

bookcover of 斷捨離
山下英子的 斷。捨。離。

還記得開始教"自在人生自學計劃-美化家居"課程的第一課, 當説到學員們在任何"美化"的大前提下必需先執拾, 捨棄沒有用,不合用或很久沒有用的物品; 才能騰出空間去美化家居。 課室內即時起哄, 大家嚷著這是一個天大難題, 要做到甚至單是想起也是"比死更難受!!! "

當時這本書仍未面世(但原來山下英子一早已在日本開設講座談及這個問題)。 由於我本身有"執嘢癮",所以對我來說不難享受到執拾、捨棄之後,那種在空間及心靈上帶來的輕鬆感覺。 不過當"斷"及"捨"在年復年的運作中, 慢慢便會步入難捨難離這個層面了, 也正好是今年我所面對的。

書內所談到似乎是很簡單,可以按步就班去實踐的方法; 其實當中更包含着一些令我們對事物執著而不願離棄的解讀…我想, 這就是本書可貴之處:心靈的釋放。

那天晚上, 一口氣看完, 立刻有當頭棒喝的感覺, 腦海中也即時浮現家中可以再次納入斷。捨。離。的事物; 翌日亦急不及待介紹給學員。 

如果此刻你正處於生活的樽頸位,何不來一個現實與心靈的大掃除? 也許會有意想不到的出路!



tree with a rhythm
曾經學習攝影的朋友, 總不會忘記導師必教題:   構圖 . 沒錯, 構圖好與否絶對會影響相片出來的效果. 處理得好的話可以突出主題, 増強畫面透視感, 甚至可以帶領觀相者身歴其境, 一同感受拍攝當時的氣氛. 否則, 就只會變成凌亂鎖碎, 相中無物.

還記得初時因為用菲林機, 為着省錢 (避免後期裁放), 所以取景入鏡盡量計算準確, 希望曬出來的畫面構圖和拍攝時一樣, 也因此甚少拍下這一類較多線條及錯縱複雜, 色彩接近(容易黏地)的相片.....結果, 影相時"太手緊" 令我享受不到"隨意"的感覺, 也間接減低了環境事物的可塑性.

隨着進入數碼年代, 電腦後期裁放及加工已排除了這方面的制爪, 取景可以較隨心, 從而今我發覺有不少事物也是亂中有序, 頗有觀賞性的......不過我並沒有因為科技的進歩而放棄構圖的基礎. 最少, 甚至不裁放及後期加工仍是我努力學習及維持的目標. 因為只有這樣オ能不斷提昇對畫面比例和構圖的把握能力, 而不會仗着科技而"自我放縱" .

老實説, 如果這張相把左邊裁至樹幹位, 右邊裁走行人, 畫面會較緊凑....但願下次會把握得更好!



秦觀 (鵲橋仙)

纖雲弄巧, 飛星傳恨, 銀漢迢迢暗度.
金風玉露ー相逢, 便勝卻人間無數.
柔情似水, 佳期如夢, 忍顧鵲橋歸路.
兩情若是久長時, 又豈在朝朝暮暮.

適逢今天是農暦七月初七,  七タ; 也即是傳説中牛郎織女相會的一天. 令我想起這首優美的宋詞. 總覺得古人有份優雅的情感, 簡簡單單56個字, 便把整個詩情畫意,離愁別緖的情懷表達出來. 除了是文學修養之外, 清閒淡雅的生活能使人有空間去感受. 

也許在今夜, 大家不妨暫且放下手機雜務, 與掛念的人相聚ー刻.


Agfa Isolette III ...my first camera

As far as I've remember, up to now, I am using the 8th camera in my life and the one above is my first "lover", which was also my dad's partner in his good old days.

Agfa lsolette III - produced in 1951-1960,  made in Germany. It is a Compact Horizontal Folding Camera using 120 type Roll film, and this one was designed for 12nos. 6x6 cm roll film. Cast aluminum top housing, i.e.: a Post-War design....COOL !

My first roll of film was almost a "total lost". 

My father taught me all basic operation at the night before my first "date" with Mr. Isolette; the location was Lamma Island in Hong Kong. It was a sunny day, the scenery was awesome, even thought a black and white negative should did a good job. I shot seriously because I've only got 12 chances, ISO setting, exposure combination, framing, lighting...step by step and it took almost the whole afternoon for me to complete those 12 shots.

