
Hide and Seek

Hide and seek pencil sketch
Most of my drawing starts with a pencil sketch, the first line is the most difficult one, especially on a clean white paper...a curse, may be :) but once you've overcome this, the time of joy follows!

Although I can draw base on memory, photo reference can help to enhance the details. If you remember, once I've told you that I didn't plan to write Petit Paris in the early beginning of my journey, so all photos took were for pleasure only, i.e.: not recording for future reference. I was glad to be this because if it's for recording or some sort of research, all the joy would be gone. 

I love to draw in the early morning, the most "powerful" time of my day, ideas flows effectively with a spark. Continue with the coloring if it's not complicated or otherwise it has to be done in another day. 
Hide and Seek watercolor
"Hide and Seek" is the watercolor center page of Book Five- Point Zéro, it consist of some characters that I've met in Paris. Although the poems may lead you to think or concern a bit more to the relationships both in human nature & religious, sometimes sad or wordless; I do wish a happy ending, always and that's why it was reflected here, hopefully, you can feel it, too!