
Musée du Louvre

 Day 4: Cloudy Morning

Antique gallery of The Louvre in Paris
Every time walking along Seine will look at this arch

Morning in Paris is gorgeous even though the air is a bit chilly. I was in a "coma" last night, walking can be enjoyable and exhausted but resulting a very good & deep sleep. So I wake up early this morning at 0600, because today is a big day for me.

My original plan is spending two & a half days in The Louvre, but I have to change my plan to one whole day instead; because I forget the pass will only allow one time skip the line access, and I choose Wednesday in order to take advantage of the long opening hours up to 2100.

I have a full breakfast to fill up my stomach before hand, to enter, I can simply across one road towards Cour Carrée, because my hotel is right opposite to it - which, is one of the major reason for me to stay there. But I choose to enter from the entrance near Pont du Carrousel for short cut to the main entrance at the Pyramid. 

There has already a long long queue waiting outside, now let me "skip" again...(remember to make a reservation online prior visit even though you have the Museum Pass)

When I get the site map at the reception, I search the location of "The Raft of the Medusa", it should be at Room 77, 1st floor of Denon Wing. I do know that my data may not update, so I counter check and find...nothing! there is nothing mention here or there, Oh! I am out of luck, I think.

So I follow my planned route, visiting each room one by one, hopefully I will find it. The Louvre is always under renovation or maintenance, so the re-allocation of art pieces are quite often, when I see the directory near a staircase, I am pretty sure I need to plan for another visit years later.

This wall shall reflect some of my disappointment, but on the other hand, don't you think they are elegant and self exhibiting here? Framing of a painting is always part of the art piece, they can finally have a chance to become the focus themselves, Congratulations, you guys look stunning :D

The Mercury sculpture in The Louvre

Hermes is one of my favorite character in the Greek myth. The one in my book is made of bronze, this is another one in marble. His Roman name is Mercury,charming & cunning; he is one of Zeus's son and messenger,too. That's why he has a pair of winged golden sandals as a gift from his father,for him to travel as fast as wind.  

If you want to know more, I'd like to introduce a book to you: Mythology 101 by Kathleen Sears(published by Adams media). 

Then,what's next?


Orsay...on my way

Day 3:Cloudy Afternoon/ 20941 steps

Where am I? - I can't tell, I am on my way to Musée d'Orsay, it should not far from Musée Rodin, how come...I get lost...again?

Direction is always a dominant gene that I am lacking of when I was born, I'm sure. So I did calculate the time required for this specific task in Paris, even though I have my GPS, Omg!

It's already 1400, it seems my apple earlier ate in Rodin's garden can't last long, I better concentrate & get back to the right track...before the wind blow me off. 

Air France headquarter in Paris

Hmm,it may be a good sign and it will be great if there is a jet for me right now...

Finally arrive Musée d'Orsay at around 1530.I don't have much time because it will be closed at 1800. Once again, my museum pass did it's great job for a quick access. Musée d'Orsay was use to be a railway station, and now a huge museum, so the interior is absolutely difference from Rodin's(Hotel), before jump into the flourish collection of art pieces, these are also attractive...

Interior deco of Musée d’Orsay
...combination of different form and materials, antique classic yet industrial...a transformation to her as well.

The crowd usually locate in front of the giant clock face, but this tranquil corner is not bad either,right? at least I can take a shot without interruption.

Basically visitors are not allow to take photographs inside, avoid crowd to create bottle neck affecting the circulation. But, as you can imagine, not many to follow because the collections here are marvelous.  

Starting from 5th floor downward, ranging from Impressionism to Neo Impressionism; Art Nouveau decor including furniture & jewellery of different countries; sculptures plus a special gallery of Degas...I wish I could show you some of them. 

1730, it's enough today, I need some time to absorb, it's time to leave. By walking back to hotel, I may have a chance to look for "him", my dreamed Kolisky at Magasin Sennelier, please wait, I am on my way...



...Day 3 continue in the cloudy morning

I am not any sort of expert or professional in the era of sculpture, when I started visiting exhibitions in Hong Kong since Henry Moore, it could rarely evoked my interest to stay long,...until today.  

