


tuesdays with Morrie

Book cover of Tuesday with Morrie
凌晨 05:43 的香港, 天空仍是漆黑ー片, 窗外很冷, 隠約聽見冷空氣在人煙飄渺的街道中迴蕩, 偶爾路經的車聲把我喚醒. 心中一直想着近期發生的人和事..., 還有...這本書,

相隔12年, 重看 tuesdays with Morrie, 是人長大了?! 經歷多了?! 又或是真的對死亡看得更通透了?!

作者Mitch與教授Morrie重遇, 展開一連14個星期二的人生課程: 他們談及 (We talk about...)
lesson 1:  the World
lesson 2: feeling sorry for yourself
lesson 3: regrets
lesson 4: death
lesson 5: family
lesson 6: emotions

lesson 7: the fear of aging
lesson 8: money
lesson 9: how love goes on
lesson 10: marriage
lesson 11: our culture
lesson 12: forgiveness
lesson 13: the perfect
lesson 14:to say goodbye  
(抱歉沒有把這14課譯中文, 因為我想, 從原文的字裡更傳神.)

面對不治之症和必死的事實, 教授可以處之泰然, 甚至能藉着僅餘的時間, 再次燃點他人的生命; 我想, 這並不是"臨別贈言" "正能量理論" 云云. 如果Morrie不是活著, 經歷, 學習, 感受, 實踐於他的歳月裏, 以上的一切只會是空談, 卻不能感動人心, 令我們再次反思生命.

重看這本書, 感受良多. 經過摯愛及親友離世的人, 要把握的不是"14個星期二", 而是毎一天, 毎一刻. 能接受自己機能上的衰敗, 用智慧去活到最後的一秒, 是送給自己一生最大的禮物.

He patted my hand weakly, keeping it on his chest. 
"This how we say...good-bye..." 
(The Fourteenth Tuesday)

****Thank you, Morrie - A Teacher to the Last. ****



Alone is not lonely

scene of a light up room in a building
There's a difference between lonely and being alone ... quote from LUCKY

You may still feeling lonely 
even if you are in a party, 
with friends, or 
being occupied by tons of task.....
it's time for you to be alone.

Everyone needs time to be alone, 
but it doesn't mean you are lonely. 
You can find your best moment, 
your place 
where nothing can interrupt 
your thought, 
how nice it will be!




HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_福伯的不老傳説
昨晩在又一城欣賞今年所揀選的最後一套電影 : 由 Harry Dean Stanton 主演的一部遺作. 90歳向來消灑, 兩袖清風的老伯, 如何面對可能隨時發生的死亡?!

真的能如此豁達, 沒有遺憾, 沒有眷戀, 憤怒或驚恐嗎? 福伯帶領我們親身走過這一切的思緒, 短短九十分鐘, 彷彿上了人生的一課.

片中有太多太多値得回味的片段, 卻是一套没有刻意營造什麼大道理的電影,

Alone 與 Lonely 的不同; 烏龜逃走事件簿; 永遠没有人懂解釋的所謂"退化"; 生日會上福伯觸動人心的歌聲; 買保險不能改變的事實; 渺小的身形相對在旱地經年屹立不倒的巨形仙人掌; 由厭惡變成能處之泰然的墓園; 曾幾何時昔日服役的光輝歳月...即使只是一個厨子; 人生從來沒有帶什麼到世上, 走時兩袖清風也很合理......

要不洩氣地為着"退化"死氣沉沉地日過ー日, 又或者擁抱着周邊的關懷, 探索未知, 享受毎天的呼吸...明顯, 福伯選了後者.

我想是福伯的精湛演技, 在電影完結時, 影迷不期然地鼓掌, 似是回應着主角的智慧; 又或是早上剛剛陪伴朋友開始歩入生命的尾段令我有點彷彿活在戲裡戲外, 深知這是知易行難的一課.....無論如何, 福伯令"我的電影節"畫上完美的句號!



HKIFF42 catalogue cover_紐約公共圖書館
在大會堂劇院看這套戲實在別有ー番滋味, 因為我最愛的圖書館就在這裏.

入場時是意外的多人, 也許是適逢復活節假期罷; 無論如何, 很是熱鬧, 全院有九成滿座.

帶着期待的心情等開場之際, 後排一位男仕説: "嘩!成三個鐘, 睇完要急急脚趕下場... " 心想,  "好彩我淨係會毎日訂一場, 就係避免咁樣; 更加怕"消化不良" ,哈哈! 不過, 三個鐘, 都有D驚..."

開場了! 約20分鐘過去 , 心想, 這套戲如何能延續多百幾分鐘呢? 

這是一套以位於紐約公共圖書館整年運作計劃, 由一班熱心的管理層花盡心思, 由籌劃, 籌募 (因為其實這是公私型機構, 而且有多間分館), 以至實行, 維修, 改善體系等等...的半紀録式電影.所以片中有不少"會議"時間. 亦藉此介紹圖書館所提供的各式各樣服務, 藏書, 架構以及毎天發生的一些人和事.

差不多看了45 分鐘, 有趣的事發生了...彷彿我們不再是電影院内的觀衆, 而是成為"他們"的一份子, ー同去:

- 聽書評, 見作者, 詩人, 文學家, 音樂家; 感受他們所想所期盼的世界.
- 欣賞藝術藏品, 百年相片所紀録的古今.
- 學習關心手語/視障的推廣; 種族問題, 貧窮人口, 無家者的需要.
- 歩觸未能同歩接合互聯網世界的ー大群人; 又或者教育子女等日常看似普通, 卻日漸令父母吃不消的實况.