Then, what's next ?

My first Film Processing lesson : all tools and chemical were ready, unloaded the film in total darkness , while developing not even fixing........" OMG!!! Where are the landscape gone?" 

There was only one image appeared within the whole roll of negative! = film rolled unsuccessfully inside the the cartridge :( because I rolled too little from the beginning which didn't securely winded and this was my first photography "lesson" in my life . Ha Ha !

But truly speaking, l love this camera even though the first experience was a bit
embarrassing. Not only because of the overall design is so elegant, the shutter sound is amazing, mechanism of 100% manual operation is so attractive by only one careless move, you failed....

one of the breathtaking feeling that 
you will never have by using a digital camera !


Vacation is over

outdoor bar in Sai Kung
It's been almost one and a half years - such a long vacation from posting; sorry for leaving so long, but sometimes, you have to go... when you was stuck into something; life's changing, lack of inspiration, losing your mind...whether you are willing or not!

Same as design, even thought there are new technique, new material, new design firm, new client , new trend in every minute ...when you discover the circle was kept rotating but sucks...you have to go!

Simply leave everything behind, time will do it's job, not only to the matter but you.

Blogging is very interesting, when time pass by, it's not a matter of take it or leave it. Most of us imagined to earn a living from here sometimes before, or should say long time ago; but once you've found the great difference between a commercial blog or a really sharing blog, you will have to choose and face the reality. 

Blogging is very attractive, especially you can "almost" post anything you want, no instant reaction that will interrupt your next thought, just share generously. 

But Blogging is also very energy consuming if only if you write it by your heart......so let's see what's next :)


首先必需向大家道歉一聲, 原來轉眼又一年多了. 生活上不能自控的變化也就是我們這些業餘博客所遇到的最大問題; 如果你是一個"自給自足的設計師", 被逼暫停"副業" 更是無可避免的; 畢竟...要生活嘛 :D

希望你仲記得上年呢篇網誌(一), 老實講, 我都要睇番先記得自己寫過咩??
"自給自足"係一段日子之後己經唔多適用係室内設計師身上, 如果你要佢學呢學路仲要自己攪, 真係睬你都儍. 一係叫公司發俾 Freelancer, 再唔係就師傅自己地盤搞掂. 

返工一定準時收工, 唔想亦唔期望升職, 去學點樣有效快速咁捉多隻精靈好過. ..我諗, 咁會啱聽D. 

點解我唔想繼續寫點様自給自足法呢? 一方面係社會環境, 客人需求同新一代年青人係心態上都改變咗好多. 係有限時間入面揀去做D咩同學D咩, 已經唔係咁理性. 要去趕科技, 例如3D 打印, 環保物料應用; 調較人際關係去改善見客或者工程管理等等... 似乎學得嚟又有新嘢, 面對面遘通更加係最無興趣, 既然對呢行無慾無求, 咁又何必搞咁多呢!

不過聽完以上一段"現實感歎" 之外, 又唔好太灰. 因為有部份無論係在職或者打算入職嘅一群, 仍然好有心想學多D, 做個全面一D嘅設計師. 不求人或至少危急時自己都頂得住嘅DNA仍然會令佢哋至終擁有自給自足嘅條件, 絶對會係終極求生嘅優勢, 加油!!!


The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

bookcover of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist
Hey pal, some more reading this month. 
As far as I've known this is a very popular novel that seems inspire a lot of peoples around the world. So I finally grab a copy and read it within 6 hours one day.

Hmm, what should I say, it is an attractive, imaginative, inspiring of life and desire, easy reading novel, but not as highly expected than I used to thought of. 

May be it's what usually happens, if it is an Oscar Award film, you will expect more and, that may distract the outcome as a result. 

A story about a young shepherd to chase his treasure and dream, a prophet that leads him to leave his familiar homeland to the wild and unpredictable desert, where he met the Alchemist and learn his lessons of life.

If you have your dream, if you like desert and want to feel it's power, read this, it will take you there.


Life is Only One - Yoshitomo Nara

Poster of Life is Only One - Yoshitomo Nara
Yesterday I've introduced an exhibition about sound, today, I would like to talk about another exhibition that was introduced by my friend earlier in April, and is still on show until 26 July 2015 in H.K.

