
Coffee diary 04

Coffee & cookies breakfast
Year 2007,Beijing, a second visit to this city, after my business matter, I decided to stay for a few days to look around.

Almost 7:00a.m. in the morning, I don't want to spend a huge sum for the buffet breakfast, what I need is just a nice cup of coffee and some bread or toast to wake me up.So this is all I've got...yes, it's true, the only thing they have in the lobby's cafe.

Well, to me, better than nothing at least I see my "pal- Mr.coffee". To serve with cookie as breakfast is a little bit weird, I think; but I do need some energy before I can get start to find other food to eat, which may take me for another hour to discover.

It's difficult to finish this meal except the glass of water, but I try my best and stay peaceful until I pay - RMB 110. This story tells us, don't be lazy and always prepare, otherwise you will "pay" one day. (no matter how - still a memorable experience :)


Hello Autumn

Hi! I am back, almost a month away from here, miss so much. The fact is simply busy for living, that's the reality. But nice to be back in Autumn-my favourite season.

We've just pass our Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong, as we are adult now, it's seems this kind of festival is not so amazing, especially we need to work whatever festival we are in.
But on that night, 22 Sept, 2010, when I was on my way home, a couple on the street shout - hey, there is the moon...

I looked up, it was in the sky covered by a sheer of cloud, a bit pale in her face, but I just kept on looking at her three times...she was still so pretty, so familiar to me. There was no more celebration, no family gathering caused I was working late, but I still had her as my companion, never need to make appointment, just look up and she will be there- Good night my dear !



SKETCHUP sketchup
相信有不少設計師也聽聞Google 有個3D Freeware 叫做SketchUp, 甚至巳經用過. 反應好壞都有. 有的說易用, 很快便學懂, 不消一會便可以建成立體模型. 也有人說太簡陋, 十分小朋友, 做出來的效果粗糟, 一點也不專業, 難登大雅之堂, 還是用3dS 好!

其實各用家的意見也有其原因, 以我自己為例, 我會說這是一個簡單易用的軟件, 對做室內設計的人來說, 可以在短時間內對現塲實際環境作較深入的研究, 從而幫助進一步發展及改良設計. 這個軟件在外國尤其普及, 不少建築師, 工程師, 產品設計師甚至畫家也用於他們的作品上. 但為什麽會有粗劣感呢? 原因很簡單, 沒有做適當的預設及render.

跟其他軟件一樣必需做預設的改動, 如線條,背景, 光源列印模式等等. 尤於Sketchup 看似十分簡單, 大家便忽略了一些需要較深入的設定, 以配合及達至所預期的完成效果. 另外是沒有附加Rendering 的後期加工軟件, 以致圖像老是不真實, 沒有燈光效果或質感. 其實這一切也需要配合其他應用軟件如Vray, Podium, Maxwell render...等才能成事.

首先我會叫大家先看完SketchUp由Google 自家製作的tutorial, 學會所有技巧, 再到Smustard 學用一些幫助SketchUp操作得更暢順及精確的Ruby Script; 再返回sketchup 尋找適用的Plugin和Render軟件, 經過一番苦工及較深入的應用, 相信大家會對這個3D 程式有新的看法.


A corner for me

Miniature bedroom with kitten
Mow, I am a kitten living in the toy house of protowork annie, it is a small place, no luxurious decoration, but cosy. Actually what I need is only a small corner right next to her bed, you may find I always like to take a nap here, I feel relax because I trust this is a safety place. 

Trust-is something seems simple but not easy to be developed. Although it should be the natural character of human beings, what they call a mutual trust; they can easily be ruined by anything which we, as a pet don't quite understand.

We trust our master, a simple and pure relationship, no extra demand, just "love" and "comfort" that we can shared between each other, is it too simple in our world but not in humans' ? I am not sure but I wish everybody on earth can enjoy this as easy as we have.


No Answer

Today is supposed to be a happy day to me because there is something worth to be celebrated. But I am sad...very sad.

24 H.K. tourists were hi-jack by a local police in Manila yesterday, it ended after 9 hours, 7 died and 8 injured, the people and the "body" are still in Philippine. Whole process was broadcast on T.V. last night, the reason behind is only because that police wish to resume his duty after being fired, he lost his life...couldn't make his dream come true...and destroyed the innocent's rigth to survive.

Everyone is talking about this, news and FB...,etc. I just can't relief, those tourists are our citizen, they were planning to return H.K. last night after visiting the last tourist spot, and we've lost them within a day, why? 

Life is so fragile, we can't ask for one more second if it comes to an end. It can be or be not predictable, when we are fell asleep, in the hospital, in our "journey"...I am not expecting any answer from anyone, I know there is no excuse for the killer or even the helpless police force, but I also know they are all victims, living in a country of unfair without justice.


可可設計榜-Sony Cyber Shot P8

Sony Cyber Shot P8有印象見過這部數碼相機嗎? 未必, 因為它在巿埸上出現的時間頗短暫. 也許沒有太花巧的外貌, 甚至有人會覺得它太厚. 但為什麽會入選我們的設計榜呢?                                                                
" 因為是好設計囉!"                                                                          
首先相機外型與鏡頭己連成一體, 有足夠的空間擺放鏡頭之餘,握手位, 觀景器等沒有過份凸出的部份, 比例恰當, 所以整體造型流暢服.
厚度適中,不會過厚令造型呆頓,但也不會為求美觀設計得太薄, 以至不附合人體工學,難於掌握操作. 其實即使影數碼相, 握機穩定性也不應忽略, 否則相片質數仍是會受到影響的. 很多人還老是說相機效能不好, 其實問題大多在於基本操作及運用的知識上罷了!                                                                                                                                                                                  
機身表面的珍珠白塗層, 半光啞, 頗細緻, 卻又有另一透明塗層用以保護防汚及磨損, 所以看起來有點像搪瓷面. 而事實上除了手感舒適之外, 也不須太擔心易括花或汚漬等問題. 雖然, 近年市埸上有不少其他牌子的相機或手提電腦也用這種表面處理, 但以效果來說, 我們認為到目前為止仍是這件產品造得表較優勝.                                                                              
Sony 的操作介面不多提了, 用過它們產品的也應該沒有什麽投訴. 當然此機的性能不能與現今的數碼相機相比, 但尤於我們不是產品推銷, 只希望從它的設計上向大家介紹其過人之處. 始終simple is the best 這個理論是有一定道理的. 而產品設計也應以form follow function 為大前題, 否則即使外表如何"美艷", 也只停留於一件裝飾品罷了!


Something out there !

Highrise in the fog of Tokyo

When we are walking in fog, fear, uncertain, danger...lots of thoughts rushing in, leading us to an imagination of something bad is waiting for us. Well, if you say, No! I am not, in a contrary, I will feel exciting, curious, expecting something special that is waiting for me; may be another heaven like garden in front, a man whom I loved, or a sunshine just right behind...Great, this is what I was & what I am now.

I was afraid of fog, especially right in the center of it, because I had an experience of total lost in mind when I was standing alone on the hill side and surrounded by a thick layer of fog which appeared suddenly, I couldn't see my friend and all the nearby environment within 1 foot. The feeling was horrible, seems I was in another planet and something bad was going to be happened - say "vanishing of myself". 

But if we can take a break , take a deep breathe and wait, the fog will gradually "run" away, everything becomes clear, or even a surprise for us - last time, a beautiful garden appeared right in front of me and sunshine. So, it may not be a dead end, it only depending of what we drive our expectation towards the good or the bad side.

Today, I may still feel helpless when I am in the fog again, but I am sure what I've expecting to see afterward is something good, so I can move on.