餘下的時間, 你會感受到管理層及員工為何會日以計夜, 年復年, 在政客及捐募者中籌集資源令圖書館得以運作. 不停的大小項目, 探訪, 分柝, 陪訓...成功或失敗.... 目的是要為着不同社區的需要, 調配各有地區性的公共圖書館: ー個"人性" 的空間, ー個不單單擁抱着被遺忘的過去; 更擁有無止境知識的泉源, 可見或未知世界探索的地方.

公共圖書館 :把人帶回希望的橋樑...感激片中所有人的付出.
我的三個半小時, 算不上什麼!



HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_遺忘詩篇




 提示:唔好話我唔提你,記得聽埋片尾 Vivaldi 隻 Summer 先好離座呀!


Inside Out

view from inside or outside
Inside Out

Abandon vs Freedom
Lonely vs Tranquility
No way out vs Change
Death vs Move on
To love vs Be loved

It all depends which side you are standing!


To Kill A Mocking Bird

book cover of To Kill a mocking bird
To Kill A Mocking Bird
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (from Chapter 10)
Each time when I've hanging around in a book store, I will come across this little book, and every time I have to leave it behind cos' my quota only allows me to grab others; but this year, I've decided to get it.

To those who study Literature is for sure, will be familiar with it, right? But not me, I don't have the idea of what it's related to and why it is a famous American Classic! That's why I want to read it and find out the answer myself.

The first few chapters makes me feel that I am entering 3 kid's world (Scout/ Dill/ Jem)  in a small town call Maycomb. They live with their lawyer father Atticus, who looks a bit emotionless ; and a black maid Calpurnia.

School life, teacher, classmate, neighborhood...every thing happens day by day as usual together with a routine adventure of tracing the mysterious Boo Radley; not until these kid facing the real life of mercy, humanity, death, races, unfair, righteousness......they are actually grown up under Atticus's role model and love.

They are kids, helping us to view in the angle of purity which we had once before. We may not intend to but kill a mockingbird while achieving our goal somehow. In this book, you will discover those "mockingbird", they are really touching and inspiring; hopefully we can all find those in our real life and treasure them with our greatest effort. 

P.S.: highly recommend to read it :)



Signal lamp in good old days
Creative works can be in team but most of the time, we are alone. Like many of other photographers, writers, sculptors, painters, designers...,etc. That's why we love the moment after mid night.

There is always another "world" for us to enter, once the shutter wide opened, writing paper and pen are ready, colorful acrylics are on the palette.....and, we are ready to be "Alone"!

Not everyone like this feeling, especially when we are not in good mood; but it definitely gives us an environment to have free thought, no burden, no reality, no right or wrong, just concentrate onto the next move, bit by bit, so quiet that it seems we are the only living creature at that moment.

I love to do editing of what I've shot in the day at night, too. When photos appear on the screen, they were framed not only the scenario, but the background "music", aroma, people and things happened around at that specific, "act" once again in front of me..."at Night" "Alone" !

You will be surprised to see there are much more other then what you've intended to capture, take your time, enjoy!



bookcover of 斷捨離
山下英子的 斷。捨。離。

還記得開始教"自在人生自學計劃-美化家居"課程的第一課, 當説到學員們在任何"美化"的大前提下必需先執拾, 捨棄沒有用,不合用或很久沒有用的物品; 才能騰出空間去美化家居。 課室內即時起哄, 大家嚷著這是一個天大難題, 要做到甚至單是想起也是"比死更難受!!! "

當時這本書仍未面世(但原來山下英子一早已在日本開設講座談及這個問題)。 由於我本身有"執嘢癮",所以對我來說不難享受到執拾、捨棄之後,那種在空間及心靈上帶來的輕鬆感覺。 不過當"斷"及"捨"在年復年的運作中, 慢慢便會步入難捨難離這個層面了, 也正好是今年我所面對的。

書內所談到似乎是很簡單,可以按步就班去實踐的方法; 其實當中更包含着一些令我們對事物執著而不願離棄的解讀…我想, 這就是本書可貴之處:心靈的釋放。

那天晚上, 一口氣看完, 立刻有當頭棒喝的感覺, 腦海中也即時浮現家中可以再次納入斷。捨。離。的事物; 翌日亦急不及待介紹給學員。 

如果此刻你正處於生活的樽頸位,何不來一個現實與心靈的大掃除? 也許會有意想不到的出路!


Vacation is over

outdoor bar in Sai Kung
It's been almost one and a half years - such a long vacation from posting; sorry for leaving so long, but sometimes, you have to go... when you was stuck into something; life's changing, lack of inspiration, losing your mind...whether you are willing or not!

Same as design, even thought there are new technique, new material, new design firm, new client , new trend in every minute ...when you discover the circle was kept rotating but have to go!

Simply leave everything behind, time will do it's job, not only to the matter but you.

Blogging is very interesting, when time pass by, it's not a matter of take it or leave it. Most of us imagined to earn a living from here sometimes before, or should say long time ago; but once you've found the great difference between a commercial blog or a really sharing blog, you will have to choose and face the reality. 

Blogging is very attractive, especially you can "almost" post anything you want, no instant reaction that will interrupt your next thought, just share generously. 

But Blogging is also very energy consuming if only if you write it by your let's see what's next :)


A poem from John Donne

From the book of 
" For Whom The Bell Tolls" - Ernest Hemingway

No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe:
every man is  a peece of the Continent, 
a part of the maine;
if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea,
Europe is the lesse,
as well as if a Promontorie were,
as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were;
any mans death diminishes me,
because I am involved in Mankinde;
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

John Donne