I must confess that I am not a fans of this artist, but I went to Admiralty by chance and remember this show was held nearby, so I went to have a look in a cold rainy day.

Life Is Only One - it seems a bit "serious" as I've original thought, by entering the hall after waiting outside for 15 minutes in wet air, a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere was suddenly echo around when a song was heard from a small room somewhere behind.

This girl -  I shall say is the artist herself being painted on raw materials, pure and sensation; message delivered touches life and death but in another way......through the eyes of a child......by the imagination and interpretation of the visitors.

Other media such as photography, sculpture and multi-media are also presented as part of Nara's work simultaneously. 

If you have a minute, go and have a walk, you may be inspired by this little girl.


Le French May - Beyond The Sound

Le French May - Beyond The Sound poster
I have to say we are really lucky as living in Hong Kong even thought it is only a small city, it's easy for us to reach different culture such as Le French May.

Yesterday while in the black rainstorm signal date, I 've visited  Comix Home Base (7 Mallory Street, Wanchai, H.K.), an exhibition : Beyond The Sound was held there, a scheduled exhibition for myself in this May.

It's a small exhibition hall which was transformed from a Grade 2 historic tenement houses, so the original structure of the building that were reserved are worth visiting. Although each floor area is quite small, it's good fit for such kind of extraordinary exhibition that require an individual and isolated space.

Usually I won't have high expectation to new media or arts exhibition because I am not an expert or well trained in these fields, but this time it is a bit of surprise. 

There are total 17 pieces of art related to sound, most of them are found on 3/F, may be it is so true that "sound" is no boundary like "music", you can easily touch and driven by their presentation. The no8, 11 and 13 are my favorite pieces, especially no. 11 - Distorsions by Pierre Laurent CASSIERE. 

I was so lucky that the black rainstorm resulting minimum visitor, so I can occupy the whole room by myself and feel how those three stainless steel liquify the concrete building under it's roar......very interesting and unforgettable experience. 

For the others, I will leave them to you. 
A highly recommended exhibition that is worth to take a walk, enjoy !


For Whom The Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway

Bookcover of For Whom the Bell Tolls
For Whom The Bell Tolls
I am not a classic novel fans, especially those related to war; may be it's because English is not my mother tongue which means, it will increase my difficulties to understand / enjoy my reading if there are too many vocabulary or "old language". 
You may say, then why not read the translated version? Truly speaking, it's usually not as good as the original written language or, at least in English. So I've finally decided to give a try, just in case if needed...I grab a dictionary in hand.

This is a very famous novel as we've known, not only because of it's poem inside by John Donne, where the name of this book that comes from; but also the way of the author who written and lead his readers to once again review of ourselves in such a special scenario.

When I started to read the first page at a coffee shop in one hottest afternoon...it attracted me, I was immediately fell into the pine-needle floor of the forest..., and it took me along to the year of Civil War in Spain , 1937.

It's a simple story about a dynamiter Robert Jordan who needs to blow up a bridge in Segovia, and therefore he requires the help of a band of local anti-facist guerrillas to lead his way, as well as to assist in terms of man power. It is a clear straight forward duty if he didn't meet his girl Maria and the people of this band.

A four days three nights trip conclude Robert's entire life, evoke the meaning of life in a battle. Every one he met within these few days become the one who trigger his deep thought of others. 

I will not tell you the entire story but it is a real good one that I've ever read, the way Hemingway express is not only the message of war, but the overall emotion, that are beautiful, human nature, romantic, inspiring......

As Robert said at last " You can do nothing for yourself but perhaps you can do something for another."

p.s. - The book links to the ebook with a new cover design, but I love the one above, may be it will appear in physical book version only :(



A poem from John Donne

From the book of 
" For Whom The Bell Tolls" - Ernest Hemingway

No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe:
every man is  a peece of the Continent, 
a part of the maine;
if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea,
Europe is the lesse,
as well as if a Promontorie were,
as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were;
any mans death diminishes me,
because I am involved in Mankinde;
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

John Donne



或者好多人以為室內設計師淨係識基本人體工學,畫吓公仔圖,買吓嘢,襯吓色,"大"吓師傅就得啦! 唔...我唔排除有呢一類又生存倒嘅同行;不過我講嘅係真嗰D,加上係自由人,冇公司其他同事支援嗰D。