First of all, I have to say sorry that I don't remember the title of these sculpture, but they are worth to look into details. I have another habit when perceiving sculpture, I tend to view at the same height level first from 360 towards  720 degree at higher or lower levels; and usually they will reflect a lot more interesting/ beautiful silhouette or mass, like this; what do you think? The reflection of bronze is also amazing,too.

There are so many pieces of sculpture in the rooms, people are fond of "The Kiss"; me too but a lot more. Here is quite special as I think, so I look closely enough for a while and find something interesting, right in between the two figures (click to zoom larger)see if you discover "it", too?

The Kiss sculpture in Musée Rodin Paris
...yes! half way down there, is there a piece of book/newspaper shred inside as part of the "filling"...I wonder :D 

Besides this, "The Kiss" give me an impression of lover in a mature age but this, a more long lasting intimacy between two of them, nice and peaceful.

The Gate of Hell in Musée Rodin

There will never be an end if writing about Rodin's work, the best is for you to experience yourself. After a few more hours stay inside, one place I have to go before leaving, to visit "The Gate of Hell". 

Right in front of it, I immediately connect it to Dan Brown's Inferno and Dante's Divine Comedy. Some visitors think the features inside are quite erotic, when I look into details, touching the cold hard surface, what I see...is "Us" & the infinite desire...which eventually opening this gate...


Musée Rodin

Day 3: Cloudy Morning
Postcard view of Musée Rodin in Paris
Musée Rodin

I love paintings more than sculpture, so originally, Musée Rodin was not in my itinerary,but thanks to my friend Lorraine, she told me, almost "force" me :P said " Trust me, you MUST visit Rodin, it's worth to go!!!"...and that's why I am here.

This is a typical post card shot of this museum, although the weather is not perfectly clear, it still reflects a sort of classic mansion feel found in some of the TV series, and actually it is a restored Hotel Biron with a beautiful rose garden.

I walk from hotel at 0830 towards the left bank arriving here at 1000, why take so long? because I am walking slowly, almost 80% slower compare with the momentum in Hong Kong, "intentionally" and naturally when I was landed in Paris. Entering the museum, the very first thing I've seen is...her!

Young girl with roses on her head sculpture in Musée Rodin
Young Girl with roses on her hat - 1865-1870 by Auguste Rodin

I have to confess, she changed my entire world of sculpture, I stay with her for almost half an hour. I don't know why, simply looking into her face and eyes, it seems she is talking to me, asking me to join her in her past...I am "trapped" by her, and I think this is why Rodin is so extraordinary! I want to leave her and move forward to the other art pieces for almost three times, I failed!

She is the most touching sculpture art piece in my journey - a note that I'd like to write down before I forget.

I have a habit when visiting exhibition, read the title only after perceiving the art piece in my own way, and if only if it's necessary to find out more; otherwise, I love to leave the memory right there in the mean time.

You may ask why I didn't use this picture in my book if I am so fond of her?...I think, may be I just don't want to "interrupt"...



Forum des Halles ?

Day 2: Sunny / Warm afternoon 
    + Stormy rainy night / 20144 steps
Forum des Halles in Paris
Forum des Halles

...What's next? I didn't plan for another museum because it's only at the beginning of my journey, no rush right? and truly speaking, I need to be familiar with the streets in different arrondissements. 

So, what is nearby to Center Pompidou? It's Forum des Halles & the famous Église St-Eustache (Church St-Eustache). They are connected by a huge public square with lots of greenery, people just having their sun bath on the grassland or shopping in the huge arcade. 

I am here almost 1520, shopping mall is not my cup of "coffee", after lying on the grassland for half an hour, I've decided to walk slowly back to hotel, simply passing by Église St-Eustache. "Not enter?" you may say, well,yes, why not sometime next day, again, no rush!

To enjoy walking under sun bath with breeze, warm and airy, so relaxing and I am sure you can imagine it,too. Is my day end back to the hotel? not really.