其實室內設計涵蓋嘅範疇好廣泛,既然係同生活有關,時下流行或者新發賣嘅產品,物料甚至科技係有需要認識嘅,如果唔係,我哋同用家溝通嘅時候就比較困難。除咗咁之外,新軟件嘅功能幫到我哋自由人好多,由2D 到 3D ,如果揾啱嚟學同用,係創作同 present 嘅時候就事半功倍啦!注意: 係要“ 揀啱"。

另外,唔好以為室內設計屬於立體空間嘅嘢,嗰D graphic 呀,商標字體嘢就唔關我哋事。如果我哋係平面設計上有多D基本知識同運用技巧,你係設置wall graphic 同幫人掛招牌甚至掛畫嘅時候, 就唔會同出面嘅 banner 店生產出嚟嘅一樣。

如果再識埋攝影,我講嘅唔係隨時影1000 幾百嗰D儍瓜數碼攝影,而係會考慮光影,構圖色溫同曝光嗰D。咁...你係室內燈光設置嘅方便亦都會有D心思!

仲有乜嘢呢?呀!如果可以花D時間學吓享受音樂,藝術, 電影同係睇書上面; 慢慢,呢D都會不知不覺間影響咗我哋係設計嘅時候對色彩同感觀嘅要求·


不過,呢D都係屬於設計師本身想唔想係自己身上投放嘅"不求人"資源,絕對要時間同心機; 睇完一大堆"疑似道理"之後,或者你會覺得唔想咁麻煩,大把其他嘢要做,咁。。。 

無錯,每樣嘢揾外援,即consultant 公司幫手就搞掂,亦唔駛再花時間睇下一篇,因為所有問題已經唔係問題啦,淨低只會係錢嘅問題啫 :p


It's powerful !

Cocoa color chart from cuisine

What a masculine combination, mechanical with distinct character.

Tone: Warm 
Fashion : military
Package : action figure, tool, toy weapon
Retail : DIY shop, gun shop,
Residential : workshop


The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Bookcover of The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - by milan kundera
或譯作"布拉格之春", 但我較喜歡它另外ー個譯名: 



以捷克於1968年的民主改革運動為背景,描繪出四個生活在布拉格,各自原本擁有專業技能的兩男兩女;隨着這場運動, 影響了他/她們的命運。 原本那份不受約束又愛恨交纏的愛情與慾念,甚至對自己的個人價値與理想,亦不得不隨之而改寫。

第一次看這個作者的書,感覺很特別;恍如他就在我耳邊輕輕述説這四個人沉重的一生。似是一個故事,卻又如此熟悉!似是簡簡單單的内容, 卻又需要無限的文字去演譯那當中幻變的感情!



The first phone call from heaven

Bookcover of The first phone call from heaven
The first phone call from heaven
A new book recently found...written by one of my favourite author Mitch Albom. This is the fifth book I've read and the same feeling as usual : heart touching, comfort ... plus a little bit of "X-file" decor this time.

A small peaceful town Coldwater has never be the same when the first citizen received the first phone call from heaven, her deceased mother; follow by the second, the third & so on...I think many of us is for sure will not believe this call but how will this lie created by someone that can tie up all people inside? Especially to Sully - who lost his wife, who wants to believe this so much therefore he can listen to her wife's lovely voice once again, but sadly in the bottom of his heart... he know this is a hoax.

It's a story about love, about we can't let go to whom we miss, about regret, a struggle between sense and sensibility.

Ready a cup of coffee, a quiet & cozy corner, start reading this book; trust me, once you've open it, you will finish up to the last page, enjoy :)



Time flies..... could anyone knows what the next minute is going to be? 
will there be another minute of me to pass? or 
will there be another post to be written? 
who knows? 

it's for the one who treasure, 
who need it 
and use it. 
What if not? 
......it means nothing to you...or to me!

No regret.....could anyone really make it?
are there anything missing? or
being forgotten?
we should know!

Fix it...when we still have a minute !



It's Organic !

Cocoa color chart of a Japanese noodle

Hmm... how about another combination like this? Simple yet "looks organic !"

Tone : Cool Base
Fashion: Autumn
Packaging:  Veggie, Chinaware, Pottery, Handcrafts
Retail: Organic, Vegetarian Deli
Residential: Winter garden


Hello! Cocoa Color Chart

Hello ! I've always want to create a color chart of our own. Although there are numerous color palette creator in the market, it seems they are far too more restrictions. 
So....... finally, we make it!