After a quick refreshment, my favorite twilight time arrive, so there is no excuse for me to stay inside as I don't have a stunning street viewable window...I quickly grab my blanket to receive this magic moment at Pont Neuf.

What I can say is...speechless, I am "melted" into the twilight blue...watching Eiffel at the far end...

Beginning of the wind

then, it happens just within seconds, thick clouds gather up in the sky hiding all my lovely blue follow by a super storm like wind,rain start splashing onto us; what we people can do are running to find a shelter somewhere, catching the table decor that may be gone with the wind at those riverside càfe; "screaming" with laughter...

"What an amazing day, I am so lucky to experience such a dramatic weather changes within a day, interesting...what will tomorrow be like? I can't wait"...I wrap my blanket tight over my head and shoulder while running back to Relais du Louvre...


Centre Pompidou Paris

Day 2 : Sunny / Cold morning

Street behind Centre Pompidou Paris

0600 in the morning, after  "fully charged" last night, I am eager to start my adventure, but...Pompidou opened at 1100, so I have plenty of time to walk from hotel started by a simple breakfast of croissant + double espresso at Le Corona.

Walking around the street(Rue in French)nearby, it's always amazing to chase the shadows of sunlight, one of my favorite exercise; it leads me to a lot more rue out of my itinerary, and I don't mind getting lost if I have time...they are so beautiful...Bonjour stranger :D

Inside Centre Pompidou Paris

As most of you may know that Pompidou has an unique architecture formed by an inside out design concept with pipes of plumbing, air & electrical cable,...etc mainly exhibit Modern & Contemporary Art. I can access quickly within minutes with my Pass, when I enter the hall, the neon sign at far end drawn my attention because it looks a bit vintage :D - my other favorite.   

Up to the 5th floor, you will see a
The Stravinsky Fountain in Paris
spectacular outdoor view and while riding up the escalator, this is another interesting view that I've found: see? a lovely fountain with colorful modern art sculpture, a square for people gather around in the space of "modern & classic".

Actually, 5th floor is my target, showcases of artist between 1905 to 1970 mixed up with others like Picasso, Matisse, Kandinsky, Pollock...,etc. It's worth to spend a few hours to see them one by one. 
Studio 13/16 in Centre Pompidou Paris
I love to walk from the highest level that I can access (due to the
Pass restrictions, like Pompidou, I can't access 6th floor this time, but...I'll be back, ha ha!)because
when reaching the G/F or basement floor, my "fuel tank" should be emptied and ready to "Sortie". 

The art pieces inside are really gorgeous but I am sorry that I can't post the photos here due to copyright issue. So, here I've got one interior decor on the 4th floor, interesting right? This will lead you to a workshop for teenagers from age 13-16, quite fresh.

Well, when I've finished further down until reaching the G/F,it's around 1500. My spirit is high & full of happiness, but my body is exhausted. So...

Espresso pancake breakfast in Paris
Lovely café near Centre Pompidou...my fuel here! return to a shop at the rue I've passing by this morning. To me, the food is not important provided there is an espresso, but some other things always interested me and invite me to stay, guess what...?

...here it is! What a lovely"stop"of my first half day...what next?



Petit Paris - Entrée Sortie

New release Entrée Sortie ebook cover by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge
Hi Hi, 

Whenever I am devoted to something, I shall never know time flies, it's almost three months since the publication of my first book. 

Book Two will soon be released on 3 May 2020, and pre-order is accepted right now in Google Books.

After the first day of exploration around Pont Neuf, I was ready to start the journey of museums in Paris. First of all, what I needed to know was these two French words:-

Entrée = Entrance
Sortie = Exit 

If you do remember, I had a target in this trip - to find a painting in The Louvre; but also to visit 6-8 museums if I could. 

Museum in Paris are huge in space, I might need to spend at least half day inside even not looking the art pieces one by one in details as expected, but you never know; even though I did reserve two & a half days for The Louvre, it comes out I spent one whole day there only, Why? I'll let you know later, but first, lets start our journey from Centre Pompidou in next post. See you!