It is the first one and may not be perfect, but it's fun :D

Tone : Warm 
Fashion: Autumn
Packaging: Wine
Retail: Cafe, Restaurant, Grocery Store 
Residential:  Dining , Sitting, Family room



好唔容易先累積到幾萬溜覧人次, 加上最近冇咩寫嘢, 我諗萬一寫完呢篇被封, 咁未前功盡癈?
但係身為一個設計師,成日話要有自由嘅空氣先可以生存; 仲要係土生土長嘅香港人, 點可以係香港而家正處於大事大非嘅時候, 唔表示一吓呢?

2014年9月28日, 香港

中學生為着爭取普選特首於9月22日開始罷課. 26日佔領公民廣場.
9月28日戴教授啓動和平佔中, 部份學生及市民開始在金鐘靜坐, 人數愈來愈多.
同一晚, 政府用胡椒噴霧及八十多個催涙彈瘋狂地把和平示威者驅趕.........
結果激起不少市民的正義感, 運動由金鐘推擴至銅鑼灣, 旺角及尖沙嘴.

呢晩, 黄絲帶係臉書上變成好多人正義嘅化身. 凌晨時份我見有四個同學仔係我屋企對面條欄桿密密掛上一條一條嘅黄絲帯, 係暗淡嘅街燈之下隨風擺動...好靚! 心諗, 香港由呢一刻開始。。。。。。不再一樣! "雨傘運動 Umbrella Movement"亦隨住示威者用雨遮抵擋"驅趕武器"而誕生。

從來都唔覺得設計人要所謂嘅正治中立, 冇錯,政治嘅嘢真係好鬼悶,但係如果連學生都緊張,關乎公平,公義,自由,人權嘅未來,我哋仲扮咩"正治中立"?攞少少做人基本嘅良知出嚟,是就説是,非就説非。比起D學生,唔通連呢最少嘅表態同支持,我哋都做唔到咩?

 一個基本嘅要求,唔應該要咁多涙水、甚至血汗嚟換取,更唔應該由學生去承擔。或者你會覺得我哋D老鬼,做咩重要理埋D未必享受到嘅未來抗爭運動?舒舒服服有錢搵,有車有樓有老婆加條狗,政府話乜未乜囉!最緊要唔好因為呢D"少衆嘢"同D老細或者D Friend 反面。

"時窮節乃現  一一垂丹青。。。正氣歌文天祥





註:圖片取自Scholarism ,亦可連結査看更多雨傘運動的内容及進展。


The Time Keeper

Bookcover of The Time Keeper
The Time Keeper
Finally got some time to read a book. Mitch Albom is always my "first search" whenever I've enter a book shop......since his "Tuesday with Morrie". I am sure many of you did read this novel, really touching & inspiring.                                                                                                                                                                 This time, a story of three persons, appear in the past and present, traveling from present to the future......an interaction of how they want to manage their life time, what they've thought is important to themselves and when they've make their own decision which it seems to be the best for everyone; they miss something......                                                                                                                                                                                  
 ...the treasure moment & experience with their true love. 

To some of us, this is not an "x-file" , a simple & easy understood theory. But in fact, how many of us do really try to slow down our pace, take some time to look around, listen and feel. 

Start by reading this small book tonight with your cup of tea, you will have a new angle to manage your time without regret !

" with endless time, nothing is special. With no loss or sacrifice, we can't appreciate what we have." - Dor to Victor 

" Ends are for yesterday's, not tomorrow's." - Dor to Sarah

" there is a reason God limits our days"......."to make each one precious." - Dor to all of us


Hi, how are you

Hello, everyone,

It's been so long from here since 2013.  Lot and lots of stuff happening, good and bad...happy and sad...but, we are " survived " ; just like any of you, who has faith, always trust to wait for the rainbow after rain. 

We are so glad that this blog is still viewing by someone...from somewhere...we may not know each other, we hope our post can still be an invisible link to tide us around.

While I am returning and wondering why are some "mysterious" comment found here ? 
Meaning...I can see a comment count but not the content ?!  Ah! It's a Google+ comment problem......

So I disable the Google + comment, then everything come's back. I can view the comment content and say hello to my reader. Bravo ;)

Hopefully, we can spend more time here to share and have a lovely chat !
